Death Metal

MadeInNewJersey said:
And the award for the dumbest post I've read in the last 24 hours goes to...

bah, its true though

classic/heavy metal is the only type of metal worth something
DE said:
rofl muthafuckin pwnd d00d

Lord_Of_The_Dead said:
A good death metal band, not much on the vocal side but a good band none the less is Mortician.

I'm listening to it right now! They aren't technical or very original or whatever, but I just love their groove.. If you like Mortician, you should try Patalogicum, although Patologicum is more goregrind..
I received my Demigod 'slumber of sullen eyes' re-release today. I'm so happy & creaming in my boxers. The remastering was not fucked up either for anyone worried. One of Demigod's guitarist Mika Haapsalo remastered the album at popstudio in 2005. He did not record any guitar on the album but joined after.
Who released it? How better is it compared to the original?? Any differences on booklet, cover and stuff? I didn't know about it. Luckily I got an original copy not long ago.
Xtreemmusic re-released it as an xtreem cult classic series recently. Slumber of Sullen eyes remastered plus the 'unholy domain' demo from 91. I can't comment on the original booket etc but this one is very professional & well done. Booklet includes the cover art for the demo plus all lyrics from slumber and picture of the band. I think the cover art might have been reworked alittle.

Sound wise it's more compressed/ tight/ clear. The low end is shown better. The drums sound a lot better and less sloppy. The noise the drum fills created on the original are edited out. The album sounds less flat. You can hear a different but it's not so drastic where someone that liked the original would be annoyed(never had a problem with the original sound). From what I remember the band was not happy with the album at all when it came out. Now all these years later people are really enjoying it.
Anyone have Convulse 'world without god' or 'reflections. I've checked soulseek once in awile for a year + never finding any mp3s.
Nile was fucking awesome! :kickass:
set list from what I remember is (sort of in that order):
The Blessed Dead
Execration Text
Serpent Headed Mask
User Matt Re
Masterbating the War God
Kheftin Asar Butchiu
Cast Down the Heretic
Sacrifice Unto Sebek
Annihilation of the Wicked
Black Seeds of Vengeance
Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten

the rest of the bands blew ass.
Krigloch the Furious said:
Nile was fucking awesome! :kickass:

the rest of the bands blew ass.

Your joking right? The rest of the bands (besides the two opening bands that were unknown) when I saw them were mindblowing, they got better as the show went on, imo. That's saying alot too, because Decapitated is my favorite DM band. A couple of my friends that went to the show agreed w/ me when I said Hypocrisy was damn near as good as Nile.
did you order the Demigod from Xtreem music or some other source? I went there to order it but it must be sold out right now. I dont know if you knew this but Napalm Records in Austria rereleased Miasma- Changes and it is still available. I just ordered and received it very quickly.