Death Metal

Ugh.........wanky fucking tech-masturbation-death riding a shitty fucking trend = lame. The new Centaurus-A was hugely fucking lame too. Fuck off bad tech death.
i'm looking for a badass metal album to buy, you guys have any suggestions
Ugh.........wanky fucking tech-masturbation-death riding a shitty fucking trend = lame. The new Centaurus-A was hugely fucking lame too. Fuck off bad tech death.

Honestly, this new tech death trend is pretty much ruining the genre for me. There used to be great talent in it, but now there are really only a few bands I could say are good, and none of them are recent.
Obscura is probably the worst of them, and they really aren't worthy of their name.
On the issue of tech death most of it is becoming pretty lame, and I think a lot of metal/deathcore bands are adopting it (and making it worse) because it appeals to their fan base.
Either way, if you guys know of any good tech death around nowadays toss me some recs. My last couple posts, and probably my next couple ones too, will be asking for recommendations because I haven;t visited here in ages.
On that note, I am really digging Diminishing Between Worlds by Decrepit Birth. It's really good tech death with a tinge of melody which I love.
Repugnant News

Most likely this month we'll start working on the following Repugnant releases:

"Ex Cathedra In Natura" LP/CD (new exclusive layout)
"Premature Burial" 12"EP (re-arranged layout)
"Epitome of Darkness" CD (same)
"Epitome of Darkness" LP (re-arranged layout)
New shirt (re-arranged design)

Release dates will follow (target to have everything out is this summer), no pre-orders/reservations as of yet.
There's a lot of discussion on favorite Old School DM cds, I just thought it would be cool to make lists of favorite newer DM albums.

Bloodbath ~resurrection through carnage(will always be my favorite modern contemporary Old School DM cd)
Bloodbath ~breeding death(^). 3 of the best DM songs ever recorded regardless what anyone thinks and the perfect blend of Swedish DM with some US DM and Celtic Frost influence.
Ribspreader ~opus ribcage. Bolted To The Cross and Congregating The Sick are also excellent releases, but Opus is all around better than both and probably the most Old School Euro DM cd in years since Breeding Death). Sorcery -bloodchilling tales,Epitaph-seeming salvation and Entombed -left hand path to me are the essence of swedish DM and most traditional fullengths from the scene.
Nominon ~recremation.
Tribulation ~the horror.
Paganizer ~no divine rapture,born to be buried alive E.P. Lately one of my favorite DM cds period.
Revolting ~dreadful pleasures. Can't wait for the new 6 song E.P.
Demiurg ~the hate chamber.

Side note* if someone could upload the Ribspreader -Vicar Mortis 7 Inch E.P in Mp3 format and send me it that would be very cool. I finally got around to hearing The Monolith 7 Inch E.P which is killer.

As far as I'm concerned US DM is dead unless someone knows some new releases that I do not know about. Deathevokation are good, but other than that can't think of anything.