Death Metal

Originally posted by manuelgv
I don't think Cryptopsy's and then you'll beg is that good
I can't listen to it all in just one listen
I preffer whisper supremacy
and I hated when lord worm was on vocals

Yeah, "And then you'll Beg..." was a huge disappointment for me after Whisper Supremecy (good thing I listened to it prior to purchase, cuz then I'd be super-pissed). I've got both None So vile and Blasphemy MAde Flesh with Lord Worm on vocals, and I can sympathize with your sentiments about him since I felt the same at first. However, maybe your opinon will change like mine did after listening to it more and more. Now I love those two albums, mostly for the music, but I can appreciate Worm's vocals a lot more now.
yeah it's too bad... I get the feeling that poor Mike put a little (huge understatement) too much strain on his vocal cords on their successful follow-up tour to that album and he might have worn out a bit. Who knows? Maybe their next album will be even mightier than Whisper... :)
@ bleedingfilth: don´t know origin. what kind of Death do they play? i hope grinding ami death. :)
and yes, i know Vader, but i hate the fucking bassdrum sound on Litany. really horrible. you know Dies Irae? it´s a side-project of some Vader guys and it´s better than the mainband. they really kick ass.

hmm, 'whisper supremacy' is a good piece of work, but 'none so vile' is the winner. i´m not that disappointed of 'and then you`ll beg' they have done great songs. i dare to say not for the common audience but for musicians. same for the new Hate Eternal.
New Hate Eternal? Fuck! I never pay attention to all these things!! Arrgh! What's it sound like? is it any better?

BTW Origin is extremely fast paced grinding death metal (as I see it at least.) If you liked the drummer from Angel Corpse's 'Exterminate' (even though the other members actually were not satisfied) you'll love this one, cuz he got WAY better and far more techinical. If you look where the band-members are displayed on the first album, you'll notice that for John Longstreth (the drummer, but it doesn't say that) that he's the "percussive schizo outcast from the metal elite" which is kind of a joke thrown at Angel Corpse (him being the outcast, and AC being the metal elite). Well, _I_ thought it was funny :)
puh, the new Hate Etern is extreme technical. veeeeryyy extreme! derek roddy (drums) does a fucking great job. fabulous drumming, but you can´t follow the songs. they are so fucking complicated. not the music i´m in mood for. maybe i should sit down and only listen to the music. doing nothing as to listen. the old album was easier. if you like technical stuff, buy it. it will be a holy gift for you. :)

anyone knows a url, where i can find some songs of Origin?
@ bleedingfilth: thanx for the hint to origin! i just bought a CD today. cool grind!!! :)

if you have more bands, which are interessting, just let me know. ;)
I also prefer black metal a little more, But I love Nile, Kataklsym is cool, Immolation, And morbid angel:)
I prefer mostly the older stuff like early Death, Possessed, Slaughter, early Morbid Angel. Also the early releases of the early swedish death metal are close to my heart, especially Grave's and Carnage's debuts.
I guess I could say I'm into "death metal". I read there are only two badns categorised in death metal, and Katatonia isn't one of them. Can't remember the names though. Anyone hear that before?

Katatonia and Opeth, my two favourite metal bands.