Deathspell Omega - Fas: Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum


Oct 12, 2005
Hampshire, UK

Apologies if this has been done to death, haven't posted here for several months and can't be bothered to do a detailed search every time I want to rave about an album.

I had a bit of a DsO epiphany after a few listens to Kenose. Having initially been slightly unimpressed, I completely changed my mind about it. This album blew me away immediately. To me it sounds dense, dark, complex and unbelievably evil. Much of it is pretty brutal but it also has some interesting ambient parts that are very mood-affecting and the overall effect of the album is quite moving.

Just when I'm starting to give up on black metal as being a dead or dying genre full of people trying to imitate Darkthrone etc. this comes along.

Can anybody recommend other bands doing black metal in new and interesting ways?
I found Kenose used in a local cd store recently, and it basically blew me away immediately. Truly creepy music, and some of the only interesting black metal I've ever heard.

Akerkocke? The only album I've heard by them was more comparable to some kind of avant-garde genre mixing band that had listened to a lot of Opeth, and it had largely clean vocals. It was good, but not remotely black metal as far as I can remember. I think the title was something like Deeds Go Unspoken, but I forget.
Akerkocke? The only album I've heard by them was more comparable to some kind of avant-garde genre mixing band that had listened to a lot of Opeth, and it had largely clean vocals. It was good, but not remotely black metal as far as I can remember. I think the title was something like Deeds Go Unspoken, but I forget.

words that go unspoken deeds that go undone is very, very black metal. and akercocke have basically nothing to do with opeth, or sound anything like them. spin it again brotha
Nah, Kenose took a little while to penetrate my obtuse skull.

I'm quite into Akercocke already, although I also see them more as a genre-bending type band. They mix clean vocals with impressively deep death metal type growls, quite a lot of more death metal style riffing blended with some of the very rapidly picked leads and bits of texture you'd associate with black metal. On top of this you've quite a bit of bonus keyboards, some interesting clean breaks and lots of blastbeats. Good band, like the drummer a lot. Saw them live supporting Opeth in 2005.
words that go unspoken deeds that go undone is very, very black metal. and akercocke have basically nothing to do with opeth, or sound anything like them. spin it again brotha

Hmm, I'm just starting to listen to it now and only sporadically hearing much black metal - there are lots of rockin' metal riffs ala edge of sanity, the non-clean vocals sound about like chris barnes, and there are lots of clean vocals, some of them damn good. This stuff rules though ;o

oh nvm now there is some black metal with the vocals and all, man this stuff hops all over the place and the song is less than 5 minutes long, i'll have to give this whole album a listen
"Can anybody recommend other bands doing black metal in new and interesting ways?"
Negura Bunget
Blut Aus Nord

that's it.

(Akerkocke aren't black metal. Singing about satan doesn't make them black metal you know)
I love this band :)

Along with the other mentioned bands, check out Weakling, The Axis Of Perdition and Vehementer Nos. Just a few bands to get you started!
Negură Bunget is the most similar I can think of. In terms of songwriting, experimentation, and atmosphere they have a few similarities although still very different.
Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice is not only the best DSO album, it's the best black metal album ever. This is of course open for debate.
Negură Bunget is the most similar I can think of. In terms of songwriting, experimentation, and atmosphere they have a few similarities although still very different.

A lot of people have referred to DsO as the Gorguts of Black Metal. I think it's a fairly reasonable comparison.. Although i prefer DsO to Gorguts.

The only connection i think there is to Negura Bunget is that they're both bands playing Black Metal, in a different, interesting way.

And i also think SMR,C is not DsO's best album. I'd say Fas.. is quite probably their best. I always preferred Kenosé to SMR,C .. But Fas.. just takes what they've done before and improves on it - it's faster, harder, darker, weirder and pushes the band further than before. Also it is a very good length. I felt SMR,C went on a bit too long for me to always want to listen to the whole thing. Kenosé was short but sweet.. But always left me wanting much much more. Fas.. seems to have got it just right.
Fas is pretty incredible. Certain sections of the music are absolutely psychotic, and quite difficult to follow, it's almost hard to actually identify the riffs amongst the frantic chaos. I love it. Reminds me of Australia's Portal. (that chaotic bits)

and also, woah my login still works.. Haven't posted here for YEARS!

I love the direction modern black metal is taking, DSO, Abigor, the new Mayhem. :kickass: