Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum

Perhaps I would, but this thread is lacking a link. By the way, I reformatted my hdd and suddenly my computer doesn't reject Winrar. I was able to open the Amourosis file that Stephen sent no problem, which by the way sounds pretty spiffy. I agree with Phennybottoms though that it would definitely benefit from some of his post metal personal touches, it is quite good but a bit straight forward at the moment.
Give us your msn address!

And yeh.. This is probably my favourite Deathspell album .. I want to let it settle with me a bit more.. But Obombration and A Chore For The Lost are hawt!

And thank you Brian! I haven't had anything to do with the songs so far, and the plan is that i will be fiddling with the powertabs whilst Ricky is on holiday - i plan to put in some linking passages as some riffs go into each other awkwardly.. Add in some variation in the playing and more in the dynamics.. And i would like to add in some more avant-garde touches.. Not alarmingly so, but some kind of interesting little bits! I may even write some basslines for it!

..And the drum sounds will be improved before it's all finished.. So yes.. A long way to go to be honest ahaha!
Some people have been calling it contrived.. Which i don't really get.. To me, this is a natural progression that they've been building up to since Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice.
After sitting down with the record, under proper conditions, I find myself enjoying if quite a bit. Even the areas where I though they could use improvement have grown on me. For instance, the vocals. So much so, that (in case you haven't noticed) I've incorporated a similar styling into Forestall.