Deathspell Omega - Fas: Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum


Drudkh - Forgotten Legends -really great
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora -good
Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells -really great
Lunar Aurora - Mond
Negura Bunget - 'N Crugu Bradului
Negura Bunget - OM -good
Shining - The Eerie Cold
Shining - Halmstad
Silencer - Death - Pierce Me -okay
Velvet Cacoon - Geneviève -really great
Weakling - Dead as Dreams -not a fan
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of the 12 Stars
Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters
I haven't heard the others yet. I think Forgotten Legends and Genevieve are right at the top as far as albums of this decade. I'm awarding extra points to Kenose for being more innovative than those other albums though. I think Weakling is extremely overrated.
i agree with almost all of the above, except for silencer. still can't get into those vocals. i haven't heard velvet cocoon though. i'll try it.
I'm aware that many have issues when it comes to Nattramn vocals. As far as I'm concerned, I think they are pretty damn a totally fucked up way.

Hope you'll like the Velvet Cacoon album.
I haven't heard the others yet. I think Forgotten Legends and Genevieve are right at the top as far as albums of this decade. I'm awarding extra points to Kenose for being more innovative than those other albums though. I think Weakling is extremely overrated.
Weakling is extremely misunderstood. It's also hands down my favourite black metal record - all years.

Don't get me wrong about Kenose though. I think it's a formidable album. Cheers.
Also, you might like Blut Aus Nord...most DSO fans do.
Lmao @ saying Weakling is "extremely overrated". More like extremely AMAZING.
It may not seem overrated on the Opeth forum, where a handful of people know black metal bands beyond Emperor and Enslaved (and the vast majority fail to even understand Darkthrone). In other circles Weakling really, really gets hyped. When "greatest BM album ever" is thrown around, then overrated becomes a legit claim.
I actually think SMRC is their over rated release.. This said, i think it's an amazing record.. But i prefer all of their releases after it.. Most people seem to hold SMRC in the highest regard, but i'd choose Fas or Kenose or Diabolus Absconditus (the song on crushing the holy trinity- father) to it any day.

Blut Aus Nord are a great band, but Deathspell and Axis of perdition are better.

And i am one of the people who thinks Dead As Dreams is possibly THE best record ever.
That would be insane if they managed to top Fas for the third and final installment of the trilogy. No idea what direction what they will go either... Fas already took the chaotic elements as far it can go I believe.
Hmm.. I do wonder too. Maybe they'll end the band with the next album and persue other bands..

I would rather they did that than carried on, eventually releasing the same album over and over.
I hope you're right!

I want to be proved wrong - i can't quite see where they can go.. Well, i know precisely what they could do to confuse us/surprise us.. Release a reggae album.. But, realistically.. I will be intrigued to hear what they do.
Well.. They kind of did what i expected.. Pushing the style they'd started going down. It's their most extreme and insane record yet - it essentially ticks all the boxes.. It's more of everything.

But they can't just continue like that. Well, they shouldn't.