Democratic plan to abandon our troops

Who thinks Hearless_Name should go away?

  • I Do! The only thing dumber than his posts is that Wierd Al hairstyle.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • He needs to go. He can come back after puberty.

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Let him stay. His ignorance is amusing.

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
Papa "the ass-bag" Josh;5922207 said:
Good for you, want a cookie? I guess the question now would be, why aren't you over there splitting skulls right now?
Turn the page. This is a weak, lame point that you keep bringing up because you have nothing else to bring to the table.

I haven't run out of vaild arguments, I just don't really feel like writing a novel... Translation: I really don't have anything of value to contribute so, I will keep moaning about the same thing. Maybe they won't notice that I have again completely gone off topic and have no independent thoughts.

Your guys had many years to get it right, they didn't... You do an awful lot of finger pointing. Not once have you brought forth any ideas.

I'll take what's behind door B, please.Please, enlighten us. What is behind door B?

Notice I don't need to say you live in a trailer park or some other cheap attack. Is this where we ask if you want a cookie?

Do you really believe that everyone who supports the war should enlist? Who would that leave in America to work? Someone has to contribute to society and the tax base that supports the socialist programs people like yourself enjoy.
Do you really believe that everyone who supports the war should enlist? Who would that leave in America to work? Someone has to contribute to society and the tax base that supports the socialist programs people like yourself enjoy.

I have no socialist programs that I am a part of. :erk:

Work, own to cars, both paid for, own a house, two kids.

I earn mine.

Hmmm, those of us who don't support the war would do just fine supporting the tax base. :goggly:

And oh.... no ideas? I brought no ideas? How about getting the fuck out of there?

Sounds like a good one to me.
I have no socialist programs that I am a part of. :erk:

Work, own to cars, both paid for, own a house, two kids.

I earn mine.

Hmmm, those of us who don't support the war would do just fine supporting the tax base. :goggly:

And oh.... no ideas? I brought no ideas? How about getting the fuck out of there?

Sounds like a good one to me.

Socrates, how about an actual idea. Spouting off "Get the fuck out of there" is not an idea. It is a mantra. Repeated over and over by the thoughtless. Do you have an exit strategy?
Stating that we shouldn't need one because we never should have been there is not an answer.
Socrates, how about an actual idea. Spouting off "Get the fuck out of there" is not an idea. It is a mantra. Repeated over and over by the thoughtless. Do you have an exit strategy?
Stating that we shouldn't need one because we never should have been there is not an answer.

stop it. you're scaring him by asking him to put together 2 coherent thoughts. that's not very nice.
provoke a war with Iran??
um... you do realize that Iran has been making threat after threat after threat against the US and Israel, has made it VERY clear that they intend to pursue nuclear weapons, in order to wage war against the US and Israel and are currently sending insurgent forces into Iraq to keep the government there from stabilizing?
it sounds very much to me like THEY are the ones 'provoking' us, rather than the other way around.

What threats? Misquotes from the pro Israeli media? Like this ‘wipe Israel off the map’ nonsense that has been proven to be a misquote but yet still widely quoted continually from politicians and their allies in the media? (1) Also, Iran’s president has threatened to attack American interest (in retaliation if the federal government decides to strike first.) Simple logic is all we need here…why would a head of state want a war with a nation (the United States) that could destroy much of the civilizations and nations around the world with just their bombs? Anybody can argue if Iran’s president is crazy or not, but there is no proof that he wants a war with the United States. If anything it appears to be the other way around, the United States federal government continues to provoke a war with Iran, this has been made clear by the way navy ships were sent to Iran…obviously to provoke a war with them. (2)

As far as these insurgent forces going to Iraq, where is the proof for that? There isn’t, it is just neo-conservative smear tactics which is obvious if one actually looks at the so called ‘increasingly sophisticated bombs’ as evidence that Iran has supplied them to Iraqi insurgents. These bombs were labeled in English…in English by a nation that speaks Persian written in a version of the Arabic script. But does that matter if it is just propaganda?? (3)

as for why we're not in Syria, good question. as it is, i think our forces are a little thinned out now, due to the amount of troops we have in Afghanistan and Iraq. had we gone in earlier, rather than waiting for the UN to do something, we may have got to the WMD before Hussein moved them out.

Indeed, the United States military is very thinned out by fighting a war on two fronts…so if these weapons went to Syria then shouldn’t the morally superior neo-conservative regime within the United States federal government be attacking and overthrowing the Syrians to get these weapons rather then attack the morally reprehensible Iranian government?

as for the obvious big stick up your butt towards Israel, i'd say you've been fed a load of crap by those with a vested interest in keeping you ignorant.

And you have a stick up your but about Iran and Iraq, so how does that make you any different from me? Does Israel have a moral upper hand in this conflict. Does the United States federal government have a moral upper hand? In my opinion, none of us really do…I don’t hate Israel I hate the actions of their government. That isn’t the Israelis fault, they are powerless to do anything without a cohesive political opposition group which will most likely be smashed by Zionist (many are of EUROPEAN decent, not Jewish). So in other words, it is a battle of political ideologies and as usual it has racial undertones to it. My knowledge of the Zionist racial state comes from the Zionist themselves, not propaganda…rather admissions to the obvious.

i'm actually reading a very interesting book right now called 'Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America' by Brigitte Gabriel.
Ms. Gabriel grew up in Lebanon during the 70's and was there when Islamic forces started the Lebanese civil war.
she describes how Islamic forces turned what was once the 'Paris of the Middle East' into, basically, a toilet.

the Islamic invaders would come into the peaceful neighborhoods and stage their bombing attacks against Israel from there, knowing that when Israel fired back, it was civilians who would take the brunt of the return fire.
then, these liars would go to the media and talk about how cold blooded and inhumane the Jews were and how because of their 'unprovoked' attacks against Lebanese civilians, they should be 'driven into the sea.'

when Ms. Gabriel had to cross into Israel to take her mother to a hospital [the 'cold blooded' Jewish community were willing to give free medical care to anybody who needed it, Christian, Jew, Muslim or whoever], she had to stay for a few weeks and got to see the differences between what she'd been brought up to believe about the Jews and what was really true.

over and over again in this book, Ms. Gabriel implores the readers to not buy into all the lies the media has pushed about Israel. she specifically names CNN as one news agency that admitted that they distort some news stories about the atrocities of Islam, simply because they fear retribution [and i do remember when that story broke... about CNN's admission of fear over journalistic integrity... which is why i rely on FOX news above any of the lefty news agencies].

Ms. Gabriel says she can see how those on the left in this country protest against America's war on terror and cry outrage at what they see as 'unfair' treatment of Muslim nations at the hands of the US government. she goes on to say it was America's apathy that helped the terrorist mentality to grow and that they're now using our freedoms, our laws, our rights and sense of equality against us. she said that for all those screaming out against this government and blaming it for all the woes in the Middle East, what they fail to realize is that if the US does nothing about it and the terrorists have their way, they'll overrun this country and that 'freedom of speech' the lefties are so eager to trot out against their own country will be the first thing to go.

There are several points I would like to make here. One I’m not against the Jewish state, rather I’m against the post war powers and their mistreatment of other peoples (including Jews and Europeans) just to satisfy their political agenda.

With regards to Islam, it isn’t an intolerant religion, especially toward the Jews. On the contrary, historically Islam has been very favorable toward the Jews by allowing them to seek refuge when they were persecuted in Europe for various reasons for economic exploitation etc. The Ottomans allowed the Jews to be in their highest bodies of government and the Moorish invaders of Spain did the same thing. Islamic tolerance for the Jews only started more wars between Europeans, Jews and Muslims with the former seeing them as synonymous and expelling them from their land as was the case in Spain and the famous Spanish Inquisition. The current hostility with Israel and the Muslim nations has to do with race and territory…not so much with religion.

Is Brigitte Gabriel referring to Beirut as ‘Paris of the Middle East’, if so the Israeli military destroyed that city, it was the Israeli army that destroyed billions in their property and killed well over 10,000 people…that was in 1982. Also Ariel Sharon, Israel’s prime minister was held responsible for the massacres of over 1000 Palestinian men, women, and children as the Israel Kahan Commission shows.

Also, if she is so angry at the Islamic forces for starting that civil war then for the sake of constancy she should also be angry at the Israeli government for supporting rival factions within Lebanon. For example, Moshe Sharett diaries show that the Israeli government tried everything they could do to foster that Lebanese civil war. (4) If you want to read a females book you should check out Livia Rokach work Israel's Sacred Terrorism.

Brigitte Gabriel refers to CNN being biased against Israel in favor of Muslims? It figures…Ted Turner owned that, he also had a great deal of Jewish people that work for him in key positions. CNN has never taken any hard positions against the Jewish state…if they did Americans would be aware of Israel’s spying against America during 9/11 for example. (5)

So what we have here is a shift in political smear campaigns…first it was the anti Semitic right wingers that hated Israel…now we have the left wingers thrown into it? It is no longer a battle for the left or the right…it is a battle of the fittest with race playing the biggest role in world events once again. This is a fine example of the might is right principle. In a nutshell…Israel is a nation that is successful, so to keep it that way there needs to be some serious compromises. The West has been successful…to keep it that way we should do the same thing.


(1) Misquotes from Iran’s head of state widely circulated in the America media.

(2) Fleet of ships headed to Iran…the USA is going for a de facto war.

(3) Neo-conservative allegations against Iran

(4) Rokach, L. (1980). Israel's Sacred Terrorism. Bellmont, Mass: Assoc. Arab
American University Grads.

(5) Israeli spies apprehended in the wake of 9/11.
wow, Patty. you sound like somebody that would give this guy a reacharound:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Promises to Continue Nuclear Activities Following "Death to America" Chants

Following are excerpts from an address by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which aired on Channel 1, Iranian TV, on February 11, 2007.

Speaker: Before the speech of Mr. Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic, I would like to call out several slogans, and you will answer me out loud.

Today, throughout Islamic Iran, from south to north and from east to west, there is one cry only: Death to America.

Crowd: Death to America

Death to America


Speaker: The hatred and rage of the Muslim people…

Crowd: The hatred and rage of the Muslim people…

Speaker: is directed towards America, the infidel Satanic regime...

Crowd: is directed towards America, the infidel Satanic regime...

Speaker: is directed towards America, the infidel Satanic regime...

Crowd: is directed towards America, the infidel Satanic regime...

Speaker: America is a [defeated] regime with broken horns…

Crowd: America is a [defeated] regime with broken horns…

Speaker: America is a [defeated] regime with broken horns…

Crowd: America is a [defeated] regime with broken horns…

Speaker: It waits [for Iran] to establish relations with it…

Crowd: It waits [for Iran] to establish relations with it…

Speaker: No way will we have relations with America…

Crowd: No way will we have relations with America…

Speaker: No way will we have relations with America…

Crowd: No way will we have relations with America…

Speaker: Our struggle with America is eternal…

Crowd: Our struggle with America is eternal…

Speaker: The cry of all people on Earth...

Crowd: The cry of all people on Earth...

Speaker: The cry of all people on Earth...

Crowd: The cry of all people on Earth...

Speaker: The cry of all people on Earth is:

Crowd: The cry of all people on Earth is:

Speaker: Death to the filthy and accursed America

Crowd: Death to the filthy and accursed America


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: During this year’s celebrations of the revolution, you have witnessed some of our scientists' technological and scientific achievements, [such as] the prevention and cure of the deadly AIDS disease. They are the ones who created this disease. They are the foundation for this disease. But the dear humanity-loving, and believing Iranian people is inventing the cure for it, and will place it at the disposal of all humanity.


We said to them: If you are in favor of dialogue, why do you insist on suspension [of uranium enrichment]? If we suspend [enrichment], what will be left for us to discuss? How come your [nuclear] fuel plants can work day and night at full capacity, whereas the Iranian people, which is only at the beginning of the road, must stop the operation of ours? We said that we are ready for dialogue, but under just and equal conditions, and not when your plants operate day and night, while we have to stop and beg at your doorstep for our right. The Iranian people will never accept such humiliation.


Last year, you insisted on your right, and today, with Allah's grace, you have consolidated this indisputable right, and you have sprayed the dust of despair and regret on the faces of your enemies. This celebration is the Iranian people's great celebration of its nuclear energy.

They should know that they have failed. The Iranian people still stands firm. Our dear leader still stands firm, and the government, which serves the people, still stands firm. They should know that nobody in this country is entitled to give up even one iota of the rights of the Iranian people. The world should know that whoever displays – in his heart, his speech, or his actions – even the smallest compromise or surrender of the Iranian people's right will be considered the most detested person among the Iranian people.


Obviously, the enemies will say things and will take measures for several months, but they know and we know that the dear Iranian people overcame the obstacle on February 11, 2007, and has consolidated its indisputable right. Of course, you should know that by April 9, 2007, you will have witnessed the great progress of the Iranian people, and several great and rare steps of progress will be presented to you, in the fields of industry, agriculture, and medicine, and especially in the field of nuclear technology.

wow, Patty. you sound like somebody that would give this guy a reacharound:


Actions speak better then words...considering the fact that Iran hasn't attacked any Western nation and occupied it for years like the Federal government makes this absolutely nothing…you can’t even compare this rhetoric to America’s foreign policy in the Middle East. America’s bizarre foreign policy is becoming more difficult to carry out because we are loosing resources and the people are becoming angry…that is why he said ’America is a [defeated] regime with broken horns…’ But in any case, I’m going to check if this is authentic or not…it figures you would quote from a pro Israel source.
Actions speak better then words...considering the fact that Iran hasn't attacked any Western nation and occupied it for years like the Federal government makes this absolutely nothing…you can’t even compare this rhetoric to America’s foreign policy in the Middle East. America’s bizarre foreign policy is becoming more difficult to carry out because we are loosing resources and the people are becoming angry…that is why he said ’America is a [defeated] regime with broken horns…’ But in any case, I’m going to check if this is authentic or not…it figures you would quote from a pro Israel source.

pro-Israel source???
dude... go ahead and slice your own throat now. no need in waiting on the enemy to come here. you've already given up. :u-huh:

the site i gave is a watch site for Islamic extremists. it takes videos from Arabic television and transcripts from speeches given by Arabic leaders and translates them so that we can have a better idea of the ideology we're fighting against. there's nothing there to indicate this is a 'pro-Israel' site, although i'd respect it more if it was.
Socrates, how about an actual idea. Spouting off "Get the fuck out of there" is not an idea. It is a mantra. Repeated over and over by the thoughtless. Do you have an exit strategy?
Stating that we shouldn't need one because we never should have been there is not an answer.

Hmm, why not get out of Baghdad first? Bring some back home, so that they can actually DEFEND the homeland. Put some more in Afghanistan, so that they can get back on task of completing the real mission. Also, they can start looking closer at Pakistan's border.

Engage Syria and Iran in direct talks.
Hmm, why not get out of Baghdad first? Bring some back home, so that they can actually DEFEND the homeland. Put some more in Afghanistan, so that they can get back on task of completing the real mission. Also, they can start looking closer at Pakistan's border.

Engage Syria and Iran in direct talks.

funny you should use that word 'engage.' it brings me right back to Ms. Gabriel's book. right on the front cover she says this:
'...Even after 9/11, there are those who say we must "engage" our terrorist enemies, that we must "address their grievances." Their grievance is our freedom of religion. Their grievance is our democratic process. Islamic religious authorities and terrorist leaders repeatedly state that they will destroy the United States and Western civilization. Unless we take them at their word, and defend ourselves, they will succeed...'
funny you should use that word 'engage.' it brings me right back to Ms. Gabriel's book. right on the front cover she says this:
'...Even after 9/11, there are those who say we must "engage" our terrorist enemies, that we must "address their grievances." Their grievance is our freedom of religion. Their grievance is our democratic process. Islamic religious authorities and terrorist leaders repeatedly state that they will destroy the United States and Western civilization. Unless we take them at their word, and defend ourselves, they will succeed...'

Well, fortunately for me and my family, I don't live my life by the word of one book. Whether it's the Bible or Ms. Gabriel's. :Smokin:
Well, fortunately for me and my family, I don't live my life by the word of one book. Whether it's the Bible or Ms. Gabriel's. :Smokin:

you seem to live your life in complete denial of truth that's been enacted around the world, over and over again.

let's take a little walk down memory lane... these are things people like you have ignored. unfortunately, it was people like you making up the government through much of this, and the unfortunate end was 9/11.

-June 14: TWA Flight 847 hijacking
-October 7: Achille Lauro cruise ship hijacking by Palestinian Liberation Front, during which passenger Leon Klinghoffer is shot dead.
- Nov. 23: EgyptAir flight 648 hijacked by Abu Nidal group, flown to Malta, whree Egyptian commandos storm plane; sixty are killed by gunfire and explosions.
- Dec. 27: Rome and Vienna airport attacks

- April 2: TWA flight 840 bombed on approach to Athens airport; 4 passengers [all American], including an infant, are killed.
- April 6: the La Belle discotheque in Berlin, a known hangout for US soldiers, is bombed, killing 3 and injuring 230 people; Libya is held responsible. In response, the US bombs Libya in Operation El Dorado Canyon and tries to kill Cl. Muammar al-Gadhafi.
- Sept. 5: Pan Am flight 73, an American civilian airliner, is hijacked; 22 people die when plane is stormed in Karachi, Pakistan.

-Dec. 21: Pan Am flight 103 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland.

- Sept. 19: suitcase bomb destroys UTA flight UT-772 en route to Paris, killing all 171 passengers and crew. Libyan intelligence is involved.

- Jan. 25: Mir Aimal Kansi, a Pakistani, fires an AK-47 assault rifle into cars waiting at a stoplight in front of the CIA headquarters. 2 die.
- Feb. 26: WTC bombing kills six and injures more than 1000 people.
- June: failed NYC landmark bomb plot.

- July 18: bombing of Jewish center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, kills 86 and wounds 300. generally attributed to Hezbollah acting on behalf of Iran.
- July 19: Alas Chicaranas flight 00901 is bombed, killing 21. attributed to Hezbollah
- July 26: Israeli embassy is attacked in London and a Jewish charity is car-bombed, wounding 20. attributed by Britian, Argentina and Israel to Hezbollah.
- Dec. 11: a small bomb explodes on board Philippine Airlines flight 434, killing a Japanese businessman. authorities found out that Ramsi Yousef planted it to test it for his planned terrorist attack.
- Dec. 24: Air France flight 8969 is hijacked by Groupe Islamique Arme members, who planned to crash the plane.

- Jan. 6: Operation Bojinka is discovered on a laptop comp in a Manila, Philippines apartment by authorities after a fire in the apartment.
- July - Oct: bombings in France by a GIA unit led by Khaled Kelkal kill 7 and injure more than 100.
- Nov. 13: bombing of military compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills 7.

- June 25: Khobar Towers bombing. Dharan, Saudi Arabia. 19 servicemen died; hundreds of others were wounded.

- Feb. 24: an armed man opens fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State building in NYC, killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from the US, Argentina, Switzerland and France, before turning the gun on himself. a note carried by the gunman claims this was a punishment attack against the 'enemies of Palestine.'
- Nov. 17: Luxor massacre. islamist gunmen attack tourists in Luxor, Egypt, killing 62 people, most of them European and Japanese vacationers.

- Aug. 7: US embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya, killing 225 people and injuring more than 4000.

-Dec. Jordanian authorities foil a plot to bomb US and Israeli tourists in Jordan and pick up 28 suspects as part of the 2000 millennium attack plots.
- Dec. 14: Ahmed Ressam is arrested on the US-Canada border in Port Angeles, Washington; he confesses to planning to bomb the LA International Airport as part of the 2000 millennium attack plots.

- the attacks against Israel are too numerous to detail. over 30 acts of terrorism were committed, resulting in death. 44 civilians were killed and hundreds injured.
- the last of the 2000 millennium attack plots fails, as the boat meant to bomb the USS The Sullivans sinks.
- Oct. 12: USS Cole bombing kills 17 US sailors.
- Aug. 9: a suicide bomber in Jerusalem kills 7 and wounds 130 in the Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing; Hamas and Islamic Jihad claim responsibility.

- the attacks against Israel, again, are too numerous to detail. the death toll was 203 and hundred of people were injured.
- 9/11... do i need to detail this one??
- Paris embassy attack plot foiled.
- Richard Reid, attempting to destroy American Airline flight 63, is subdued by passengers and flight attendants before he can detonate his shoe bomb.

there ya go... just a 'short' history of what we're facing and what you would have us surrender to.

i DO realize that the US has nuclear weapons, but do you seriously believe they're just trying to be 'part of the club'?? how often does the US make public statements claiming they intend to annihilate an entire race of people???
Iran is an extremist nation, fueled by hate for anything not in line with their Islamic viewpoint. that means the US, Israel and any other 'non-Islamic' nation. we cant keep ignoring the obvious and making excuses.

Why would'nt they want to be in that club everybody does..... If Iran hates any other 'non-Islamic' nation why is that I see Ahmadinejad getting all buddy buddy with that chump from Venezula...and Russia and China are helping them with their nuclear plants/weapons......I hate to see another country with a nuclear weapon , but I fear it will happen.....what do u expect though...someone has a gun and then tells you, no you cant have a gun...of course your gonna go no I can have a gun and i will get one.....thats just human nature.....
you seem to live your life in complete denial of truth that's been enacted around the world, over and over again.

let's take a little walk down memory lane... these are things people like you have ignored. unfortunately, it was people like you making up the government through much of this, and the unfortunate end was 9/11.

-June 14: TWA Flight 847 hijacking
-October 7: Achille Lauro cruise ship hijacking by Palestinian Liberation Front, during which passenger Leon Klinghoffer is shot dead.
- Nov. 23: EgyptAir flight 648 hijacked by Abu Nidal group, flown to Malta, whree Egyptian commandos storm plane; sixty are killed by gunfire and explosions.
- Dec. 27: Rome and Vienna airport attacks

- April 2: TWA flight 840 bombed on approach to Athens airport; 4 passengers [all American], including an infant, are killed.
- April 6: the La Belle discotheque in Berlin, a known hangout for US soldiers, is bombed, killing 3 and injuring 230 people; Libya is held responsible. In response, the US bombs Libya in Operation El Dorado Canyon and tries to kill Cl. Muammar al-Gadhafi.
- Sept. 5: Pan Am flight 73, an American civilian airliner, is hijacked; 22 people die when plane is stormed in Karachi, Pakistan.

-Dec. 21: Pan Am flight 103 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland.

- Sept. 19: suitcase bomb destroys UTA flight UT-772 en route to Paris, killing all 171 passengers and crew. Libyan intelligence is involved.

- Jan. 25: Mir Aimal Kansi, a Pakistani, fires an AK-47 assault rifle into cars waiting at a stoplight in front of the CIA headquarters. 2 die.
- Feb. 26: WTC bombing kills six and injures more than 1000 people.
- June: failed NYC landmark bomb plot.

- July 18: bombing of Jewish center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, kills 86 and wounds 300. generally attributed to Hezbollah acting on behalf of Iran.
- July 19: Alas Chicaranas flight 00901 is bombed, killing 21. attributed to Hezbollah
- July 26: Israeli embassy is attacked in London and a Jewish charity is car-bombed, wounding 20. attributed by Britian, Argentina and Israel to Hezbollah.
- Dec. 11: a small bomb explodes on board Philippine Airlines flight 434, killing a Japanese businessman. authorities found out that Ramsi Yousef planted it to test it for his planned terrorist attack.
- Dec. 24: Air France flight 8969 is hijacked by Groupe Islamique Arme members, who planned to crash the plane.

- Jan. 6: Operation Bojinka is discovered on a laptop comp in a Manila, Philippines apartment by authorities after a fire in the apartment.
- July - Oct: bombings in France by a GIA unit led by Khaled Kelkal kill 7 and injure more than 100.
- Nov. 13: bombing of military compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills 7.

- June 25: Khobar Towers bombing. Dharan, Saudi Arabia. 19 servicemen died; hundreds of others were wounded.

- Feb. 24: an armed man opens fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State building in NYC, killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from the US, Argentina, Switzerland and France, before turning the gun on himself. a note carried by the gunman claims this was a punishment attack against the 'enemies of Palestine.'
- Nov. 17: Luxor massacre. islamist gunmen attack tourists in Luxor, Egypt, killing 62 people, most of them European and Japanese vacationers.

- Aug. 7: US embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya, killing 225 people and injuring more than 4000.

-Dec. Jordanian authorities foil a plot to bomb US and Israeli tourists in Jordan and pick up 28 suspects as part of the 2000 millennium attack plots.
- Dec. 14: Ahmed Ressam is arrested on the US-Canada border in Port Angeles, Washington; he confesses to planning to bomb the LA International Airport as part of the 2000 millennium attack plots.

- the attacks against Israel are too numerous to detail. over 30 acts of terrorism were committed, resulting in death. 44 civilians were killed and hundreds injured.
- the last of the 2000 millennium attack plots fails, as the boat meant to bomb the USS The Sullivans sinks.
- Oct. 12: USS Cole bombing kills 17 US sailors.
- Aug. 9: a suicide bomber in Jerusalem kills 7 and wounds 130 in the Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing; Hamas and Islamic Jihad claim responsibility.

- the attacks against Israel, again, are too numerous to detail. the death toll was 203 and hundred of people were injured.
- 9/11... do i need to detail this one??
- Paris embassy attack plot foiled.
- Richard Reid, attempting to destroy American Airline flight 63, is subdued by passengers and flight attendants before he can detonate his shoe bomb.

there ya go... just a 'short' history of what we're facing and what you would have us surrender to.

Geeez, where did you copy that timeline from, her book? :lol:

There are two sides to every conflict, sometimes more.
Some use suicide bombers, some lynch.
Some use RPGs, some use napalm.
Some use brute force, some use monetary means.

and usually, in every case, they're all from the same side... Islamic extremists.