Demon - The Unexpected Guest Tour 1982 DVD concert

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA

I somehow stumbled on this DVD when I was browsing around Netflix, and couldn't believe my eyes. Demon recently released a DVD concert that only contains songs from their first two albums. It's a little rough being filmed in 82, about 20 years before HD cameras became the norm. But it's not bad. It's a three camera shoot, every well edited, but grainy as hell especially me being spoiled by HD these days. The sound isn't bad at all, about what you'd expect from that era. The volume is mixed loud so you don't need to crank it to maximum. The packaging says it's in Dolby 5.1 but I only found a single stereo mix when I looked at it on my computer. I paid 33 bucks off of Amazon here in the States, but it might be much cheaper from those of you who live across the Atlantic.

Look interesting indeed. The first two albums are their best, even the third is pretty good, by the fourth they started to gone soft and I didn't followed them anymore. So this DVD sounds great in consideration.
Ok, watched this tonight... it was great to see them 'live'! Pretty rough though with only 2 camera angles and wobbly at times and the tuning guitars between songs was a little annoying for me. Anyway overall it was awesome to see these guys in a live setting. I didn't realize how 'theatrical' these guys were in a live setting either. Too cool! :headbang: