Den Svensk Tråd

Wow, du imponerar verkligen! Du har gjort stora framsteg med språket.

"vad i hela fridens namn..." really made me laugh. That's not a phrase I would expect to hear from a non-swede. Unexpected in a good way I mean! You impress man. Keep it up!
tack Pelle Hå!

There something I don't understand

I know that when an object related to someone or something there's an 's' added to the owner(just like 's is added in english)
for instance I professor blthazars stad (great song by the way:kickass: )
but I've seen verbs in many places that have an 's' added and I don't quite understand why

let me be an asshole and use botten anna as an example
"Det finns ingen take-over som lyckas."
"Då kom den dagen jag inte trodde fanns"
but i've seen this in many places
"I slutet av året troddes samtliga straff ha verkställts"

can someone explain to me what is the functionality of this 's'?
tack Pelle Hå!

There something I don't understand

I know that when an object related to someone or something there's an 's' added to the owner(just like 's is added in english)
for instance I professor blthazars stad (great song by the way:kickass: )
but I've seen verbs in many places that have an 's' added and I don't quite understand why

let me be an asshole and use botten anna as an example
"Det finns ingen take-over som lyckas."
"Då kom den dagen jag inte trodde fanns"
but i've seen this in many places
"I slutet av året troddes samtliga straff ha verkställts"

can someone explain to me what is the functionality of this 's'?
It's been a while since school, so I'm not sure I'll get this totally correct, but I'll try. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.

When a verb is used to express that a thing is ongoing, or was ongoing (not happening at only a short, single point in time) it often ends with s/as/es. It's actually much the same as in english where 's' is often used for present time and 'ed' is often used for past time.

finns = exists , while finnas = to exist (always ongoing)
lyckas = succeeds, while lycka = success / happiness
fanns = existed , while finnas = to exist
troddes = was believed, while trodde = believed
verkställs = gets executed, while verkställa = execute

P.S. I've never even heard the song, although it was very popular over here. Should I consider myself lucky?
cool thanks stilgar...i don't think you explained quite well but at some point when i realized that not all nominal forms of swedish verbs and with 'a'

the way i understand it now is some 's' stands for not for ongoing actions but for passive form of the same verb and some 's' is just part of a different verb.
finna and finnas are two different verbs...
finns is the present form of finnas and fanns is the past form
while in finna , finner is the present form and fann is the past form
finna= to find finnas= to exist

while troddes is the passive past form of tro(was beleived)
and trodde is the active past form of tro(believed)
the same goes with the verb verkställa
so this way "jag sparkar"= I'm kicking and "jag sparkars"= I'm being kicked

the case with lyckas is pretty easy since there is no lycka verb...lycka is just a noun.
which brings me back to väcka vs. vakna...I found a norweigan site that teaches swedish in english which made the whole thing totally clear.
väcka=ongoing(transitive) weak waking up, arising
vakna=intransitive strong wake up and stay up.

since swedish has no progressive tenses, it uses different verbs to describe the same action in a transitive and intrasitive way...that makes sense.

I feel enlightened
P.S. I've never even heard the song, although it was very popular over here. Should I consider myself lucky?
I don't know...basshunter songs are always good for a laugh
I think you should hear it at least once just to know what your missing

while you're at it listen also to "Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA"
a dance song(like duuuh!!) about playing warcraft 3 online.

both are fairly addictive and have pretty swedish babes dancing(in the video) so be warned!

for trully a great laugh you should listen/watch gunthar's videos:lol:
cool thanks stilgar...i don't think you explained quite well but at some point when i realized that not all nominal forms of swedish verbs and with 'a'
Waaah! I'm hurt! ;) Just kidding. As I said haven't been in school for too long. :P

the way i understand it now is some 's' stands for not for ongoing actions but for passive form of the same verb and some 's' is just part of a different verb.
finna and finnas are two different verbs...
finns is the present form of finnas and fanns is the past form
while in finna , finner is the present form and fann is the past form
finna= to find finnas= to exist

while troddes is the passive past form of tro(was beleived)
and trodde is the active past form of tro(believed)
the same goes with the verb verkställa
so this way "jag sparkar"= I'm kicking and "jag sparkars"= I'm being kicked
*nod* Sounds like you've got it. One correction though.

"Jag sparkar" = I kick
"jag sparkas" = I'm kicking
"jag blir sparkad" = I'm being kicked

the case with lyckas is pretty easy since there is no lycka verb...lycka is just a noun.
which brings me back to väcka vs. vakna...I found a norweigan site that teaches swedish in english which made the whole thing totally clear.
väcka=ongoing(transitive) weak waking up, arising
vakna=intransitive strong wake up and stay up.

since swedish has no progressive tenses, it uses different verbs to describe the same action in a transitive and intrasitive way...that makes sense.

I feel enlightened
Good thing that you found the site. :)
I don't know...basshunter songs are always good for a laugh
I think you should hear it at least once just to know what your missing

while you're at it listen also to "Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA"
a dance song(like duuuh!!) about playing warcraft 3 online.

both are fairly addictive and have pretty swedish babes dancing(in the video) so be warned!

for trully a great laugh you should listen/watch gunthar's videos:lol:
Heh. I guess I have to see if I can find those videos online then.

I've seen and heard Günther's stuff. Hillarious. But only the first few times you hear the song(s). After you hear it 100 times, it gets a bit annoying. :p
just for you stilgar
all of basshunters videos

"Jag sparkar" = I kick
"jag sparkas" = I'm kicking
"jag blir sparkad" = I'm being kicked

ok now it makes sense
so sometimes the s does represent a progressive tense and sometimes a passive tense depends on the verb but usually the passive form is a prep. verb like bliva or vara and the active form of the verb with a 'd' at the end.

now the question is like so
I know i can say jag bli kyssad (och bunden och knullad;))
I've also seen the form "kyssted" used in one or two places? is that a misprint(the s and the d are next to each other) if not, what is the functionality of the d at the end.(there's kysstes for that pupose)

the part of the sentence is "..., när de kyssted"
it seems logical to have either "de blev kyssad"(if not with each other) or "de kysstes" it's clearly an ongoing action so "kysste" doesn't fit there.
now the question is like so
I know i can say jag bli kyssad (och bunden och knullad;))


And to add to the confusion: "jag blir sparkad" can also mean "I'm beeing fired"
"kyssted" and "kyssad" does not exist on that particular word.

they are kissing = de kysser varann
they kissed = de kysstes
they are going to kiss = de kommer kyssas

I know the active form pretty well, thank you very much
what about the passive form if say someone was kissed against one's will
can you then use the verb kyssa at all or is the only option to say "blev pussad"

I saw in some swedish forums people using the form blev kyssad...I assumed it was ok...kyssted appeared only like twice so It was a typo just like I thought
now the question is like so
I know i can say jag bli kyssad (och bunden och knullad;))


And to add to the confusion: "jag blir sparkad" can also mean "I'm beeing fired"

so can I say jag blir pussad, bunden och knullad av ungkvinnor :rock:
excuse my language and the imagination triggering.:lol:

or should I use blirs in this case?

I saw sparkad used in the work context before...but thanks anyway