For those of you not wanting to follow those links, here's the quick shots:



Chad, if you follow my link, SoundsOnline has it for $299.95. SweetWater has it for $269.95. ToonTrack even says it's $309. Nevertheless...it's NOT $329. So, good job on getting it on sale/discount/closeout/deal/whatever.

You can buy it anywere for less then $300....it is not a sale....I have no clue why ToonTracks thinks they should sell it for more then anyone else.....or for that matter why anyone would buy it from them....most people sell it for 269.99......but even better look


They did not have it in stock (by the way there customer service sucks) so I got M.F. to price match it...
006 said:
For those of you not wanting to follow those links, here's the quick shots:




Well, with the free update to v1.5 you can load a shit load more....there are 6 cymbal slots, 6 tom slots, 2 snare slots, 2 kick slots, and 2 percussion slots..

....18 slots total...

There is a type menu, so you can load any kit piece any where...
There is a link menu, so you can layer kit pieces together. (link 2 different snare, kicks etc)
You could route all the PZM and ROOM mics to the ROOM output bus. You now have a free PZM output bus, maybe for... tom directs! Now rout e all tom direct mics to the PZM stereo output bus. The pan controls for the toms are now active, as BFD has detected that the direct mics are being sent to a stereo output. You now have 3 spare direct outputs for your percussion items or whatever - the 3 tom direct outputs!!

The latest version is pretty amazing....but what sucks is that you have to have the original BFD to use the expansion packs....pretty lame!!!

So 329.00 plus 299.99 for xfl, 299.99 for DLX (which I hear is awesome) 299.99 for Jazz & Funk and 299.99 for 8 bit kit....so to get the goods it will run you 628.00 minimun...
They both rule and you will like either one you purchase. Glad I solved all this bickering. You can close this thread now.
I dont have time to read your posts, but in the screenshots i can see that you actualy can't work with bfd.
And this explains everything else.

Chad....*sigh*...you are only further adding water to the whole "DFHS is more value for the money" point. Cool, you can get it cheaper...that's the point, that DFHS is cheaper than BFD, and you get more. Thank you.

006 said:
Chad....*sigh*...you are only further adding water to the whole "DFHS is more value for the money" point. Cool, you can get it cheaper...that's the point, that DFHS is cheaper than BFD, and you get more. Thank you.


Ummm....that was my point...I was trying to help you out....:Smug:
006 said:
Cool, you can get it cheaper...that's the point, that DFHS is cheaper than BFD, and you get more. Thank you.

I absolutely agree!!!

EXCEPT if you need some jazzy or old skool sound... in this case DHF Custom and Vintage will compete... unfortunatly i don't own it.
A buddy has BFD DLX.....gonna fuck with it a bit this weekend. Ill post something next week using it...
Hahahaha.... been reading and laughing at this thread:lol: I've heard many BFD users like it. That's COOL!!! But to say one is better than the other is completely one's choice.
I do know this though........ Drum Kit From Hell is THEE one ALL others are compared too!!! P E R I O D !

And yes Custom & Vintage will do old skool/ Rock-n-Roll perfect! Hell we use C&V on a lot of things around here. It sounds totally different than D.F.H.S.(A lot warmer sounding I should say) And for those that can't afford D.F.H.S. or C&V....EZ Drummer is coming!
Nice solo 006 \m/

DrumAgog and D.F.H.S. is a KILLER KILLER KILLER combo, in a small home studio! hint hint hint...
I say, use and abuse what works for YOU!!!!!! And take it to thee Extreme and beyond!!!!!!:rock: :kickass:
You are correct in saying "if it sounds good to you...COOL" I like BFD, I get the sound I AM LOOKING FOR....

I like the left and right hits available in DFHS. The folks in the BFD camp believe there is not difference in a left or right hand hit when sampling a kit piece....I disagree...realistic sounding rolls are much easier with DFHS..
I totally forgot about that feature camel...or actually, I just assumed BFD offered that already...LOL WHAT A JOKE! They don't even have left and right hand hits? Yeah...that's sooooooo much more realistic than DFHS.


I really dislike the tom limitations....with BFD and XFL there is only one set of 5 toms...all the others are sets of 3 (a couple sets are only 2 toms) I could load an additional 3 toms but tuning them is a pain in the ass..never sounds right..

Also, you cannot load one tom at a time. You select them as a set..

Cymbals can be loaded in any slot, any cymbal can go anywhere....well. Lets say I load a china in slot 5 and pan it hard right. Sounds good huh? Well, the problem is, when they recorded the overheads it was on the left side!!!. So I listen first to the cymbal to find the overhead location then pan accordingly...pain in the ass!!! With DFHS there are no cymbal direct mics...so this is never a problem...I like the cymbal direct mics...rides and shit...I dont like that dfhs doesnt have a ride direct mic..I know you can turn it up in the pad window but I like more control...I guess you can split all the channels on bounce...is this possible?
From the demos on their site, it's not very impressive to me. BFD is even better than that...and I hate BFD. :lol:
