DFHS Nightmare!


Mar 29, 2006
Warrensburg, MO
Ok. I use Sonar 5 (pc), MOTU 24io, (just purchased DFHS) and I have a Korg padkontrol. I have an existing project, with auidio tracks. I insert the soft synth (DFHS). I push record on the midi track, and play along in real time to the existing audio tracks, with my fingers, in perfect timing.:heh: When I play back the midi track, the notes are all fucked up (quantized?), or out of time. Way different than what I just played! My perfectly timed drumming:heh: is all "out of time!" :erk: Is this a latency issue? I tried to adjust the latency on my ASIO, but Sonar said, NO!:erk: MIDI!!!:goggly:
Is it constant across the board. For, example is everything late or is everything earl? Or is everything random?
Gnash, just answered your PM on this, but I'd first try recording with quantizing turned off and see if it plays back the same as you played it. If not, you can narrow it down to some sort of latency issue or Sonar doing some kinda freaky input delay compensation which I experienced in Nuendo.
I am not sure if he said he was quantizing. It also could be an issue with the controller.
Yeah, the notes get aligned somehow.:goggly: Sparkyness, thanx for the Cakewalk link. Thanx everyone. I remember jacking with the "snap to grid function." This may be my culprit. I now know to go into my MOTU ASIO page to change latency. I am going to try this stuff. The Korg drum pad is real fuckin rad. It is (USB) and has tons of options, including a "KAOSS" style pad for drum rolls. Upgrading from an Alesis sr16! Another cool feature is the rubber feet on the bottom. They stick to your desk! Pretty cool!