Did a plane crash into the Pentagon on 9/11?

I find it shocking how any sort of arguement about US government actions/inactions ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS turns into an arguement about republican vs democratic. Left vs Right. It's like two fucking countries mixed into one who fight over everything like little children, even when there are bigger problems to worry about.

Thats my outside observation. It's not like that up here.
dude, you know that most discussions of Canadian politics are reduced to left vs. right as well. The other parties barely seem relevant beyond which side they take and how many votes they keep from the majority.
yeah, but its not quite as black and white. They're on the same side of the coin basically. A few slightly different things. They're mostly in the middle.. leftish. In the US it's to the extremes. That said, maybe over there in the center of the universe.... errr... Ontario... things are like that. But out here them fuckers in ottawa are all the same.
what erik? no valid opinion other than to bash me? hmm? oh well.

I do know what the fuck i'm talking about, i'm no expert, but I'm not an idiot. now if you'd kindly fuck off and make a dedicated thread to your hate for me that'd be great, rather than wasting my time in an interesting thread.
ok, let me rephrase because apparently you didn't get what I meant.

You're right, they are basically the same. They ACT like they are at opposite ends though, hence every arguement seems to turn into "OMFG DEMOCRAT vs. REPUBLICAN." When really, it's like an arguement between the black sheep and the "devoid of colour" sheep. hell, even less governmental shit seems to turn into that.

You don't see canadians going " are you a liberal or a conservative?" and you don't get bizarre looks if you say "I voted NDP!"

And yes, the democracy is a farce. One side fucks up, the other gets in, they fuck up and then we flop back. It's like a dead fish out of water, and its been that way long enough that its starting to rot and smell like shit. I can barely be bothered to vote anymore, because its so useless.
Man, fuck the threadjacking about US politics....let's talk STINGER MISSILES!



Hahaha....not even fucking Maverick could do that in a F-15, with or without the Gooseman at his side.
and no skid marks on the ground ... we are talking direct hit ... at that angle ... from sky into building

I'm with JK on this. That footage convinced me even more that it was not a plane that hit. It was too small, left no noticeable debris, and was flying like 10 feet off the ground. No way in hell a 757 did that.

But I have no idea what really hit it. The footage is too grainy and choppy to give any real clue. Has anyone read any credible eyewitness testimony to it? I've read tons of people saying the saw the planes flying into the towers, but the pentagon I have not heard of a single one (maybe it was earlier in this thread? I didn't read the whole 5 pages).
JayKeeley said:
I don't know how to explain the missing plane, if indeed there was one. That one's got me stumped I'll admit.
Yeah, that's where these theories break down. And if they did do that, given how coordinated the rest of the attack was, why wouldn't we have seen more of that on 9/11?

jimbobhickville said:
but the pentagon I have not heard of a single one (maybe it was earlier in this thread? I didn't read the whole 5 pages).

I always hear people saying this, and I don't get it. There are hundreds and hundreds of eyewitness acounts of the Pentagon. I think that people just telephone-down-the-line the "I havn't heard an eyewitness acount" thing when they hear it, thinking it sounds good, and don't do research into it.


Here are just a few.
I know it's popular to say that the two parties are really one. It's something I've been guilty of saying myself. However, I don't really believe it's true. I believe this misconception stems from the massive national and international coverage the U.S. Presidential race gets. And because Presidential candidates tend to drift towards the center, in an attempt to appeal to the moderates in the other party, it creates the appearance that the parties are quite similar. However, I think if you look at the members of the Senate and the House, you'll see some drastically different philosophies towards governing.

General Zod said:
What would they be? Either we blew up with prior knowledge of the 9/11 events or without prior knowledge.

Well, aliens, someone else did it, I did it, accident, canada did it, NAD farted or maybe something more probable. You guys have lots of enemies. Lots. Including loads of yourselves.
fotmbm said:
You guys have lots of enemies. Lots. Including loads of yourselves.
A lot of people really don't get this, and many of those that do don't give a flying fuck. There's never an attempt to understand an enemy, and most administrations don't care about what damage they cause to future relationships. The US gov't lives moment to moment with absolutely zero foresight. It's as depressing as it is stupid.

The Kurds, Somalia, Saddam Hussein, Israel, China, Korea, Vietnam, blah blah blah.
I think its really fucking stupid to say our own government did it before saying one of our MEGAZILLION enemies of the world did it.