Dimebag R.I.P. :-(

Justin S. said:
Alright, last post from me on this. Either you all can get a fucking grip, and actually critically think about what im saying, or continue to dismiss me with completly irrational statements and insults.

blah blah.....

About me "trying to be so damn smart, being an asshole": I will not apologize for utilizing language for its sole purpose; communication. You will notice that i dont "fluff" my writing. I do not fancy myself a "writer". Im simply trying to be clear and explain my thought process in a medium where text is the only way i can communicate to my peers.

Continue Cobain Part II!!!!!

Blah blah blah....you really get off on your own writing don't you?? I do think you are an asshole because I don't understand why you are even here, in this thread. Tell me why. Because you can distinguish yourselve from everybody else?? Well, good for you then...You are the only pathetic one here, trying to get attention. Just leave and let this be a thread to respect and remember Darrell Abbot.
heres an update

Sgt Mull said some witnesses reported hearing Gale accuse Abbott of being responsible for splitting up Pantera.

paste from bbc news.com

i guess some fucked up die hard pantera fan tought dime was the reason for the split up and wasted him

forever dime will be remembered
Music is very special, it reflects its creator. You can really sense the feeling that inspired it, happiness, sadness, anxiety... Great music is loaded with such passion, it's almost like part of the composer is poured to it.
I don't think most of us knew Dime as a person. But he touched many of us closely through his music, where we can still hear his presence. This makes us mourn as if we'd have lost a close friend. May his music not be forgotten.
Although I only know a small portion of the Pantera catalogue, this is just terrible.

RIP, Dimebag Darrell.
through Justin S.'s immature disrespectful self-centered conceited insecure ramblings about things he doesn't understand...

i can say...

thank god for the Ignore list
Justin S. said:
Alright, last post from me on this. Either you all can get a fucking grip, and actually critically think about what im saying, or continue to dismiss me with completly irrational statements and insults.

The central question is what/whom deserves respect? WHY should I "respect" Darrel Abbot. All youve given me so far is "because i like him" or ""because he died". These, and all other "i said so = truth" statements are totally flawed. Under those conditions every human being qualifies for respect; including the shooter. This is a totally absurd thought process.

Respect derives from the actions and thoughts of an individual. From what ive read and seen of Dimebag, there is simply nothing worthy of "respect". The fact that someone can play an instrument may deserve "credit" but respect is an entirely different concept.

About my family members dying: I actually have experienced quite my fair share of death in my life (including my father and younger brother, as well as the common elderly). The key is i dont inflate their service to the world or their accomplishments. Millions of pathetic outcasts weeping over their anti-hero is, in reality, more about their need for emotional masturbation; it has very little to do with the actual event oriented in a realistic context.

The statement that no one "deserves" to die is also profoundly strange. Just how does one "deserve" suffocating on their own fluids in a hospice at the age of 80, or in a war, or any other way you can think. Life is fucking harsh and exists outside of what you think you are entitled too. Get over yourself and your Hallmark emotional range.

About me "trying to be so damn smart, being an asshole": I will not apologize for utilizing language for its sole purpose; communication. You will notice that i dont "fluff" my writing. I do not fancy myself a "writer". Im simply trying to be clear and explain my thought process in a medium where text is the only way i can communicate to my peers.

Continue Cobain Part II!!!!!

Justin...go home man. Wax your whiny/bitchy little poon while listening to some Bleeding Through...friggin' asshat. Just because the works of a particular individual didn't inspire or influence you in anyway, dosen't mean it didn't for others. Everyone who's seen all 3 pantera home videos and have met Pantera during the 12 years of their good career know that Dime was a chill dude. If you can't deal with people grieving over a legendary musician...just sign off and go weep with that poon of yours, and stfu.
Noone deserves to go out like that.
Condolences to Dimebag and the other unfortunate souls who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
This is a tragedy no matter what you think of Dimebag personally.
I'm still in half-awe over the fact that this sort of thing can happen at a metal gig. I had always supposed that it was a matter of time, but it never really sunk in, how easy it is to bring firearms into a mass of congregated people. That familiar, friendly metal vibe has been shattered by one psychotic asshole fan, and bands the world over will think twice about touring, just as fans will think twice about attending gigs due to forseeably incoming privacy-intrusive checks and the premise of not being let anywhere remotely near the stage.

I have never liked Dimebag's work, nor him. Through my eyes, many more noble people die day by day, yet we only ever hear about them as part of a casualty number (if at all). It's sad though that so many innocents can die at a friendly gathering, all due to one psycho who probably should not have been out in the free world to start with.

Still, what a majority of people need to understand is that worse things happen day-by-day in locations that aren't quite so 'close to home'. Does that discredit them? Does popularity really make one human life have more worth than another?
Moonlapse said:
Still, what a majority of people need to understand is that worse things happen day-by-day in locations that aren't quite so 'close to home'. Does that discredit them? Does popularity really make one human life have more worth than another?

Ofcourse not. The point is that when a famous person dies, a lot more people grieve. Just because a lot of people know a famous person.... That's what makes him famous doesn't it. And when people want to express their feelings of sorrow, they should be able to. Without some fuckface stating that the deceased wasn't a good guitar player or 'southern trash'. The fact that there even are discussions about this makes me sick. Dimebag didn't harm anybody so he, or the other victims, don't deserve this. I think it's good that people express their feelings through these threads because it makes people aware that something is going awfully wrong in this world. These things should not happen, we have to be aware of that.
Moonlapse said:
I'm still in half-awe over the fact that this sort of thing can happen at a metal gig. I had always supposed that it was a matter of time, but it never really sunk in, how easy it is to bring firearms into a mass of congregated people. That familiar, friendly metal vibe has been shattered by one psychotic asshole fan, and bands the world over will think twice about touring, just as fans will think twice about attending gigs due to forseeably incoming privacy-intrusive checks and the premise of not being let anywhere remotely near the stage.

I have never liked Dimebag's work, nor him. Through my eyes, many more noble people die day by day, yet we only ever hear about them as part of a casualty number (if at all). It's sad though that so many innocents can die at a friendly gathering, all due to one psycho who probably should not have been out in the free world to start with.

Still, what a majority of people need to understand is that worse things happen day-by-day in locations that aren't quite so 'close to home'. Does that discredit them? Does popularity really make one human life have more worth than another?

Well personally...if it were a musician you heavily favored that died...such as Mikael, some dude from Stabbing Westward(didn't one of those guys die?) or who ever you enjoy very much, you'd be grieving over the loss....
It's not that Dimebags just popular...it's his impact onto the metal genre pretty much. Fans look back to when they really enjoyed his music and just remember how great he was in Pantera...simply reflecting on good times. No one is claiming Dime is the best human to ever live...but he did die an unnecessary death having done nothing wrong to deserve it.
Dime wrote 5 great albums with Pantera, Pantera was one of the first bands many metalfans(maybe not you) got into...etc etc I've said and many people have said it. I know he's just another human being, but he's done more for METAL than alot have...they were a gateway band for most, dime's vibrato is literally unmatched and never have I seen someone display the art of drinking so passionately.
Love you Dimebag, rest in peace my metal brother. You will be sorely missed.

[edit] Oh yea, and fuck the rest of you assholes who don't know how to show respect, it's sad to see how cynical this world has become, this very rant being a product of it. You have become the ghosts of what this society has created. Attitudes like that will never bring us peace, and for those of you who don't want peace ... what else is there? Fuck death. LOVE AND HARMONY GODDAMMIT!![/edit]:rock: :rock: :rock:

justin s and another small faction of users all have this basic idea from what appears to be some "higher than thou" elitest thought process that just because one doesnt fulfill his potential in life or starts to degrade or even inspires a legion of something thats just not up to par has become a near useless waste to society and humainty in general. well i must say that you have just placed yourself under the same generic wanking category which you must despise with all logic under these same circumstances. your very words speak volumes of how you all think, which to me and many others is just pathetic - and no matter how many deaths youve experianced does not mean anything if you have not progressed in life with a newfound meaning. also, to point out the fact of you apparent ideologies . . . nihilism (a basic componant fr the seperation of the self no matter how much in quantity) is pathetic, and there is a reason its forfront leaders arent hailed as legendary - the very fact that you cant appreciate a life (even if detached from any religious or spiritual meaning) and base it solely on what it has accomplished says that you will never see the beauty in anything; no matter what bullshit aesthetic you see you will still not know what it means - to be able to cut down one form shows that you can also just as easily raise or lower other various forms. as far as im concerned you have no other use to humanity with your mindstate, and maybe i should go and gun you down for the effective waste of energy you inspired me to create to pass along what small thought i have of you.

and moonlapse has a point - people are gunned down every day - some with more inspiring or helpful work than others. but the thing is is that this has a personal place in many peoples hearts - and that makes a whole world of difference. but really when it comes down to it popularity does and doesnt matter - it does because that person was able to get a said theme across - good or bad only the individual can interpret. but it is bad because it a culture like mine (american), the celebrity is glorified into something it should not even be associated with (especially after death). im well aware that there are more important things that could be worked on - but to some music is just as important because it is a part of them. the fact that darrell died the way he did is a shame and should never happen again (or have happened in the first place).
i can understand not respecting someone for the fact their dead - death is not an automatic way to gain such a special thing. but understand he did do something to earn respect in others eyes - and with that you coming around spouting all of your values and thoughts of him being WORTHLESS is no way to act.

even if he did inspire many guitar wankers - the fact is he also inspired many good ones, and those may go on to inspire even greater ones. the man helped metal in many ways, not to mention he was a good person at heart - i for one will miss you.

and if your not sad for that reason (like the reason i am) at least show some emotion that you feel regret for an innocent man dying the way he did
RIP Dimebag, although I wasn;t a fan of Pantera or Damage Plan I still feel as though the world of metal is now lacking. I'm just glad I got to see Damage Plan in June.
I don't listen to Pantera at all anymore but they were the band that got me into metal. And it was Dime's playing that got me to pay attention to metal guitarists and to look past their image. Can't say I'm suprised this happen at a small club seeing how nobody ever seems to care much about the security of them. Thanks for the push Dime and I know he will live on through the music and with future listeners.
yeah RIP dimebag, a truly brilliant figure in metal history, big respect to that man and condolences out to your family and everyone affected by this tradgedy, your legacy will live on!!