Dimebag R.I.P. :-(

I once read a line in a book that really struck home with me. Many people, if not most, are sad in their souls because we all burn so much, yet shed so little light. Well, for many of us, music is an outlet for us to ease our souls and shed some light so that others may too gain an insight into how we feel and empathise with us. Through empathy, a bond is created that brings us each closer together. Of course, it is a tragedy when this bond is broken by a psychotic killer who is allowed to serve out his will and judgement by a country so liberal with its gun laws. A testament to the inherent violent nature of man, and a stain on our collective consciousness. No matter how little or how much Dimebag may of contributed to ease the worlds suffering, Pantera and Dimebags playing where some of my musical bread and butter back in my youth and I send my condolences to his family and friends who must be so hurt by this tragedy.
A senseless brutal tragedy. Truly a heartbreaking day for Metal and Music as a whole. This is one of those tragic events that simply defies comprehension. My sympathies go out to the band mates, families and friends of those who lost their lives. My best wishes for recovery to those injured and shocked by this terrible event.

R.I.P. Darrell "Dimebag" Abbott metal warrior

Thanks Opeth Mike for sharing your concern with your fans. This is a metal community tragedy for all of us.
No, no and no! A death is not just a death. You think Bin Laden might be an evil man , to say the least, because 2000 people were killed in the WTC. What's then the whole USA as a country? Have you got a clue of how many thousands of thousands of people have been killed by the Americans, including women and children, counting the XXth century alone?

My father died last year and, of course, I didn't expect anybody to grieve for him. He was not famous and he didn't do anything in life apart from working and bringing up a family.

Now this man has died; furthermore, it has been murdered on stage!! And this is a shock for all the metal community as a whole -just the same like the sad event of the twin towers is a shock for the rest of the world-.

He might have been a drunkard, a bastard, an asshole, whatever you want to say about him, but no more or less than every single one of us. The difference is he's made history in the metal scene, and has influenced many people, and has made people enjoy with his music -peple who never met him personally, too- something which 0,01% of us won't, and the fact that he was murdered, that he got an unjust death, on a public place adds to the shock.

And if this is off-topic, okay, and so what? At the end of the day we are members of a metal community and sooner or later we will be allowed a bit of off-topic to discuss things like this, or others. Mike himself has posted lately mostly on off-topic threads, so there you go.

Beware! I'm not saying this guy was a hero or God, or the new Jesus or whatever. All I'm saying is I'm in shock. This should have never happened.
this is gonna change concerts forever... security wise and stuff.. bands will probably me more scared to tour now :(
heres the latest update thuogh

0 Dec 2004 The final victim to be named in the Ohio club massacre which took the lives of Damageplan guitarist Dimebag Darrell, fan Nathan Bray and roadie Erin Halk is Damageplan's tour manager Jeff Thompson (pictured).

Jeff was a larger than life character, and several members of the Hammer team remember spending many happy drunken nights in his company on various occasions, most recently being the Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards in June of this year. He was a consummate professional through and through, and would do anything to "look after his boys."

Eyewitnesses report that he died selflessly protecting drummer Vinnie Paul from crazed gunman Nathan Gale. Out thoughts are with his friends and family and the friends and family of everyone who was killed, injured or were forced to whiteness this senseless loss of life.
seems to me there's two kinds of people posting on this thread: people who just want to say goodbye to a person who meant something to them; and people who, while also possibly mourning dime's death, want to have a philosophical discussion about death. group 2 seems to be pissing off group 1. i won't be the one to judge who's "right," but let's try and have a little understanding.

i, too, wonder about the possible ramifications of this event for a lot of bands, security- and touring-wise. seems like it always takes a tragedy like this to spur change.

that said, i'm not a huge fan of pantera or (as a guitarist) dime's tone, but respect to a man who kept the metal flame in his heart.
Indeed. Condolences to all those slain that tragic night. These events will certainly echo in the back of my mind next time I'm at a gig.
Well, i still haven't posted anything on the Opeth forum yet..it happened yesterday, my girlfriend sent me a message on my phone and it woke me up..i spent the full morning on the internet, looking for information and stuff..and a big part of the afternoon too...but i'm still shocked, really...i can't put in my bloody head that he's dead..
I'm listening to Mouth For War at the moment and God... :erk:
Just can't believe it...
I listened to the "Floods" solo off of ** Southern Trendkill ** while driving home from work yesterday.. and I got a little choked up. If anyone hasn't heard that song, please download & really listen to that solo. There is so much feeling in it - it is probably the best solo Darrell ever recorded.
yeah, 9-feet, this makes me think about one of my favorite venues, the middle east in boston--to which i will still go and not live in fear!--which has no security at all and a very intimate access to the bands that play--not only is the stage low, below waist level, and highly accessible, but there's no room for more than one band at a time backstage...which is cool for fans, since the band members usually mingle with the crowd, but now I wonder if they won't just hide in their tour vans... bummer.
also, i think every human life is special. this man reached a lot of people. that's cool. any murder is sad. his and the three others killed whom no one knows.
molquin said:
I live in columbus ohio, I was at the show last night. My Friend Erin was killed. This whole thing makes me sick. Dime was one of my favorite players of all time. To see him gunned down like that was horrible and then to turn to find erin on the floor........I have no fucking words for how i feel right now. I'm so angry. I don't know who else passed. After the first shots everyone on stage just fell to the ground.............I'm just numb now.
megarock said:
My prayers are with you brother.

Also can someone in C-Bus keep an eye out on any benefits or fund created for the victims so those of us with websites can get the word out. I imagine something of the sort will come about fairly quickly to help the families of the fans killed and I have no doubt the metal community will back it.
If anyone does find a fund to contribute, please post here. (Serious Please)


I may have grown out of Pantera over the years, but Dime was one of the guitarists that I really liked growing up.

jester00 said:
why do some people always feel the need to disagree. regardless of who got murdered or how great they were there will always be someone to voice a different opinion? why? no because they have a different opinion really, but just because they find it enjoyable to show how different they are and how hard they find it to express a mainstream opinion regardless of how commonsense it is.

i can guarentee that if we had an osama bin laden thread some idiots would back his actions up. its just the nature of people and their need to feel "special" by not agreeing with people regardless, idiots will always just take an alternative position to try and provoke a response and show how "different" they are. most of the wouldnt have a clue who darrel was.

Moonlapse said:
I think you're getting me wrong. I admire the fact that the metal community can get together and generally see eye to eye, realizing the whole situation is fucked up, and should never have happened. I'm sure Dimebag inspired countless musicians/guitarists, but to me that just compounds the fact that the future of the metal scene is at risk here.

Will we have to be fearing for our lives every time we go to a gig? How strict will security measures get? Will bands stop touring as frequently and as widely, in particular in the US?

This is the Opeth forum, by the way, and going with the guidelines, this thread shouldn't even be allowed so your 'THIS IS A METAL FORUM!' statement doesn't tread water. This is a very exceptional case though, which has a rough impact on the entire community, and you can see that just by the fact that Mike posted here.


Who's to say that the countless others who've died haven't been though? I know if a person doesn't make any immediate impact on your daily life, then you're less prone to grieve for them in the instance of their death. But Dimebag is getting all this publicity and what are the other innocent folks who died with him at the gig getting? The chance to be incorporated in a numeric casualty list. How fucking brilliant for them.

stop it right now man...stop this discussion...this is going way too far