Dimebag R.I.P. :-(

Death is a shitty son-of-a-bitch that affects everyone in its own way. I never really was into pantera and i just barely knew that Mr Dimebag was in it. As all i was shocked, didnt think this shit could happen at a metal gig as agressive as they come. I always thought that the people who would be packin would be the 2pac wannabies at some rappers gig.

Try and keep it civil people, a mans life has been lost and thats the basics of it. I dont think anyone could put value to his life unless we actually knew the dude so lets just assume the best.

People like this fucktard (total understatment) fan shouldnt even be shot, im sure a few marines would gladly rather bashing his skull in with the but of their rifle then waste a round on him..............Id gladly smash his head with a Styre. :tickled:

.......... Shit like this reminds me that the death penalty isnt an option in my country.
the dearh of Darrel is horrid and un-execuseable. i wish the gun man was alive so he could endure a life time in jail or a lynch mob after his ass. his playing brought soul and craftmanship harldy found in todays new breed of music. i thank you Dime Bag,for all you have brought us and you will be rememberd!

ps. to that justin fairy: to say that this is cobain part 2 is completely wrong and an irrelevent tag to place on this case. dime was shot by a fan...not suicide you fuckin moron. also darrel STAYED alive during the rise and fall of Pantera. unlike cobain.
you are lucky i dont know where you live you worthless piece of shit!
Godammit! This is such bullshit. I'm losing faith in humanity again. Dimebag, you got me into real metal man. You will me missed. Oh, and fuck these punk mother fuckers with no respect posting up on here talking down on what has happened. This act of senseless violence was a complete atrocity to the metal community and mankind. Have respect for someone who has indirectly allowed a band like Opeth to have manifested. RIP Dimebag.
Dime was a great man no matter what anyone says. Like Tom Hanks said in The Green Mile "he's square with the house now" When you die, all is forgiven, period, no matter what your religious beliefs are. I had a great opportunity back in I think 94. He was touring with Sepultura and I got to go backstage and hang out with him. Phil Anselmo was aloof, but Dime was right there. I got to drink a beer and smoke a joint with him. A great time indeed. He just loved to hang out and be one with his fans. That is what separates the men from the great men. He didn't think he was special, he was just one of the boys. I can say the same about Chuck Schuldiner. I hope them both are up there jamming together. What a band they would make!!!!:rock: Rest in peace Dime and my friend Chuck!
Justin S. said:
Alright, last post from me on this. Either you all can get a fucking grip, and actually critically think about what im saying, or continue to dismiss me with completly irrational statements and insults.

The central question is what/whom deserves respect? WHY should I "respect" Darrel Abbot. All youve given me so far is "because i like him" or ""because he died". These, and all other "i said so = truth" statements are totally flawed. Under those conditions every human being qualifies for respect; including the shooter. This is a totally absurd thought process.

Respect derives from the actions and thoughts of an individual. From what ive read and seen of Dimebag, there is simply nothing worthy of "respect". The fact that someone can play an instrument may deserve "credit" but respect is an entirely different concept.

About my family members dying: I actually have experienced quite my fair share of death in my life (including my father and younger brother, as well as the common elderly). The key is i dont inflate their service to the world or their accomplishments. Millions of pathetic outcasts weeping over their anti-hero is, in reality, more about their need for emotional masturbation; it has very little to do with the actual event oriented in a realistic context.

The statement that no one "deserves" to die is also profoundly strange. Just how does one "deserve" suffocating on their own fluids in a hospice at the age of 80, or in a war, or any other way you can think. Life is fucking harsh and exists outside of what you think you are entitled too. Get over yourself and your Hallmark emotional range.

About me "trying to be so damn smart, being an asshole": I will not apologize for utilizing language for its sole purpose; communication. You will notice that i dont "fluff" my writing. I do not fancy myself a "writer". Im simply trying to be clear and explain my thought process in a medium where text is the only way i can communicate to my peers.

Continue Cobain Part II!!!!!
murdered humans = sad. No matter who is it.

And no one cares how you write. It took only one line to get my point across. And I hope you're smart enough to get it. :rolleyes:

P.S. Had I heard that this incident involved the death of a member of an amateur metal band, I would've been equally as sad. I'm no fan of Dimebag or Pantera, either.
this concerns me on several levels...

although i wasnt a big fan of dimebag or pantera really, i appreciate some of their work and respect him as a talented metal guitarist, and as a human being, the same as everyone.

however, the fact that a man with a gun, was allowed into a venue, and on stage, and to shoot someone...i find very worrysome. what keeps this from further happening at other venues or other bands? i know here in CA, the venues have pretty strict friskings and security precautions, but apparently where this happened...no such concern was had.

im also sorry to hear a man was shot by another man in the most naked sense of the situation....and especially over some trivial nonsense of a band breaking up...news like this never keeps me optomistic about society here in the states.

...what is the world coming to...
My condolances to the family members of those slain.
I think obsessive fans have trouble with reality sometime.
I just hope our local metal venues won't have to increase
their covercharges and ticket prices to hire more bouncers
and metal detectors.
When I saw Pantera on thier last tour, there was this friendly vibe in the air, I was 16, in a place of about 1000 people everyone was really good, big skin head looking guys were smiling, friendly and looking out for each other. And joking with me a guy about half thier size. Awesome gig other than the slaughtered was the highlight, one heavy song. I think this is carried on in a way that metal fans, leaders (Mikeal and Dave Mustane for example) have jumped on the net and showed support for each other and Dime.

I thought this shit only happened at rap gigs, it makes me feel sick.
Why don't the idiots have the decency to be civil about it? Pantera were a huge part of the upbringing of many metalheads... to dismiss this man's work is pure ignorance.
i completely agree for those who dismiss it are bieng ignorant however.. its purely a matter of taste

and i would like to say something im sure alot will back me on. .fuck you justin s. your a disgrace to metal and this forum
Impetuous and reason-blind statements serve nobody. Justin S. was simply expressing his opinion, as people are entitled to on forums accross the internet. The fact that alot of you are the ones slamming his statements outright shows that the ignorance is not on his part of the playing field at all.

Justin S. has proven himself over time here to be an insightful and knowledgeable person who isn't afraid to spend some time soul-searching or figuring out the mechanics behind why something is what it is. In this case he's chosen to express his unadulterated opinion, yet he gets attacked by the swarming majority of folks who feel they have some sort of obligation to defend the late Mr Dimebag's integrity. If you truly feel sorry about what has happened, you'll stay well clear of this argument and simply acknowledge the fact that others may feel differently than yourself.

In light of saying that, I'll have to say to Decadent's post that no, on the contrary, I feel that it's the fans and all those who are extremely emotionally charged at this disastrous time that are being uncivil.

As I've said, people get caught in the moment and lose track of the bigger picture. Dimebag's death, among the other innocents is a disastrous loss to the metal community. But every single day there are innocent people being killed even more unjustly and sporadically yet I don't see any tissue boxes flying around on an average day.
why do some people always feel the need to disagree. regardless of who got murdered or how great they were there will always be someone to voice a different opinion? why? no because they have a different opinion really, but just because they find it enjoyable to show how different they are and how hard they find it to express a mainstream opinion regardless of how commonsense it is.

i can guarentee that if we had an osama bin laden thread some idiots would back his actions up. its just the nature of people and their need to feel "special" by not agreeing with people regardless, idiots will always just take an alternative position to try and provoke a response and show how "different" they are. most of the wouldnt have a clue who darrel was.
Moonlapse said:
As I've said, people get caught in the moment and lose track of the bigger picture. Dimebag's death, among the other innocents is a disastrous loss to the metal community. But every single day there are innocent people being killed even more unjustly and sporadically yet I don't see any tissue boxes flying around on an average day.
I completely agree. I dont want to go too off topic here, but the same thing happened with 9/11. Yes, 2,000 people died and it was a tragedy, but there are still people moaning on about how awful this event was.

Do any of these people care about the 2.6 MILLION people who die each year due to aids? Thats 7,100 people A DAY - over 3.5 times as many who died at the World Trade Centre EVERY DAY of this single disease. Many more will die from other causes as well.

Sorry, but it annoys me when people fail to see the bigger picture. Yes, 9/11 was a tragedy, but 2,000 is an incredibly insignificant number when put into perspective.

Anyway, before i go off on too much of a rant - I think its a great shame that Dimebag had to go this way - I dont like any of his bands, but its a shame it happened like this. He probably loved playing live, as most bands would do, and I for one never expected anything like this to happen.

PS. Sorry for the rant..
"his opinion"...more like his whining arrogance. He was being pretty offensive, and everyone here knows that no one gets attacked for innocently stating a belief or opinion, which he wasn't. He clearly showed disrespect of the whole thing...we don't grieve for other innocent people dying because 1. We don't know them 2. We aren't notified 3. They didn't significailly impact the country or world. Now Dimebag here effected most us at one point in our lives as he was one of the best metal guitarists/songwriters...THIS IS A METAL FORUM, so we're gonna talk about it. Fucking deal with it...just because you don't care about Dimebag's death dosen't mean we all don't have to. I'm sure if Peter Lindgren died you wouldn't be seeing Moonlapse or Justin S. saying "he's just a man, other innocent people get killed more unjustly everyday."
Dreadful said:
I'm sure if Peter Lindgren died you wouldn't be seeing Moonlapse or Justin S. saying "he's just a man, other innocent people get killed more unjustly everyday."
Don't worry, if anything happens to Peter, Jesus aka "Mikael Åkerfeldt" will bring him back. :D
Dreadful said:
"his opinion"...more like his whining arrogance. He was being pretty offensive, and everyone here knows that no one gets attacked for innocently stating a belief or opinion, which he wasn't. He clearly showed disrespect of the whole thing...we don't grieve for other innocent people dying because 1. We don't know them 2. We aren't notified 3. They didn't significailly impact the country or world. Now Dimebag here effected most us at one point in our lives as he was one of the best metal guitarists/songwriters...THIS IS A METAL FORUM, so we're gonna talk about it. Fucking deal with it...just because you don't care about Dimebag's death dosen't mean we all don't have to. I'm sure if Peter Lindgren died you wouldn't be seeing Moonlapse or Justin S. saying "he's just a man, other innocent people get killed more unjustly everyday."
I think you're getting me wrong. I admire the fact that the metal community can get together and generally see eye to eye, realizing the whole situation is fucked up, and should never have happened. I'm sure Dimebag inspired countless musicians/guitarists, but to me that just compounds the fact that the future of the metal scene is at risk here.

Will we have to be fearing for our lives every time we go to a gig? How strict will security measures get? Will bands stop touring as frequently and as widely, in particular in the US?

This is the Opeth forum, by the way, and going with the guidelines, this thread shouldn't even be allowed so your 'THIS IS A METAL FORUM!' statement doesn't tread water. This is a very exceptional case though, which has a rough impact on the entire community, and you can see that just by the fact that Mike posted here.

If, god forbid (just an expression; I'm atheist), Peter were to die of course it would have an impact on me. I would take his death as seriously as I take every single death that occurs on this planet, but the fact that he was in my favourite band, and his playing as well as Mike's inspired me would compound that to have a greater significance on my own life. That's what this comes down to. How significant was Dimebag's unfortunate death on everyone's life? As we've seen, alot of people have spoken out heartfeltly and it's obvious his influence reached to all realms of the metal sanctum. My qualm is the fact that some people take the opportunity to sensationalize the event, and in the end Dimebag gets a legacy and tides of fans calling him a 'legend', 'great human being' and for all I know, he could very well have been the later.

Who's to say that the countless others who've died haven't been though? I know if a person doesn't make any immediate impact on your daily life, then you're less prone to grieve for them in the instance of their death. But Dimebag is getting all this publicity and what are the other innocent folks who died with him at the gig getting? The chance to be incorporated in a numeric casualty list. How fucking brilliant for them.
Nuk3m said:
Try and keep it civil people, a mans life has been lost and thats the basics of it. I dont think anyone could put value to his life unless we actually knew the dude so lets just assume the best.

People like this fucktard (total understatment) fan shouldnt even be shot, im sure a few marines would gladly rather bashing his skull in with the but of their rifle then waste a round on him..............Id gladly smash his head with a Styre. :tickled:

.......... Shit like this reminds me that the death penalty isnt an option in my country.

Just wondering at the contrast between the two paragraphs.
Terribly hypocirtical methinks.