Dimmu Borgir, black metal & "Tr00-Kvlt" BM fans

Dodens Grav said:


(Sometimes the use of a single question mark can be used to accurately sum up a response to such a post)
Dimmu Borgir is a good band. they're really more "avant-garde" than black metal .

Shagrath is really, REALLY gay though
Varg Vikernes said:
Dimmu Borgir is a good band. they're really more "avant-garde" than black metal .

Shagrath is really, REALLY gay though

What's wrong with good ol' Shaggers? I think he's a pretty good vocalist, and he's been there since the beginning.
VampyrRose said:
There are indeed plenty of good black metal bands out there today...however the classic black metal days with Darkthrone, Emperor etc are in fact over. Not that it matters though, good music is good music regardless of whichever band.

well i think people should stop living in the past and check the new bands, sure there's lots of shitty bands, but there's also excellent and innovative one.
Varg Vikernes said:
Dimmu Borgir is a good band. they're really more "avant-garde" than black metal .

Shagrath is really, REALLY gay though

How the fuck is Dimmu "avant garde"? Don't get me wrong, I like D.B., but they don't really compose anything that is strange/psychedelic/alien/bizarre sounding, which is what avant garde indisputably is. Dimmu Borgir is hard to categorize (especially ever since Enthrone Darkness Triumphant) because they mix melodic metal, death metal, thrash, symphonic/gothic music, and black metal so well, but that doesn't make them avant garde. They have just joined the ranks of fully matured metal bands which seamlessly blend several metal sub-genres.
VampyrRose said:
There's nothing more idiotic and shameful than those “uber-tr00-kvlt” die hard black metal fans (for lack of a better name that describes them so fittingly). Yes, I consider myself to be a avid fan of black metal and very knowledgeable on the subject but I certainly don’t pride myself in stupidity by constantly telling people what is and is not black metal...that is with the following exception in which I am supporting my argument that they are subject to their own hypocritical views and contradictory criticisms.

Its well know that Dimmu Borgir started off as a black metal band and progressively, they adapted more of an “extreme metal” sound. However, that is not to say they aren't black metal. Like almost all of the "elite" BM bands, they have undergone a change in sound, one that would not qualify as true black metal. Emperor did almost the same thing. "Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk" did have good sound production and featured more of an "extreme metal" sound that the band would later embrace as apposed to a straight black metal sound. Yes they did make a music video for "The Loss and Curse of Reverence.” - However, because of Dimmu's increasing popularity, commercial appeal and evolving sound, tr00-kvlt-only BM fans have shunned Dimmu Borgir and chosen to disregard them as a black metal band.Thus, why should Emperor still be considered black metal if only their debut album offers a true sound, and if their latter style was not as true much like that of Dimmu Borgir?

Now I like Immortal and am not here to piss on them in any way - I am simply making a point. Immortal are considered to be true black metal by many. Why? They have never ever worn "corpse paint", rather it has always been "Demon War Paint" according to Abbath. Their image has often encompassed more of a wrestler approach than a than that of a traditional black metal band. Their lyrical themes are not the same ones commonly found amongst other true black metal bands. For example, they do not write about Pagan beliefs, Anti-Christian or even nature...instead they write about their own winter-fantasy-world, certainly not nature. The latter years of Immortal's existence gave way to a more "thrashier" sound. You could argue that they, like many elite BM bands changed direction and were once true black metal....However, Fenriz has said in interviews that drums are not an integral part of true black metal, instead they are just "supposed to be there." Fenriz. This is not the case with Immortal's "Battles in the North" album, not to mention they made two music videos for that album - yes, music videos. Therefore, one would be lead to believe that Immortal is not true black metal according to the accepted "rules" of black metal 101. Yet they are one of the pioneers of black metal and remain one of the few names accepted in the tr00 black metal ranks. I don’t dispute this but you can see what I am getting at.

Truth be told, there are no rules to black metal despite popular belief of ignorant diehard BM fans. Bands that follow these "unwritten" guidelines and claim to be "tr00" are simply posers and don't seem to realize the underlying message of "be yourself"found commonly amongst the “black metal elite“. Its one thing to criticize bands like Darkthrone for not playing into their roots (sorry if they've decided to be themselves rather than cater to a bunch of idiotic fans) but coming from young know-it-all fans? Where were those fans 15 years ago? And most importantly, what gives them the right to tell the few (who only experienced the birth of black metal, defined the genre and took it to great new lengths) what is and is not black metal? Fuck that. True black metal died 10 years ago. Black Metal has changed, evolved and been re-written over the past decade. Get over it.

For these reasons it is most appropriate to eliminate such lame usage of the terms “true/tr00” & “kvlt” black metal. Why not just accept the fact that there are different waves of black metal. The wave that gave black metal is foundation, the second wave that defined the genre, and the new wave that is of today.

This is simply my opinion, but feel free to agree or disagree.

Since when are there fucking rules for music:err:
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
How the fuck is Dimmu "avant garde"? Don't get me wrong, I like D.B., but they don't really compose anything that is strange/psychedelic/alien/bizarre sounding, which is what avant garde indisputably is. Dimmu Borgir is hard to categorize (especially ever since Enthrone Darkness Triumphant) because they mix melodic metal, death metal, thrash, symphonic/gothic music, and black metal so well, but that doesn't make them avant garde. They have just joined the ranks of fully matured metal bands which seamlessly blend several metal sub-genres.

Maybe he was referring to the atmosphere, but I don't see them as avant garde either. DCA, I felt had a good atmosphere, a rather "cold" one.
Mercy/Severity said:
Since when are there fucking rules for music:err:

The point being: There aren't and never should there be. Dimmu Borgir for example, remain individuals by choosing their own musical direction, rather than limiting themselves and what they are capable of.
Fredy_Brown said:
LMAO they are probably better than enything you listen to mr. senior metal.


Let me guess, the next step in this thrilling thread will be along the lines of "...your mom is so fat...".
The average black metal record buyer is a stereotypical loser: a good for nothing who got teased as a child, got bad grades at school, lives on social welfare and seeks compensation for his inferiority complexes and lack of identity by feeling part of an exclusive gang of outcasts united against a society which has turned them down. And with Heavy Metal as a cultural and intellectual foundation, these dependents on social altruism proclaim themselves as "elite"! Hah! Could it be more pathetic?


Nuff said on the "tr00 kvlt" black metal fans
On the contrary; not only does his black metal work beat out most, if not all other bands, his more recent styles are downright incredible