Dimmu Borgir on Ozzfest??

You know... I think it's great that Dimmu and metal are starting to grow again. It shwos some tastes are beginning to evolve. There will always be fakers. In al lforms of music. Metal is no exception
If they play their watered down crap, then no. I highly doubt they'll play anything off Stormblast. Only good song off DCA is Progenies.
Destroyer Of Orden said:
I am very interested in seeing the reaction of the U.S. crowds... dimmu is practically unheard over here unless your a fan
To an extent, but there are a lot of Americans who have heard of Dimmu who aren't fans -- whether they heard it for a friend or saw the Progenies of the Great Apocalypse on Headbanger's Ball -- Dimmu's American fanbase has grown, so therefore more other people have heard of them as well.
When Cradle of Filth played Ozzfest last year, a lot of fans were worried that CoF would become a trendy mallgoth band. It wasn't really as bad as some people anticipated -- sure, they have more American fans now, but a lot of the people who became Cradle fans because they were on Ozzfest are the older teenagers who might have grown out of their "nu-metal phase" within a year or two anyway.
I don't see this as a bad thing. I just see it as more exposure and maybe turning so nu metal fans into true metal fans. Everyone says oh they are gonna sell out and appeal to the mall goths well what if the agenda was the opposite way and the mall goths saw the light (or the dark) and started listening to real metal and abandoned the crap they listen to. Nobody bitched in the 80's when metal was huge and Iron Maiden and Judas Priest were selling out arenas and stadiums and bands like Helloween, Grim Reaper, Armored Saint etc were playing venues alot bigger than night clubs and opening for the big boys in stadiums. The bands who are true will stay true the bands who arent wont. Cradle Of Filth is still good and they played Ozzfest, bands like In Flames are going under. You just have to see what happens and see what a bands true colors are.
the most boring piece of Dimmu work however, is their dvd. i unfortunately own it and it works better than nyquil
I don't buy live DVDs of any bands -- because the way I see it, its just another version of the songs that I already have the CDs of. The reason I go to concerts is because of the whole atmosphere that one experiences with the music performed live -- you can't get into that "atmosphere" by simply watching a video of them performing live.
I couldnt give two shites about dimmu but anyway, on one hand i like it when people get into the good shit that people listen to on this board, helps the bands to keep themselves afloat as well as having more likeminded people, on the other hand, it fucking annoys me because (ok im sad, flame me) ive been browsing through faceparty, mainly at women because well.....thats my preference and the number of fucking pseudo-goths is stupid! all supposedly listening to morbid angel, children of bodom, cannibal corpse etc.. fuck off are they, they just get the latest Metal Hammer cd sampler and go through it and they give themselves an image to go with it, like all stupid black lines coming from their eyes etc...

There's a nasty elitest side to me, and a nice accepting side........hmm