Dimmu Burger

I changed to look of the legacy cover a bit... some are under 18 and I don't want to get sued ;)
I like Dimmu too, but don't have too much respect for them I don't think. They are like the rap black metal band, show themselves partying, and naked girls and stuff, pretty damn cheesy, but thats black metal.
I can't stand Dimmu....music bores me, vocals annoy me, production is bland, and theya re losers personality wise.....I say if you want symphonic black go for Alghazanth or Anorexia Nervosa....
I like all of Dimmu's stuff.. i dont care for all the "Anti Dimmu" hype.. they still play very very good music.. True i like Borknagar alot more.. and The Crown and some other bands.. but Dimmu is making it in the commercial world without giving up much integrity.. that is respectible.. and "bland" production? thats a little silly i think.. the recording for PEM is very good.. its done in a very professional way and sounds very crisp.. true i dont think all bands need to go that route.. but it fits them very well.. EnthronedDarknessTriumphant still owns though..
but Dimmu is making it in the commercial world without giving up much integrity..
This is such a dumb statement, this is why way too many people like to bash them. How many people that you ask know who the hell Dimmu Borgir is? Far from commercial in my opinion, heh.
Dumb statement.. compare them to alot of other similar acts and they are far more commercial.. They have good distribution and they sell records.. almost eveyone I know knows who they are even if they dont like the style much.. I like them alot.. but they are going the commercial route.. there is nothing wrong with wanting to make decent money.
I have a shirt that my friends and I made, instead of the usual tall letters that read "Dimmu Borgir" its reads.."DEMON BURGER" hehe

I only like the new album, because Nick's drumm triggers are the best trigger sounds I have ever heard recorded on an album, ever.
Originally posted by Morningrise

This is such a dumb statement, this is why way too many people like to bash them. How many people that you ask know who the hell Dimmu Borgir is? Far from commercial in my opinion, heh.

I think it's a bit different in Norway..... Far from everyone knows of DB, but if they have only heard of some few bands, DB are definitely one of them - and they think that all black metal - or all metal for that matter - is like DB. -Who they see as churchburning, infantsacrificing, blooddrinking satanists. The whole country knows of the churchburning issues and connect them with black metal in general, and satanism, cause this whole country is like a little place: If smth happends everyone knows of it in no time. It's small here, and very opaque, so to speak. Not all things, including music and bands, fit for being commercial and publically known. Smth and someone are just doomed to be misunderstood and then hated, and DB don't do anything to hinder it; the opposite, rather. This is smth the all the bands, including those who don't want to be in the spotlight at all, have to suffer for. But DB don't seem to care, cause they make money on it!

The members in DB as private persons, though, I don't know anything about, and so I have no reason not to respect them.
I guess I am just angry because I have no friends really into this music :( I forgot that Dimmu played at the Norwegian grammies, I guess you could say that is pretty commercial.