Discussion about nu-metal


Dec 20, 2004
Alrighty everybody, i am curious what exactly makes most of you hate nu-metal. I personally dont mind it, i dont mind bands like Mushroomhead, Adema, system of a down (i think theyre close enough to be called nu-metal) even some new In Flames (a big step to say the least) etc. etc.

however there are some really crappy nu-metal which hurt my ears. But what about nu-metal makes you cringe? I never understood. Sure, some bands lack the musicianship and guitar solos, but then again you dont HAVE to have guitar solos to have great music. Discuss, cuz im too tired to type anymore.
I don't hate all Nu-Metal. I think the complete dismissal of an entire genre of music is stupidity to the extreme. I really respect bands like System of a Down (however disappointing their recent albums were), Disturbed, Incubus and a couple of others. These bands all have talented musicians and writers in their line-ups, who can string some decent riffs and drum beats together, then put some good lyrics in the mix as well.

On the other hand, bands such as Limp Bizkit are, in my opinion, a disgrace to music, fraught with unnecessary swearing, meaningless lyrics and songs written soley for the purpose of radio play. Linkin Park also spring to mind. Half arsed lyrics sung in a whining voice, sometimes relieved by a white man rapping, does absolutely nothing for me.

So really, in my case anyway, it's not a case of hating Nu-metal for being Nu-Metal. It's a case of hating it because most Nu-Metal adds nothing to music, transgresses no boundaries and makes no progressions of any kind, musical or non-musical.
i dont think nu-metal is that bad. The thing ihated about nu-metal was the same reason i hate most 'core' bands. Its because the bands changed their style for the trend at the time. To sell more records obviously. but a few bands were alright.
biggsy said:
I don't hate all Nu-Metal. I think the complete dismissal of an entire genre of music is stupidity to the extreme.
Even electronica?

I don't think I have ever heard a nu-metal song I have liked. Maybe thats why don't like it.:erk:
Larsson said:
Even electronica?

there are quite a few good electronica/ebm arists/groups...

and I like some nu-metal, but all in all, most bands just dont do much for me. biggsy pratically summed it up for me.
I like SOADs newer stuff as it is a lot less political (thanks to the guitarist taking over more). Much less Bush-Bashing-Michael-Moore-Sheep-Speak. Serj really lets them down in that aspect, and backing vocals really suit him in that band much better. Though he does have a good voice.

But take the songs from the first album, without the boring pro drug anti political lyrics, and its probably still one of my favourite albums, in the top 20 anyway. Its just catchy, and it still brings a smile to my face. I do think they are growing up and thats good, and I think they will be around for a while.
Well I personally liked it more when Serj was actually the singer... Daron doesn't sing - he moans... That's why I prefer their older stuff, I think the balance between the two vocals were perfect on Toxicity
i don't hate nu metal. i do however have distaste for bands who make music for no other reason than because they hope to strike it rich with a popular genre.
Right, in my opinion, nu-metal was born in about 1994/1995. And it was born into two different schools, byt the two 'original' nu-meatl bands. These bands were Deftones and Korn. Now, for me, I love the Deftones-style sound. I think they created something really cool, blending simple, heavy riffs with epic sounscapes. Great idea. Korn, on the other hand, never appealed to me. I didn't like Jonathans voice, and I don't think they really have any musicality.
Different bands copied each style, which was fine. Unfortunately, more seemed inclined to follow Korns lead. But what really spoiled it for me was when Limp Bizkit though: 'What would it sound like if we tried to fuse korn and Rage Against the Machine?' Bad idea :erk:
And since, the 'rap-metal' sounds kinda took off. And it's lame. Rage were great, but all these wannabe's lately really suck. And nu-metal has kinda descended into a horrible pastiche of itself. Now, for me, Deftones are the only good band left in this style, and even then, their sound has evolved to be something quite different.
A lot of people bash nu-metal, but it could be a lot worse. just turn on the radio. NU-metal also has memories attached to it... remember the year that american pie 2 came out and alien ant farm covered smooth criminal? mm good times.
personally i like a few SOAD songs but wouldn't call them nu-metal, i'd call them very very very weird armenian political rock metal. *deep breath*
I love the deftones and incubus, i even like 1 or 2 songs by puddle of mudd and limp bizkit, i've probably damned my musical soul by admitting that, but it's the truth.
daz436 said:
I dont care about genre, if i like a track then i listen to it.
damn good point.
Kenneth R. said:
incubus is not even in a 100 mile radius of nu metal.
you reckon? its got a lot of similar elements, like use of scratching and similar rhythms, some of the songs such as idiot box sound really nu-metally to me. maybe different albums have different sounds... judging by s.c.i.e.n.c.e. i'd call them nu metal, by morning view rock/pop, by fungus amongus psychedelic funk...
what genre would you call incubus?
I just don't think Nu-metal sounds that good....When I was 16 I did buy Korn's follow the leader, but already back then I was disapointed..later I started to hear some real metal...Ones you hear the real stuff it's hard to go back
miss defni said:
you reckon? its got a lot of similar elements, like use of scratching and similar rhythms, some of the songs such as idiot box sound really nu-metally to me. maybe different albums have different sounds... judging by s.c.i.e.n.c.e. i'd call them nu metal, by morning view rock/pop, by fungus amongus psychedelic funk...
what genre would you call incubus?

That's old incubus, but still not nu-metal. Incubus doesn't even touch anything in the metal realm. I don't really know what to call them.. Make Yourself was and probably still is one of my favorite albums by anybody. I don't know what it is about that album but it just works so well, and has so many great songs- at least to me anyways.

As for other bands, meh. I like the deftones (especially adrenaline, which is so much different than their other stuff imo), and I never really concidered them nu-metal either. Stuff like Limp Bizkit is just well... shit. I do enjoy some SOAD now and again, and I really enjoy their fast paced style. Basically just like daz said, if I like a track I'll listen to them. However there is A LOT of really shitty bands just coming out of nowhere recently. I don't really think anything goods came out for quite a while now (as far as new goes).
Depends what mood I'm in, I can listen to rap if I just wanna relax (stuff like Wu-Tang, Nas' Illmatic cd..) or I can listen to bloodbath if im pissed off, but dont really matter what genre it is, if It sounds good to me I'll listen. Say what you wanna say about it, but I don't really care, I'm not going to say I hate a genre because I like stuff from most genres..