Dissection are in the studio


Oct 10, 2001
Reactivated Swedish death metallers DISSECTION, featuring guitarist/vocalist Jon Nödtvedt, are currently in the studio with a full line-up, working on their first studio recording since 1995's classic album "Storm Of The Light's Bane". The first single and video is scheduled for release in September 2004.

As previously reported, Nödtveidt spent seven years in prison after being convicted of murdering an Algerian homosexual. A short-lived collaboration with former EMPEROR drummer Bård "Faust" Eithun ended in December over "the demands of DISSECTION's Satanic concept." A documentary DVD and a new studio album are expected sometime in 2005.

Upcoming DISSECTION shows:

Oct. 30 - Stockholm, SWE - Klubben
Dec. 14 - London, UK - Scala
Dec. 15 - Nottingham, UK - TBA
Dec. 16 - Dublin, IRE - TBA
Dec. 17 - Belfast, IRE - TBA
Dec. 19 - Bradford, UK - Rio's

Wow, that was more than I could hope for. New material this year already.
Peter Tägtgren told me they weren't going to even start until September, this is good news.

[/feeling special because he talked to Peter Tägtgren in person]
So out of interest, what does Jon Nodtvedt say about his murder? Did he ever express any regret to the guy's family, or at least issue a statement of some kind upon his release?
NAD: I talked to him in person about it in may, at that point he didn't even know if he was gonna produce it at all.
JayKeeley: I think all he has ever said is that people shouldn't judge him or something.
The only quotes I've seen of his are "don't judge me" and "fear the return."

So do we know what studio he / they are in then? Abyss?
Jon always dismisses questions about the murder now. Its becoming the same as it was with Vikernes. He dosent want to be known as "the satanic guy who murdered someone." Although he inevitably always will be tagged with that obviously. Personally, I wanna know whos playing on the new album. Winter is looking more an more like a good choice for another trip to Europe with these UK tour dates...
ah that's great news. it seems he will be the only permanent band member then, that's a good decision since otherwise we'd probably had to wait for an eternity for a full anti-cosmic satanic line up to be put together.
Thats great to hear! I can't wait to hear this album when it'll come out.
Lets hope it won't be a disapointment... *crosses fingers*

Its pretty obvious Jon will dismiss questions about the murder... I expect nothing but politicly correct answers...