Disturbing comments


The Dark Wanderer
So,we listen to metal.Good for us,we have discovered something other than the mindless crap that is on the radio everyday and we actualy enjoy it."Pop" music is for kids who want to be cool and trendy,but we don't care about that.We listen to what we like and fuck everything else.Am I right?Hmmm...

It seems that lots of metal fans worry so much about being acceptable among the metal community(and not only the metal community) that they actually end up being worse than the 'trendies' they hate so much.Who listens to the fastest,heaviest,hardest band?Who listens to 'real' metal and not to nu metal?Who listens to mostly underground bands and not to 'sell-out' bands?

"This is not real black metal,because it has keyboards/it's not fast enough/it's too accessible"."This is not real death metal because it's mid-tempo"."This is not real metal,it's nu-metal"."(insert band name)??They're sell-outs!"

A 'townie' may listen to a metal song and admit they like it,but a metalhead will never,never admit they like anything else that doesn't belong to a rock sub-genre.-at least.

Some people will listen to a song and make sure it's real metal or real black or real thrash or real whatever before they decide they like it.

Come on people,what's wrong?We listen to this music because we like it,not because we think that it makes us better,'cooler','tougher',am I right?I was in another thread some time ago and they were saying that Opeth's 'Damnation' is elevator music.Does it matter that it is not heavy,hard,fast and unbearable for our mothers to listen to?Is this the only reason we listen to metal?

This is an excerpt from a post on Metalforums.com that I found to be really good and meaningful. Comments, plz! what do you all think?
I personally agree with him fully and include myself in the 'free-thinker' category of music selection. I listen to everything from Trans-Siberian Orchestra to Frank Sinatra to Korn to Andres' Segovia to Mudvayne to Dream Theater to Blind Guardian to Orchestrated Movie/videogame background music like the Final Fantasy series bgm. Diversified big time, I like to keep my horizons broad because "music" is not limited to just metal.

anyway, post comments here
I very much agree, my brother makes fun that i like CoB, and says its gay because it has keyboards, really who gives a crap, a keyboard is just another instrument and it doesnet take any less skill to play it then the others and you have to move you fingers just as fast, its pretty much an electric piano.
NocturnalSun said:
So,we listen to metal.Good for us,we have discovered something other than the mindless crap that is on the radio everyday and we actualy enjoy it."Pop" music is for kids who want to be cool and trendy,but we don't care about that.We listen to what we like and fuck everything else.Am I right?Hmmm...

It seems that lots of metal fans worry so much about being acceptable among the metal community(and not only the metal community) that they actually end up being worse than the 'trendies' they hate so much.Who listens to the fastest,heaviest,hardest band?Who listens to 'real' metal and not to nu metal?Who listens to mostly underground bands and not to 'sell-out' bands?

"This is not real black metal,because it has keyboards/it's not fast enough/it's too accessible"."This is not real death metal because it's mid-tempo"."This is not real metal,it's nu-metal"."(insert band name)??They're sell-outs!"

A 'townie' may listen to a metal song and admit they like it,but a metalhead will never,never admit they like anything else that doesn't belong to a rock sub-genre.-at least.

Some people will listen to a song and make sure it's real metal or real black or real thrash or real whatever before they decide they like it.

Come on people,what's wrong?We listen to this music because we like it,not because we think that it makes us better,'cooler','tougher',am I right?I was in another thread some time ago and they were saying that Opeth's 'Damnation' is elevator music.Does it matter that it is not heavy,hard,fast and unbearable for our mothers to listen to?Is this the only reason we listen to metal?

This is an excerpt from a post on Metalforums.com that I found to be really good and meaningful. Comments, plz! what do you all think?
I personally agree with him fully and include myself in the 'free-thinker' category of music selection. I listen to everything from Trans-Siberian Orchestra to Frank Sinatra to Korn to Andres' Segovia to Mudvayne to Dream Theater to Blind Guardian to Orchestrated Movie/videogame background music like the Final Fantasy series bgm. Diversified big time, I like to keep my horizons broad because "music" is not limited to just metal.

anyway, post comments here
I agree 100%, even though I'm not as diversified as you, I don't care what it is as long as it sounds good. I will even turn up a bunch of Korn songs on the radio if I hear them, because they just have some good riffs. It sucks many metal fans are like that. But every genre has its idiots, 90%, that is.
NocturnalSun said:

A 'townie' may listen to a metal song and admit they like it,but a metalhead will never,never admit they like anything else that doesn't belong to a rock sub-genre.-at least.


Was he being serious about this? I can't tell. I mean, Soundgarden is probably my favorite band, and I love Porcupine Tree, Tool, The Police, Led Zeppelin, etc., and you said yourself, you like stuff like techno and classical.
Excellent post, and I agree 100%. It pisses me off when some metal heads give you shit because you like a certain type of music. "Power metal is gay! Power metal has clean vocals"

"No, death metal is gay because all they do is scream"

It's fucking annoying. Just listen to what you like, stop busting everyones ass as if you're some kind of authority figure on what people can or cannot listen to, and live with it.

There is only one thing you can do about other peoples tastes if you happen to disagree with their tastes. That answer my friends, is NOTHING. So you may as well accept it.

Thanks for putting that message here, as I think it's an issue that really needs to be addressed in the metal community.
I know, emperor magus, but i think this is the way it is best put in one summary, so I posted it. and actually the video game music I was referring to is not all techno. It's fully orchestrated with a full symphony (90% of it) directed by Japanese music genious Nobuo Uematsu :) i love anything he does.

Hey you like The Police, too sound gardener? yeah Sting from them is a true musician all around, even if he molests little boys now... sick fuck... he's still a good musician imo.
here is my take on this. people can be closed minded, no doubt. but on the other side of the coin, people are just as bad when it comes to labeling people as closed minded. they use it as an insult or an attack. even when the person isnt really closed minded at all. and they are just as rude as someone who is closed minded! the term used on a board i frequent (www.powerslave.com/community) they use the term death metal nazi which they try to pin on just about everyone who listens to death metal. like if you listen to death metal its all you listen to. they are pretty fast to judge and throw that term around even without knowledge of the person.

so with all that said, it works both ways. people are assholes and will always name call and attack. you just gotta ignore em cuz it really doesnt matter. especially on the internet where people have computer egos. "fighting on the internet is like competing in the special olypics. you may win, but youre still retarded"
i think UM is very balanced. its a pleasant place to discuss metal. unlike other places where the only replies you get are shut up fag, poser, nazi, bitch... you cant even have a meaningfull discussion! you try to start a post about a band or a scene issue and you either get insults or nothing. atleast here we have good discussions like this one.

in the end, like i said, there are always going to be assholes. you just have to not care. you dont have to proove yourself to anyone.
I see your point. I agree it's stupid how some metal fans worry too much about how other metallers see them. Even though, I'm into some extreme metal, I dont care if the bands are true metal or not. If I like the band, then I like them. It's fucking stupid how some metallers say oh that band is nu-metal just cause they're new. For example, they might say something like Lamb Of God is nu-metal and untrue because they're popular and they're a new band. Totally stupid. Lamb Of God isn't anywhere close to nu-metal. Well at least most metal elitists are extremely loyal to their heavy metal like the rest of us.
I also agre 100% and id like to add that i also think us metal fans are often very image concious as well, like "do i look metal enough" you know? i mean imagine how you'd be treated if you went to a morbid angel concert dressed in sports clothes. I dont personally listen to nu-metal etc.. but not because its not "tr00" or whatever, i just dont like it. Over the past year or so ive been forcing myself to be way more broad minded with my music which i think a lot of people on here need to do, that and get off their high horse and stop being elitest cunts, too many of them on here.

So what if its been posted before emperor magus? there's nothing wrong with bringing something up again thats already been posted a while back, most of your posts ive seen lately have just been telling "newbies" to get off this board or stop making stupid posts....gah

god i ramble dont i
It´s kinda stupid IMHO to say e.g. "that´s not real black metal because
of the keyboards" or stuff like that. I don´t like the idea of all those
different metal styles either.
A few comments. :)

So,we listen to metal.Good for us,we have discovered something other than the mindless crap that is on the radio everyday and we actualy enjoy it."Pop" music is for kids who want to be cool and trendy,but we don't care about that.We listen to what we like and fuck everything else.Am I right?Hmmm...
"Pop music" is for those with shite musical tastes, to put things simple. I'm sure I'll get a "that's just your opinion" or something, but the fact is, people who like pop tend to be completely mindless. The majority of humans my age (15) disgust me. Therefore I value my 'opinion' more than their 'opinion'. Arrogant? Maybe, I don't care.

It seems that lots of metal fans worry so much about being acceptable among the metal community(and not only the metal community) that they actually end up being worse than the 'trendies' they hate so much.Who listens to the fastest,heaviest,hardest band?Who listens to 'real' metal and not to nu metal?Who listens to mostly underground bands and not to 'sell-out' bands?

"This is not real black metal,because it has keyboards/it's not fast enough/it's too accessible"."This is not real death metal because it's mid-tempo"."This is not real metal,it's nu-metal"."(insert band name)??They're sell-outs!"
Then again, insulting Six Feet Under fans is fine. Do not forget that there are two sides to this. If you're going to agree that metal is better than pop, you also have to agree that some metal bands are better than others. Or you can follow the "respect everybody's opinion" thing. I do the former.

A 'townie' may listen to a metal song and admit they like it,but a metalhead will never,never admit they like anything else that doesn't belong to a rock sub-genre.-at least.

Some people will listen to a song and make sure it's real metal or real black or real thrash or real whatever before they decide they like it.
I have never EVER heard a 'townie' say they like a metal song. I've heard many 'metalheads' say that they like stuff other than rock and metal.

Some people are dumb.