do Anyone have some Good Pictures of Alexi's Jackson Guitars?

i m a Lucky Ass MotherFucker !!!
i Searcht on Ebay I Found Nothing :P
an now i find one :D from Belguim WHahaha Going to buy it !!! Its only 25 Euro ^^ :D
and no it from Ebay whaha

i m So Motherfucking happy !!!
now i have to Find a Good Booster?

the J-1000 is not possible !
what do you Guys think that is a good gain booster? it has to be something thats almost 100% the Same as the J-1000 !

Bytheway ! Warheart
is the J-50BC pick an active pick? does it need a Battery?

I don't think it is an active pickup, there's no clip for a 9V and Ben said that it doesn't so, no.

Mitch, I can't really see frm the pic, does your J50BC have an embossed Jackson logo on it? These are the correct ones and were made in USA. They were also bigger and you needed bigger pickup ring for them, or you could take the cover off and put in with the regular pickup ring. I'm asking because there were some made in Japan (or Korea, not sure) and they weren't as good. They had a silkscreened logo and were the normal-sized with non-removable cover on them.

Yeah, it does. I had to use a file to sand away the edges of the rims that were already there that were the right size for the stock BC Rich pickups too because as you said, it's a bit bigger.

"Ben Johnson" has been searching hard for a JE-1000 for over a year and he's had no success so Fastbodom probably won't either unless he's really lucky.
(wait ill give the link of the Advertisment) you can see the pics of it maby you can tell me 50 bc

That's clearly a non-USA made pickup. I suggest you wait for a USA one and take it. If it helps, USA ones came stock in Charvel model 6's and some Charvel 475XLs. Maybe try to find someone who has it and tell them that you want to buy it off.

I don't think it is an active pickup, there's no clip for a 9V and Ben said that it doesn't so, no.

Yeah, it does. I had to use a file to sand away the edges of the rims that were already there that were the right size for the stock BC Rich pickups too because as you said, it's a bit bigger.

"Ben Johnson" has been searching hard for a JE-1000 for over a year and he's had no success so Fastbodom probably won't either unless he's really lucky.

It's a passive pickup. It often came with JE1000 or JE1200 circuit which needed 9V battery.

Seems like you have the right pickup :cool:.

Really hard to find a JE1000, they can be rarely find in some old Jacksons on eBay. Most likely custom shops. I don't know if they came stock in series guitars. JE1200 on the other side came with almost every other MIJ Charvel and Japanese PRO guitar (RR PRO, SL PRO). Maybe you should look for that instead, it will give you that COB sound too, but with little bit less gain.
That's clearly a non-USA made pickup. I suggest you wait for a USA one and take it. If it helps, USA ones came stock in Charvel model 6's and some Charvel 475XLs. Maybe try to find someone who has it and tell them that you want to buy it off.

It's a passive pickup. It often came with JE1000 or JE1200 circuit which needed 9V battery.

Seems like you have the right pickup :cool:.

Really hard to find a JE1000, they can be rarely find in some old Jacksons on eBay. Most likely custom shops. I don't know if they came stock in series guitars. JE1200 on the other side came with almost every other MIJ Charvel and Japanese PRO guitar (RR PRO, SL PRO). Maybe you should look for that instead, it will give you that COB sound too, but with little bit less gain.

What is Exactly the Diffrents in sound of the Non USA and the USA ?
is it Really Big?. i think its a Kinda Weard Because a J-50 BC is J-50 BC :P

Btw the Seller of the Pickup i wanna buy says that the Humbucker Came out of a American Jackson Soloist Guitar (he Imported it from America

Warheart can you make a Closer Pic For me of your J-50BC pick?
and do you have any Gain boosters installed?
is the all the COB songs on your Soundclick playd with your B-C Rich? (so i can hear how it sounds like)
Warheart can you make a Closer Pic For me of your J-50BC pick?
and do you have any Gain boosters installed?
is the all the COB songs on your Soundclick playd with your B-C Rich? (so i can hear how it sounds like)

I'll have to do it another time but I can assure you that the Jackson logo is 3D or whatever you wanna call it. It's worn away a little bit but that doesn't make any difference.

The recordings on my soundclick that were played with the new pickup installed are "Paul Gilbert - Mount Fuji Christmas", "Metallica - 'The New Song" and "4 guitar solos in F Sharp Minor".

The PG one was in bridge position except for the last run which was neck.
Metallica was all bridge.
4 solos - 1st was neck, 2nd was bridge, 3rd was bridge, 4th was middle.
I'll have to do it another time but I can assure you that the Jackson logo is 3D or whatever you wanna call it. It's worn away a little bit but that doesn't make any difference.

Soo Both Pickups Have the Same sound?
there is no other Diffrents accept the Logo?
because my Jackson guitar has to Sound Like alexi's Wildchild ! :P
I got the world last MM-04 (same as JE-1000, including one extra switch)!!! It cost for me 106 euros :ill:
i still Don't Get it :S why is the Humbucker that i wanna buy diffrent form the usa Pick ? the're Both From Jackson and they are both J-50BC:P

well i m still going to buy it :P i can always buy an USA one if i want but the one i m going to Buy is from an American (USA Soloist)

and if the Last MM-04 is Sold what can i get than As a Gain booster that is the same like the JE-1000 G?
Because it's made in USA (handwoud and all). If someone gave you Jackson RR1 and Jackson JS30RR, which would you choose? One of the difference is that the USA one is BIGGER, I told that in first post, didn't you read it?

There's nothing like JE1000, I already told you that JE1200 comes close, but it doesn't add much gain.
Here's a picture of the bottom of the pickup you want to buy:

And here's the bottom of my J50BC which was made in USA:

I doubt that yours came from a USA Soloist, tell him that you want to see a picture of that guitar with the original pickup still in it. I can tell you if the guitar was a USA Soloist or not. I think he's full of shit.
humm i think i did not read some Words you Said(sorry for that)
but oke Your Pick seems look much better tobad i cant find one like that :-(
and your not going to sell yours ha?

i already ask the seller if he had any pictures of his USA Soloist but he said he already sold his Guitar and he deleted al his pictures :S so don't know

but i think the Pick i maby going to from that guy is not that bad. it wil be not good as yours :-( but still it maby come close
Well Ben Johnson from this forum told me that it won't sound very good without the gain boost thing and it's true, it just sounds like the stock BC Rich pickup but with a slighty different tone. I can't really judge it that well though because I don't have a good amp and I use an effects processor instead of going straight into an amp so it's hard to tell but it's definitely not amazing sounding straight away.

well if you ever Get Bored from the Sound I wanna buy yours !
it Seems that you have the USA Pick so... :P

just let me know when you Get Bored and just let me no it :P