Fuck You Very Much
i m a Lucky Ass MotherFucker !!!
i Searcht on Ebay I Found Nothing
an now i find onefrom Belguim WHahaha Going to buy it !!! Its only 25 Euro ^^
and no it from Ebay whaha
i m So Motherfucking happy !!!
now i have to Find a Good Booster?
the J-1000 is not possible !
what do you Guys think that is a good gain booster? it has to be something thats almost 100% the Same as the J-1000 !
Bytheway ! Warheart
is the J-50BC pick an active pick? does it need a Battery?
I don't think it is an active pickup, there's no clip for a 9V and Ben said that it doesn't so, no.
Mitch, I can't really see frm the pic, does your J50BC have an embossed Jackson logo on it? These are the correct ones and were made in USA. They were also bigger and you needed bigger pickup ring for them, or you could take the cover off and put in with the regular pickup ring. I'm asking because there were some made in Japan (or Korea, not sure) and they weren't as good. They had a silkscreened logo and were the normal-sized with non-removable cover on them.
Yeah, it does. I had to use a file to sand away the edges of the rims that were already there that were the right size for the stock BC Rich pickups too because as you said, it's a bit bigger.
"Ben Johnson" has been searching hard for a JE-1000 for over a year and he's had no success so Fastbodom probably won't either unless he's really lucky.