Do not talk to Matt Johnsen about old discs - It ends up costing you a lot of money.

Completely unfair. Matt has been friends with John (and I, and several others around here) from long before any of you started to like Pharaoh. John is the *last* person I would accuse of name-dropping.

It came across that way to me. When anyone starts a post with they were talking to someone in "band A". It makes me already start rolling my eyes. Just because someone is in a band doesnt make them more knowledgable about who and what bands are good. Him mentioning the guys name or band has no weight on the discussion other than he had to drop the name. If he said.....I was told by a freind in a discussion....blah blah blah. That would have been a better way to start it. When you drop a name you come across like a fanboy / fangirl like J.Golden said.
It came across that way to me. When anyone starts a post with they were talking to someone in "band A". It makes me already start rolling my eyes. Just because someone is in a band doesnt make them more knowledgable about who and what bands are good. Him mentioning the guys name or band has no weight on the discussion other than he had to drop the name. If he said.....I was told by a freind in a discussion....blah blah blah. That would have been a better way to start it. When you drop a name you come across like a fanboy / fangirl like J.Golden said.

Only if you're jumping to conclusions.

It's not like John just signed up on Ultimate Metal and joined this forum yesterday so he could drop the name of that huge huge metal star Matt Johnsen, guitarist of the multiple-tin selling act Pharoah (sorry Matt!). And sure it's true that John acts like a 12-year-old girl sometimes, but then he can't control how he is when he gets backstage at a Necrophagist show.

well come on, no one would pay attention if he had said Matt from the mail room downstairs. Or Matt from the softball team. Matt from my group of prison pen pals. And how would we have known which Matt anyway if the band was not mentioned? Could have gotten him confused with many other Matts in bands. So perhaps we should not fault people for name dropping; not only does it avoid any Matt confusion, it also separates the cool kids from everyone else.
I know Matt from Killwhitneydead:lol:
As far as I know - Matt J has attended maybe all 10 Progpowers (need factchecking). He's a member of this community, and DOES post on this forum, though infrequently.

John Frank has attended maybe even less PPs than I have (and I've been to three PPs), and he posts here, though infrequently.

The only wrongness in John's post is his ludicrous belief that there's no validity to music exisiting before January 1, 1980, and maybe some subjective stuff within his newest examples above. But that's subjectivity.
this post brings up a good point...everyone's taste in music is subjective...just because i like crimson glory doesnt mean everyone will...insert any band name there and it still illustrates the point...we can go by recommendations of others but in the end it's down to our personal taste as applies to what we listen to and enjoy...d.m.
Completely unfair. Matt has been friends with John (and I, and several others around here) from long before any of you started to like Pharaoh. John is the *last* person I would accuse of name-dropping.

Hell, I didn't even know Matt was IN a band for the longest time. Then he explained to me the whole "we all live in different states and have never all been together in the same room" thing.

Come to think of it, there are a few folks I know from the Ytsejam mailing list in the mid-90s who are in fairly well-known bands now, but I would probably be accused of name-dropping or sucking up or something to mention them in any relevant conversation. Like, when I made plans to go to PP Europe last year, I thought nothing of flinging Marcel Coenen a message and saying "hey haven't seen you since Powermad let's have a drink!" ...because I largely know him as mcoenen from #ytsejam, rather than as The Guitarist For Sun Caged, etc.
Oh, sure, from the guy that always namedrops Hall and Oates...

This is why Glenn Benton refuses to talk to Neil anymore. Neil went on and on and on about John Oates's unsung ability for both an Angelic Growl and an Demonic Falsetto all at the same time. Which also happens to be the same reason Daryl Hall rarely had John take lead vocals.
Name-dropping... ad naseum...

Mr. Frank was "name dropping" merely for a reference point (and because he want's to butter up Matt for when he submits a bill to him for financial losses due to future substantial musical purchases.) Honestly, there's nothing sinster behind the "name dropping" other than making a point, really, and providing fodder for some discussion about the music. There was an on-topic music post in there. I would think otherwise, though, if he "name dropped" the ubiquitious Lindsay Lohan or something... "I was non-chalantly conversing with a rather animated Lindsay Lohan at a bus station recently when in the middle of our conversation about how METAL Miley Cyrus really is when the subject of Diamond Head came up... and then Lindsay had all these tremendous recommendations for me..." you know the rest. Even then, I wouldn't even think twice about "name dropping".

Let's get a Wikipedia link about name dropping, pronto. Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

Ultimately, just be glad there wasn't any dame nopping, things would really be shaking around there then. That would be the metal equivalent of (name) dropping David Mustaines studded leather gauntlet on Hetfields doorstep in the middle of a nice, tranquil, northern Californian night.
Daryl Hall rarely had John take lead vocals.

I always thought it was the mustache that offended Hall... at least previously, when it's not appearing for it's own nefarious purposes in random Youtube videos...

Incidentally, there's quite a number of great HnO songs featuring the diminutive mustachioed vocal abilities of Mr. Oates.