Do themes such as Satanism or Anti-Christianity Affect Your Metal Preferences?

why clearly?

as a matter of fact, i do think that, if god exists, the life and death and trivial existance of a human means nothing whatsoever to his greater scheme. probably.

to the point where, though of course we would see children dying and floods and starvation as "negative" things, god could good and damn well have a perfectly reasonable justification for his choices, or he could have no explanation at all... it ultimately doesn't matter either way.

his will is done, and the paint is fucked, and that's just the reality of it so smile and get over your human ego.

this i find most likely.
Well, I have my own reasons to know that there is more to creation than a frivolous and purposeless strokes on a canvas...

There is one theory which I have heard about God which speaks of God being in control of creation in such a way that if he stopped controlling things for even a second that everything would stop existing. I don't necessarily think that that is true, but it is an interesting idea to think of a creator which is very much consciously in control of everything in creation...
Sure, what do I know compared to God?

But I can only judge based on my limited human reasoning skills. And so I will.

Seems pretty fucked up to me that some poor kid is born with her internal organs outside her body. Through no fault of her own. All I can know is how it seems to me. Damned unfair, and a cheap shot.

Unless o fcourse she gets like an eternal reward for it. That oughtta even things out pretty nicely.

Course any reward or punishment that lasts for eternity seems patently unfair to me. That due to the nature of eternity vs. the finite natures of life, action, and crime. I don't think even the most evil child rapist/murderer/Hitler deserves to burn for freakin' eternity.

But, again, that's just me.
Although I beleive somewhat in a creator, I also believe in chance, and fate. These things can be somewhat responsible for the bad/good things that happen. And yes, these factors may be somewhat independent of any plan or reasoning...
Am I the only one who thinks this thread has grossly derailed now? I haven't seen metal mentioned along with these religious discussions for pages now.
I tried to bring it somewhat back on topic with my post about Drottnar, but naturally, that was largely ignored. I am done with this thread.
Frankly, I could give two shits less about what the theme of the music is, as long as it sounds kickass. Like, I listen to As I Lay Dying and Demon Hunter, and those are Christian bands. Even though I myself am not a Christian, I think those two particular bands have a kickass sound. Another example...I like Hatebreed, which is a band that has a lot of songs with racist themes. Once again, I don't have a racist bone in my body. But I think Hatebreed has a kickass sound. So yeah, there's my two cents even if ya didn't want 'em.
as i lay dying isn't xtian. at all.
hatebreed isn't racist. at all.


edit: also if your sig is supposed to be quoting monty python, it's "go away" not "flee" and "shall" not "will".

edit2: nightwish is most certainly not :kickass:
as i lay dying isn't xtian. at all.

I went to an AILD show 5 years ago or something - before they broke - and there was some definite fellowship going on after the music, and it was definitely a Xian bill. I'm sure they've cut those ties and sold out and stuff, but I'm just sayin'.
i just now for some reason took the time to skim over AILDs complete "lyrical works" (thankfully located all on one scrollable page) to see if i maybe missed something.... but even by the standards of early '00s xtian metalcore (most bands from the era's lyrical style used a vague "i could be talking about loving a girl, i could be talking about loving Jesus, could be my abusive dad/mom, could be Satan" kind of thing), their lyrics are exceptionally non xtian, mostly just a somewhat nu-metal-ish angst and longing thingy on their early stuff and a pretentious, removed faux-social commentary/faux-"grown up" relationship stuff on the newer one.


oh, and they fucking suck, too.
Frankly, I could give two shits less about what the theme of the music is, as long as it sounds kickass. Like, I listen to As I Lay Dying and Demon Hunter, and those are Christian bands. Even though I myself am not a Christian, I think those two particular bands have a kickass sound. Another example...I like Hatebreed, which is a band that has a lot of songs with racist themes. Once again, I don't have a racist bone in my body. But I think Hatebreed has a kickass sound. So yeah, there's my two cents even if ya didn't want 'em.

I don't like both bands. Hardcore is a bad genre imo. I just can't get into it.
as i lay dying isn't xtian. at all.
hatebreed isn't racist. at all.


edit: also if your sig is supposed to be quoting monty python, it's "go away" not "flee" and "shall" not "will".

edit2: nightwish is most certainly not :kickass:

Okay, I've heard differently about As I Lay Dying, but to avoid a flame war, I will agree with you. However, Hatebreed does have a song floating around called "Kill The my pals". Look for it on LimeWire. It's some pretty racist shit.

Haven't seen Holy Grail in ages, but your corrections have been noted, and the appropriate changes will be made.

If you don't think Nightwish is :kickass: then that is your opinion, and you are most certainly entitled to it. However, I think Nightwish is :kickass: . The only opinion that has ever mattered or will ever matter to me is my own. It also happens to be the only opinion that I bother posting in my own goddamn sig. However, your views have been taken into consideration, and the general consensus of the voices in my head is that your opinion does not matter, that your views are nothing more than utter bilge, and that you should go play in traffic. Thank you for your time, and feel free to put any other suggestions in the box. (Be warned, however, that any suggestions might be met with a similar reaction.)