I find fascist (and national socialist) lyrics to be of an inferior intellectual stock rather than offensive. Being an nihilist (at least in spirit), I see nationalism as holding on to a fleeting a insignificant thing. Tribes, ethnics groups, and countries die just like the humans that comprise them. Being anti-PC, I do recognize that certain cultures are ignominious (urban-American or Afro-American for example), however the way one's DNA is coded does not denote superiority or inferiority. I have a certain amount of European pride, though I'm in no way ethnically pure (being a mix of Bohemian and Welsh, among others).
Fascism I take issue with because of its authoritarianism. Liberty, and I mean absolute liberty (without consideration of its effects on society) is tantamount to the human need for sustenance. To be able to live life completely free of moral and political obligation in my view is the healthier way to live. There is no greater purpose but for survival, and that is of the individual, or at most the family unit. Allegiance to a nation or faction adds needless obligations to one's life and destroys one's potential to fulfill their personal happiness.