Do themes such as Satanism or Anti-Christianity Affect Your Metal Preferences?

I think if "regular metalheads" took the time to actually get to know some "Christian metalheads", they'd find out their intolerance of Christianity is quite pointless. Most Christian metalheads won't preach to you or try to convert you and they certainly won't condemn metal as the devil's music and claim all metalheads are Hell-bound. Disagreeing with the Christian ideology is one thing, being intolerant of it is another thing that will get you nowhere when you want to promote freedom and get most Christians to be more accepting of others.

Yeah I pretty much agree with you, so I'm out. Cheers for some decent discussion. :)
I don't care about religious/antireligious content of the lyrics. The only thing that can stop me from listening to some band is NS message, this is unacceptable for me.
I don't care about religious/antireligious content of the lyrics. The only thing that can stop me from listening to some band is NS message, this is unacceptable for me.

I don't mind NS stuff, as I consider myself National Socialist.
Lyrics do not dictate musical quality; they dictate only superficial value. Discarding various bands who may (or may not, indeed) be fantastic just because they have "NS" lyrical themes is close-minded and, quite frankly, the opposite of what you're probably trying to subconsciously achieve by NOT listening to them.
Anything anti-christian I don't have too big of a problem with. I wish most of these folks would realize you can't remove Christianity while supporting its other half though. I listen to metal for the music, but I can't deny there are some lyrics that push me away.

The last question is a whole other beast in itself. Religion equates to murder when you factor in human behavior. Understanding that all religions are created by man, I'll pass.
Actually those type of lyrics don't offend me. I really like them as long as they aren't too stupid (Slayer's new lyrics are starting to bug). Deicide has some really funny lyrics with their songs if you ask me. Like off the song "Slave To The Cross" the lyrics "reign of the cross, the agressor, has killed more people than cancer" really made me laugh. While lyrics like "Accept thisssss my reliigggionnn of torttureeeee" - Catatonic - Slayer is really annoying. I only can like the musicianship off those songs.

Ps why does religious convos always have lost posts in it?
How do you mean?

I'm a facist so I could say im a National Socialist, but it could be different for you?

I have fascistic views but at the same time, I do not consider myself racist in the slightest because I believe all races are deserving of pride. In layman's terms, a black person has the right to be proud of their blackness as much as I have to be proud of my whiteness. no double standards.
I find fascist (and national socialist) lyrics to be of an inferior intellectual stock rather than offensive. Being an nihilist (at least in spirit), I see nationalism as holding on to a fleeting a insignificant thing. Tribes, ethnics groups, and countries die just like the humans that comprise them. Being anti-PC, I do recognize that certain cultures are ignominious (urban-American or Afro-American for example), however the way one's DNA is coded does not denote superiority or inferiority. I have a certain amount of European pride, though I'm in no way ethnically pure (being a mix of Bohemian and Welsh, among others).
Fascism I take issue with because of its authoritarianism. Liberty, and I mean absolute liberty (without consideration of its effects on society) is tantamount to the human need for sustenance. To be able to live life completely free of moral and political obligation in my view is the healthier way to live. There is no greater purpose but for survival, and that is of the individual, or at most the family unit. Allegiance to a nation or faction adds needless obligations to one's life and destroys one's potential to fulfill their personal happiness.
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Lyrics do not dictate musical quality; they dictate only superficial value. Discarding various bands who may (or may not, indeed) be fantastic just because they have "NS" lyrical themes is close-minded and, quite frankly, the opposite of what you're probably trying to subconsciously achieve by NOT listening to them.

This is pretty much not true at all, lyrics carry meaning and should not always be spared the attention given to other parts of the music simply because its inconvenient for metal fans to have to admit that metal lyrics are very frequently awful. I don't understand how someone can dismiss the most obvious way of understanding what a peice of music is meant to express as being 'superficial'.
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I don't understand how someone can dismiss the most obvious way of understanding what a peice of music is meant to express as being 'superficial'.

I don't think this is completely valid either. Oftentimes the lyricist isn't the guy who wrote the music. The two individuals can oftentimes have different ideas as to what a song about, since it's all interpretational anyway.
If the lyrics and music of a band are at odds with one another then to me that is a bad band, but my point is that I don't think anybody can make a decent argument for ignoring half of what an album is saying.
When I listen to music, nine times out of ten I'm listening to it for the whole experience. Saying "bass is a worthless instrument" or "people who read lyrics are dumb" just doesn't make sense to me, but if thats what floats your boat then I'm not going to give you a hard time over it.

eh, as to the tiredness of the jesus-hating satanic image in metal, i'll say this one thing: as contrived as it may be most of the time, it hopefully serves to get people thinking about how fucked up the church is.
"bass is a worthless instrument"


I don't think people need music to remind them how fucked up the church is, when there are huge scandals being unveiled just about 24/7 now.

And as for the lyrics thing, I usually read the lyrics of a band once I get the CD. If they suck, I never read them again, and it doesn't really matter since most of the worst lyrics have vocals that are indecipherable grunts/growls/whatever. I only bother to continue to read deep lyrics that aren't cliche... except for the badass ones, of course, like Judas Priest and Manowar. :D