Do you all buy Opeth cd's?

ass-fucking is not as fun as you think. especially with more than one person. usually someone has to poop and it makes things messy.
dorian g(r)ay? ^^

edit: that was in no way meant to be offending to you dorian. its just that group anal sex is maybe more common in the gay scene :puke:
Lord_AgathoN said:
Well, how about some can of the worlds famous "shut the fuck up"? You really start to piss me off, arogant assclown.

i might have a retort if your butchered attempt at english was actually legible.

and for the were the arrogant one originally...if you have already forgotten.
Alternative 3 said:
All this buying songs in mp3 format pisses me off (eg blackfield single) because it means im paying the same price for an inferrior sounding product that could corrupt or get deleted, then i ahve to but it again.

As for opeth albums i have them all accept for deliverance (which i downloaded) and orchid, because they are a rip off in shops ( i refuse to give them the price hike difference)here. I would like damnation on vinyl also. I payed about $500 (250 us) in airfares $45 (au) for a ticket and then brought a tshirt and a hoodie, fucking worth every penny. But i feel I support the band. I buy albums by other bands when I can.

I was kinda pissed off when i got mayh home in the tin and realised there was no booklet but i kinda got over that.
HEY! This is no place for personal attacks, ESPECIALLY of that magnitude. Any more personal shit-slinging will just be deleted outright from this thread. Consider that a warning. -- Moonlapse

Then do the same over there?
Seems the point got a little lost amongst all the self-justification.

It has been an interesting read, but ultimately I am disappointed that people seem to think that they deserve to have all these things for free.

Perhaps the most hilarious attempt at justifying downloading to me (considering where we all are at the moment) was the one about illegal downloads being what made Opeth bigger and Blackwater Park outsell Orchid...

Of course, that must be the answer!

Say nothing of the endless touring, the three albums in between that took them from a respectable but young label, higher up to Peaceville and on to MFN with so much more of a recording, production, touring and advertising budget, the progression of the band itself, again more touring, being given masses of column inches in the metal press (if you have ever actually read reviews), more touring, Steven Wilson, etc, etc, etc...

It makes me wonder how much it would have outsold if everyone that has a copy had a legitimate copy (call me excessive, but I have two)?

Actually that may be an interesting point: Are there people that don't like the early releases and only want the later ones?
Downloading from a musicians perspective seems like a necessary evil. If you look at it one way some lazy bastards just download a bands cd rather then buying it and on the goodside it can give people a taste of a band. Downloading is a good way to premote rather then this scenario

"Hey know a good band"
"yeah... Opeth are cool"
"How do they sound?"
"they are pretty cool"

people can hear it. Now with this abundant rise of cd costs I sure as hell don't have the money or want to go and buy a cd in hopes of finding a good band. Fuck that. But if I hear some songs and like the band I'll look for their stuff, I like buying cds to support the band and not to mention the collectors obsessive compulsive disorder but the quality is better too. I just want to know what I'm buying. And the bands deserve it too, the need us and we need them.
Where the hell do you find reviews like that?!

I am really serious.

There are a multitude of places to go and find intelligent and well written reviews of just about anything. I find this illustration to be another lame attempt as self-justification.

Are you seriously telling me that if you did not download that you would have to resort to that kind of information gathering? I am assuming that you meant something different?
Arg I hate ultimatemetal, typing for the second time... Stupid server

Anyway, something new I wanted to throw in, libraries, what do you think about that. Reading, listening almost for free. According to some of you this must be terribly wrong. But uh? I also go to the library, and still, I've got books in my house, I've got cd's in my house. Yet another way to explain my point.
You could see it like this, mp3's, libraries, and other cheap (legal or not) methods of getting stuff are a real blessing for people who can't simply buy all the stuff they like. They wouldn't have bought it anyway for the full price, so really nobody, nobody loses anything in this case. Off course there are bastards who don't buy cd's because of the existance of mp3 (some of my band members an good friends...).
But let it please be clear, it's not because you download some albums or go to the library that something is completely wrong in that person's mind.

Had another example, but I'll retype it if it still isn't clear.

And now I'm heading to the record store :)
I'll tell you if I found something interesting.