Do you celebrate Christmas?

I thought this was an interesting read. Especially the following:

"58 percent say there would be less tolerance; 59 percent say there would be less personal happiness and 38 percent say there would be less religious divisions" (without christianity)

It's basically a poll on where Americans stand on Jeebus and religion as if the past election wasn't an indicator. :tickled:

As for gifts, the christmas haul I posted in the "My Latest Purchases Thread" is the majority of what I'll be getting. Free albums=teh rule.
IOfTheStorm said:
I was talking about his teacher
Oh yeah, that's what I meant. I always call Socrates Plato since Plato's name is all huge on the cover of his "books." :p
IOfTheStorm said:
the greatest ancient greek philospher was opposed to polytheism in the first place. And
about Aristotle : i highly doubht that he was a paganist.

Yes he was oppsoed to polytheism, but what has that got to do with anything? Are you saying he can't be labeld a pagan just becaue he wasn't a polytheist? Pagan means non-christian as fotobm said, it does not only refer to germanic paganism (even though that's how it seems to be mostly used in here).
The term has historically been used as a pejorative by adherents of monotheistic religions (such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam) to indicate a person who doesn't believe in their religion. "Paganism" is also sometimes used to mean the lack of (an accepted monotheistic) religion, and therefore sometimes means essentially the same as atheism.

Or just click this:
Exactly why Plato wasnt the greatest greek philosopher, but the worst.

Most Ancient Greek Philosophers before and after Plato, had already evolved past polytheism, and had accepted in varying forms the divine nature of the soul and a form of a divine power, that wasnt controlled by the so called Greek gods. Plato was much criticized by his contemporaries for distorting philsophy for his own personal fame.
I didn't know this until recently, but some people believe that Pagan Arabs were already worshipping "Allah" even before Muhammad was born. Apparently, Allah was just one of many gods and Muhammad's goal was just to set the record straight as to which ONE was going to be followed from that point forward.

I'm not sure whether following Pagan/Heathen way of life is supposed to be a nature thing, but according to texts, Pagan Arabs had many idols. What these idols were though, I'm not sure, but those Arabs were considered "Pagan" nevertheless just because they went with a polytheistic approach.

For sure, in England, following an old pagan way of life is pretty synonymous with nature and wicca beliefs, etc.
IOfTheStorm said:
So Muslims are pagans? ..

I'm not sure there since it's an abrahamic religion, it depends on what christian or jew you ask I guess; and since I'm neither I'll refrain.

EDIT: According to it's as I suspected. Pagan = non-abrahamic.

Erik said:
That's Christian bullshit though, fuck that shit
I'm not sure how serious you were with that post, but of course it's christian, it's pretty silly and pointless to disregard established meanings of a words just becuase it is. I mean how many terms in our society and common language are not.
Christmas is more about the gift-giving (i.e. support rampant commercialism!!!!), eating & drinking well, getting together with friends & family. It's not even a religious thing with my parents anymore.
I just finished reading Negru's article on Solstices and Equinoxes in Negura #4. It was very informative and I recommend it as it gives a good overview of how many ancient cultures celebrated each solstice and equinox.

I think Erik got his quote on the first page of this thread from it.
We spend Christmas eve with my wife's family. It's actually quite a nice evening. However, if left to our own devices, we wouldn't celebrate it, as we both (moreso me) lean towards agnosticism. Though I think she may still hold to some of the ideals of her Christian upbringing, she recognizes that Christmas is actually a pagan holiday, that the Catholic church stole, and as such, wouldn't celebrate it regardless.

Unfortunately, December 25th is my birthday, which couldn't possibly suck more ass. So, we celebrate me on 12/25.

Interestingly, the Old Testament warns against what seems to be the origins of Christmas:

Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

Jeremiah 10:2–4, Authorised KJV
