do you ever...

wait, now i am confused. i thought you meant like ONLY drink water and not eat or whatever? anyway, that's what i meant...
I used to fast when I was a vegetarian.. but I find it really hard to do this now. Actually I was thinking of doing this and getting a high colonic. I was intrigued of some stories about weird objects and such coming out of peoples anus after a colonic, and I was hoping I could dislodge that marble I swallowed when I was four.
You could always try that middle eastern herbal enema thing that requires eating nothing but pumpkin seeds for a day. I heard it's the worst 72 hours of a person's life, and it's recommended to do it once a month.
i mean, to really think an enema would help you out, you'd have to believe that the walls of your intestines, and the things near them, could stay the same for over 3-4 days. this just isn't true. your intestines perpetually sheds its cells and regenerates them, and secretes mucus to remove anything 'sticking' in there.
never mind that, but when this doesn't work, you get things like apendicitis, and peritonitis eventually. if anyone is finding things from a year ago coming out of their ass, they have a decent case of necrosis and gangrene and i would pay to see it on an autopsy tables (b/c they'll be like, dead soon anyway)

i just think a high colonic is dangerous. if you have a minor unnoticeable ulcer or perforation, you could tear your intestines.