Do You Have A Problem With Nu-Metal Fans?

i just read it quickly, anyway i haven't any problem with nu metal fans, most of my friends listen also to nu metal and i like some songs and bands too.
i hated it before, like most of the people that has just started to listen to metal does, i mean i hated it without a reason, just because it was "nu metal", i changed my mind in the last year, i listen to everything i like.
what makes me quite angry is when someone hates things without knowing them, like i used to do ;)
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No, I don't have problems with Nu-Metal fans. I visit the Arch Enemy forum ever-so-often and it doesn't bother me. I have a life outside UM forums and I have better things to worry about than some threads and posts about someone's opinions.
That thread over at the AE forum got pretty retarded.
Anyway nu-metal is good in one way except the laughingstock-value:
It usually starts peoples way into real metal, at least a bit of mine did.
As long as no Korn fans start coming to me saying their band is heavy and technical nu-metal fans is no problem.
They piss me off.. usually with their fucking fishnet and what not trying to be all cool and individual.. fuck you.. I've known a few in my time, always talking about suicide and how noone likes them because they look different.. well actually this may just be 'goths', but the majority of goths like nu metal anyway. Oh well, anyone that thinks Slipknot/Korn/Linkin Park is better than bands like DT suck.
Salamurhaaja said:
No, but I make sure they have problems with me.

Yeah, as most of us when meeting you for the first time, Salamy. But then your inner personality rises up and we have no way but fall in love with you. :D

As for the rest, I don't have any problem with nu-metal fans if the label "nu-metal" doesn't involve my neighbour listening to Julio Iglesias too loudly. Noisy neighbours sucks. Thanks for listening. :)

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I only have a problem with stupid people. Obviously, that includes some nu metal fans, but it also includes "regular" metal fans.
People can listen to what they like as long as they actually like it. What I do have problems with, aside from stupid people, are those who follow all trends blindly and then proudly lable themselves as "alternative"...
@Dodens Grav: Yeah that was a pretty good post. We argue about that stuff in the In Flames forum a lot too. Unfortunately it's very hard to get that kind of point across no matter how logical your arguement is. It seems that once people have major grudges against groups of people for no particular reason, they will not let go. Fascinating. I'll continue to listen to some nu-metal now. (Deftones :p )
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Before reading said thread, i'd like to point out that:
a) i don't think i've met any nu-metal fans so far.
b) some tr00 (power) metal fans who constantly bug me about my musical preferences annoy me more.
I really don't have a problem with them. It just irritates me how some listen to it more for the image, and are all like, "omg, it's so brutal". Nu-metal fans I've spoken to, IRL, run down every other music genre, and go and tell me the underground I listen to sucks because it's not on the radio.

In general, people who represent their opinions as facts grate on my nerves.
Dodens Grav said:
Basically, it have have to my attention that there are way too many fools who think they're better than others because they personally feel that they listen to better music. However, it's all a matter of opinion, obviously, and well, let's just say I got pissed off and retaliated in the Arch Enemy Forum.

Now if you do take the time to read that, tell me what you think about all of this. Do you have a problem with Nu-Metal fans? If so, why?

that was one of the dumbest threads ive ever read and replied in. and dodens, that post owned all! :worship:
i agree with you Dodens.

i find "tr00" metalheads to be more of a fucking pain in the arse. apparently because i listen to radiohead and other stuff (including nu metal) i get labelled a fag. yay for them, i wonder how many of them have actually even talked to someone whos into "nu metal".

probably one of the main reasons i dont visit the Arch Enemy boards anymore. i mean, some fucking asshat claimed that the new Arch Enemy album was nu metal? i can name various reasons as to why it ISNT nu metal, but that would be wasting my thinking energy.
No problems so far. I don't listen to that kind of music so I don't get into contact with their fans either. The people I do have problems with are the ones that whine about how much bands like In Flames, Soilwork,, Metallica etc. have started to sound like nu-metal or not. STFU already! Who cares if they do or don't, listen to it if you want to but don't tell me what to listen to. I personally like all the bands mentioned and couldn't care less if it was nu-metal to other people.
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Siren said:
Before reading said thread, i'd like to point out that:
a) i don't think i've met any nu-metal fans so far.
b) some tr00 (power) metal fans who constantly bug me about my musical preferences annoy me more.

Tranquillian said:
No problems so far. I don't listen to that kind of music so I don't get into contact with their fans either. The people I do have problems with are the ones that whine about how much bands like In Flames, Soilwork,, Metallica etc. have started to sound like nu-metal or not. STFU already! Who cares if they do or don't, listen to it if you want to but don't tell me what to listen to. I personally like all the bands mentioned and couldn't care less if it was nu-metal to other people.

Yeah! Exactly! .."Oooh if you dont like that, but you do like that, then.. balabalabalabalabla" "Oh, how can you say you _don't_ like powermetal voices, thats reaaaaaal metal Ooooooh" BLABLABLA, indeed STFU already..! Sheesh.

But, on the other hand, sometimes, what I think are nu-metalfans (I am sure there are many variations) annoy me, cos they keeps saying they're sooo depressed. AARGH. And so COOL, with their chains and spikes. :Smug:. ("Need to prove who you are, then?") Well, what I mean is, they.... Well, its the same with some tr00 metalheads, really.. Cos if you have to prove yourself so much, aint something wrong? ..Ah well, dress how you like, me ne cares.

*shrugs* Ah well, as the Bible says (eek omg eek), you can't destroy weed. :p
((Wtf! It sounds weird in English! :confused: