Do you hear any TOOL on Ghost Reveries?

Bierbommetje said:
I hear a clear 10,000 Days influence.

good one :lol:

Anyhow, there are some minor resemblances here and there but talking about a rip off is a stretch... I believe you can hear just as much Tool in Opeth as the other way around
Why does it matter, at least a band with talent is influenced by tool. The only other people i hear raving about tool are emo loosers like staind, who have nothing musically in common with Tool or Opeth
NineFeetUnderground said:
yes, its absolutely obvious. i dont know why most people's brains here dont work properly. or ears as the case may be.

I don't listen thinking "OK let's play 'Spot the Influences'!" I listen to music, enjoying it just for what it is, not for who it sounds like.
fränzi said:
I can hear Tool in the ba-ba-ba-ba bah ba-ba-ba-bah part of Ghost of Perdition.

I think I mostly hear a bit of Toolishness in the percussion (other than GoP, as others have pointed out). Also, I'd say love/hate for Tool is pretty much 50/50 on this forum.
in fact Tool isn't the only nor the first band to play a part like that (I'm referring to the bah-bah ;) ) and I don't consider it an uber-obvious influence, a small similarity maybe...

not that an influence from Tool is a bad thing, but when I hear idiots saying GoP is a Grudge rip-off, it makes me wonder how badly people mistreat their ears these days...
Heckelgruber said:

I think I mostly hear a bit of Toolishness in the percussion (other than GoP, as others have pointed out). Also, I'd say love/hate for Tool is pretty much 50/50 on this forum.
I'd say its the repeating D power chord riff. It's almost identical to a part in the Grudge.

10,000 days sucks BTW. Just wanted to say that.
:Wreath: said:
in fact Tool isn't the only nor the first band to play a part like that (I'm referring to the bah-bah ;) ) and I don't consider it an uber-obvious influence, a small similarity maybe...

not that an influence from Tool is a bad thing, but when I hear idiots saying GoP is a Grudge rip-off, it makes me wonder how badly people mistreat their ears these days...

Those are pretty close to my exact thoughts about it. Tool didn't come up with the down-stroking, syncopated rhythm hard rock thing. Tons of bands do it, and opeth themselves have done it for a while. And for who ever said GR isnt it dropped-D is wrong. Pretty much every song is in open D-minor tuning, so theres gonna be that dropped D in the songs. (Not that it matters at all what tuning something is in)