Do you hear any TOOL on Ghost Reveries?

Bierbommetje said:
I hear a clear 10,000 Days influence.

good one :lol:

Anyhow, there are some minor resemblances here and there but talking about a rip off is a stretch... I believe you can hear just as much Tool in Opeth as the other way around
Why does it matter, at least a band with talent is influenced by tool. The only other people i hear raving about tool are emo loosers like staind, who have nothing musically in common with Tool or Opeth
NineFeetUnderground said:
yes, its absolutely obvious. i dont know why most people's brains here dont work properly. or ears as the case may be.

I don't listen thinking "OK let's play 'Spot the Influences'!" I listen to music, enjoying it just for what it is, not for who it sounds like.
fränzi said:
I can hear Tool in the ba-ba-ba-ba bah ba-ba-ba-bah part of Ghost of Perdition.

I think I mostly hear a bit of Toolishness in the percussion (other than GoP, as others have pointed out). Also, I'd say love/hate for Tool is pretty much 50/50 on this forum.
If you want to hear Tool, you'll hear Tool. If you're just listening to Opeth, you'll hear Opeth.
in fact Tool isn't the only nor the first band to play a part like that (I'm referring to the bah-bah ;) ) and I don't consider it an uber-obvious influence, a small similarity maybe...

not that an influence from Tool is a bad thing, but when I hear idiots saying GoP is a Grudge rip-off, it makes me wonder how badly people mistreat their ears these days...
Heckelgruber said:

I think I mostly hear a bit of Toolishness in the percussion (other than GoP, as others have pointed out). Also, I'd say love/hate for Tool is pretty much 50/50 on this forum.
I'd say its the repeating D power chord riff. It's almost identical to a part in the Grudge.

10,000 days sucks BTW. Just wanted to say that.
:Wreath: said:
in fact Tool isn't the only nor the first band to play a part like that (I'm referring to the bah-bah ;) ) and I don't consider it an uber-obvious influence, a small similarity maybe...

not that an influence from Tool is a bad thing, but when I hear idiots saying GoP is a Grudge rip-off, it makes me wonder how badly people mistreat their ears these days...

Those are pretty close to my exact thoughts about it. Tool didn't come up with the down-stroking, syncopated rhythm hard rock thing. Tons of bands do it, and opeth themselves have done it for a while. And for who ever said GR isnt it dropped-D is wrong. Pretty much every song is in open D-minor tuning, so theres gonna be that dropped D in the songs. (Not that it matters at all what tuning something is in)