Does anyone here listen to black metal?


That joke will never get old to me....

I listen to quite a bit O black metal.. The new Marduk rocks my world.. I like older mayhem.. emperor... other stuff as well.. just cant think right now.
I'm too gr1m to like things I'm afraid.

-Srumel Impaler of Ill-behaved Canines Subscribing to Antiquated Religious Practices for Christcrusher Productions
FalseTodd said:
I think Ulver are totally amazing. Madrigal is my favorite "production matched well with content" album ever. Although Emperor's "Anthems" is great like that, too.
Funny that you mention that. I've been listening to Nattens Madrigal a lot lately. I really, really like everything about it. And the ending of Wolf and Man and is awesome. :p
Man, Ulver's first 3 full-lengths used to be my favorite albums ever. I still love them a lot, but everything after that.. I have given many a good listen to and I just kind of hate them. Actually, I like the Silence.. EP but everything else is.. eh.

And it's not like I'm one of those metal fans who scorns metal bands moving towards electronica. Quite the contrary in fact. It's just that I think Garm/Trickster G's electronic dabblings are bad electronic music. :/
Demonspell said:
Ulver is brilliant, I prefer their electronic phase though the first two installments of the trilogy are perfect examples of the dark Nordic atmosphere so many BM bands strain to create and end up failing...
I like the electronic bits too, although I think William Blake was a tad bit too..out an album. It had its moments, but I didn't like it as much as the other stuff.