Here is the delema - If you are a great melodic singer, or in a band that writes for a great melodic singer, but enjoy doing the screams and squels and growls, then go for it, but if you are doing it just because it's fashionable, then you're just a follower and have placed your band inside the "cookie cutter". The next great band isn't following the latest trend, but following there own stream of consciensness.
Here is a history of bands/artist that have taken the "cookie cutter" and threw it in the trash. They saw the trend, and went the other direction.
Willie Dixon bucked the trend by putting a band around, and creating coherant arrangements for, the solo blues players of his day
Frank Sinatra changed the swing band shows away from instrumentals, to the lead singer now the focus of the band
Elvis took rythym and blues and made it sexy and fun - He wasn't afraid to play "black" music
While bands/artists had other people write for them, the Beatles wrote thier own songs.
Pink Floyd changed the idea that a band had to sell "singles'. Started album rock.
Bands like The Doors, Black Sabbath, and Alice Cooper bucked the hippie, feel good bands
The Sex Pistols. in a sea of sappy, corperate bands like Boston, Journey, Foreiner, etc, brought danger and attitude back into rock
Metalica, Anthrax, Slayer, said "FU" to Glam Bands (Poisen, Motley)
Nirvana killed the hair band era
Public Enemy Rocked Rap
Dragon Force brought back great guitar soloing and melodic singing
Who's next?