Does anyone still pit?


As Good As Dead
Jun 7, 2002
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I keep saying I'm getting way too old and fat to be doing that shit anymore, but there are some shows that drive us to keep doing it. I damn near die these days doing it now.

I've never seen my bro pit so hard than at the Pound w/ Exodus a few shows back, we both got into that one. But the pit culture is so much better at a true metal show than at these arena mallcore fests -- metal pits are more the good friendly violent type rather than people intentionally out to break bones, teeth whatever. Is that true or am I just gettin' old?

Sentinel Beast at the El Dorado in '86 was my first pit, I was dared to by my girlfriend. I then saw the light, realized what my life had been missing up till then, so I threw her in so she could 'feel the joy'.

She jettisoned me not long after that gig. But metal will never leave me.
Yeah, I pit still... 33 years old now, and not as much endurance, but I'm still in there. After a song, I'm breathing HARD, but once I'm rested up, I'm back in...

I was in the pit at Dragonlord/Exodus... it was a joke. But hey, at least we were pitting!

There were maybe 8-10 people in that pit... very weak, but regardless, I'm in there.

Yeah, and you're right, the pit isn't as violent as place as it used to be. By a long shot.

If you ever remember the Omni, Stone, Kabuki, Mabuhe (sp?), the FARM...

You'll remember VIOLENT pits...
Originally posted by Diemer

But the pit culture is so much better at a true metal show than at these arena mallcore fests -- metal pits are more the good friendly violent type rather than people intentionally out to break bones, teeth whatever. Is that true or am I just gettin' old?

Pits these days suck. Bunch of confused idiots is what they are.
My first pits were Slayer Reign in Blood (87) and Voivod/Kreator 87. Who cares if we are old, at least we got to see great thrash.
I bet Slayer does not even play as much cool old stuff live anymore. Poor kids today are stuck with Slipknot and Korn.
Pits aren't what they used to be. My first one was in '89 with Testament, Wrathchild America and Annihilator on the same bill. Part of the problem with pits these days is the security. We were getting a pit going at a Manowar show and I decked a guy. Security came running at me immediately. Fortunately, I wasn't kicked out. I guess they want kindler, gentler pits. Waltz it up - the pit is it!
Yeah, I hate security in pits... I remember one time there was a guy right in the middle to stop crowd surfers. A few people has a "word" with him :lol:

If there's a decent sized pit, I'm in it. If there's not, I'm probably in a small one anyway :p
I'm stuck with tiny little pits at underground nu-metal gigs....just about the only reason I go to those things....oh, did I forget getting pissed and having a laff with me mates? Whoops! :D

I haven't really had the opportunity to mosh at a 'big' gig yet. The only ones have been Iron Maidenx3 - first time I was seated, 2nd time was alright, 3rd time we was all too crammed to mosh even if we wanted. But at times you realise it pays to just stand and watch the band - when you're jumping around you never know how the songs go. I've seen x number of underground bands and can't remember any of their songs! :)
I have not been in the pit, in a few years, but I went alot at Harpos in detroit, and St. Andrews hall in Detroit, both very good if you want hard core Pit.
I think the scariest pit I ever have seen is Minstry, it was very bloody and I think Gwar too.
But If I had not gotten older maybe I would still be going.
I will occasionaly check it out if and when I have time to go.
My first pit was at the Dynamo club in Eindhoven at a Laaz Rocket gig. Must have been around '85/'86. I am now 43 and do it sometimes but I am an old lazy basterd now :)
Originally posted by Hawk
My first pit was at the Dynamo club in Eindhoven at a Laaz Rocket gig. Must have been around '85/'86. I am now 43 and do it sometimes but I am an old lazy basterd now :)

Hey hawk!
I have never been in a pit, because A. I'm not strong enough (I'm not exactly a fragile woman, but men are usually much stronger and more violent) and B. as an old-fashioned headbanger I have always hated mosh-pits, crowdsurfers and stagedivers, because if I'm there in the front row I don't want to watch my back the whole time, I want to be absorped by the music and the show and that's being made impossible then. So I still headbang fanatically at 38 if that counts for anything :headbang:
And hawk.. great to see you here, but when will I see you at a show again (and headbang together :D )?

xxx Marlies
The pit is defintly painful!: and a challange, and if your not in good shape forget it, and if you have a lame band you should take a drink.
Yeah I still pit! The best pit I've been to was at the SLAYER show here last year... but also at the CRYPTOPSY show in April this year it was awesome!

Mosh or Die!!!
Come to Wales then!

I see your point though, I remember going to a gig in Bristol. It was left to the welsh contingent (all 3 of us) to start the damn thing!

I love generalising :lol:
Originally posted by Hywel
Come to Wales then!

I see your point though, I remember going to a gig in Bristol. It was left to the welsh contingent (all 3 of us) to start the damn thing!

I love generalising :lol:

Hhmmmm.....Wales. Do you get many gigs in the land of sheep(I prefer sad cliches to generalising)..I used to go to Buckley about ten years ago but the pits were weak........go on say "as fuck" for me....
" as fuck"
"Winter.....cold as fuck"
An Englishman in a Welsh pit......oh the sweet pain..........
Surely there are many people who pit. My first one was...???...Destruction I think but the best one cannibal Corpse last December in Essen, Germany. The pits here are pretty cool when you know where to go. I'm going to the Wacken open air this year again and I hope o find some good pits there. Last year on W:O:A the best was 'Die apokalyptischen Reiter', not really a thrash band but they kick ass. I'm just 20 and the pit is the best place in a hall.

The line-up of our last X-mas festival was: Dark funeral, Nile, Marduk, Cannibal Corpse and Kreator. When would you go drinking???:)
That is a impressive line up, I would only go drinking if the band
was really lame, but with that impressive line up I would still stop to try to get a drink to soften the blows when you get thrused around!:D