Does this girl think im sexy?

Originally posted by Don Corleone
e o zaman niye "haa tamam tabi" diyosun ki? hahahaha. ya bize antimatter bootlegi çekmiþ saðolsun, senle withouta ulaþtýrmamdan bahsediyor. hahaha çok iyi ya.

anlamadýðýmý belli eder nitelikte bi "oook" çekmiþtim halbuki ben.yani en azýndan öle zannediyodum:)
Hey HD, if you like her, talk to her and see what happens. Just don't leave things undone... You'll be sorry afterwards. I'm telling you that cos I know from long gone times...

Originally posted by HarmonyDies....
well a couple of days ago i lent her a CD and she gave me a hug, does this qualify for her thinking im sexy?
just read it in her eyes...
Originally posted by Lenore
i reckon this girl gave you a hug cos she was very happy to have found a fool who she can take cd's from for free

that's what i wrote too:lol: :lol: :lol:

though i'm no woman actually..........this year is strange.........