rasism - what should i do?

Noj said:
Why can none of you spell racist?

You should stop worrying about race and start worrying about your appauling illiteracy.

az a nonnative englisj zpeaker myzelf i declare de right to spell englisj de way i want it to be splelled. after all, your spelling system haznt changed sinze or even before de badle of hastings and therefore iz archaic.
bah enojing newbie. has gonn bevore providing me wid en enswer. dibical inglisj skum! dat he meej suffer in his reenie kuntrie.

:dear mood thread: in a couple of days my final work has to be finished, well it actually already had to be some weeks ago. at this moment i'm writing some sentences about the language rights of sami people inside their home countries. apparantly they just decided to change the law this january. my mood is low on this final work. i hope you will still give me the courage to go on, yours, elisabeth.
cheers, i've that dinky toys (?) song in my head now
'don't give it up....oooooh baby show me the way.... don't give it up! come back and staaaaay!'

whatever. i guess the discussion 'bout the racism has ended, but my first thought when sopel said who it was, and as the girl is also a member of this board, i was a tiny bit annoyed. i don't know if she should have got a trial on this board. but i guess he put some thoughts about it before he did that. did you now ban her on that forum as well, or did she just leave?
off.. as an atheist I say religion is not stupid. Religion is a practical image of the spiritual world, a mirror, a down-to-earth system to cope with that stuff.. its like drawing 3d shapes on a flat paper, the tales will allways be stupid and practices will be distorted by misuse and stupidity, but its the way to reach specific regions of being. though weed is another way, haha, still thats not stable enough.. we just taste the outer world for moments of clarity and that when this feeling of the mind clearing up is only the start of all. what did i want to say? dunno. i need to smoke more :D