Does this girl think im sexy?

Originally posted by sol83
that's what i'm sayin'... we 've totally fucked the meaning of the word... :cry:

it got closer and closer to indicate the simple sexual activity better expressed by "fuck". to counterbalance things we could bend the significance of the swearword the other way, by actually suggesting our personal enemies "go love themselves" a whole lot more. ;)

:lol: that'd be a good one. actually in algeria, when some guy is telling you in an angry way 'im gonna make love to you', it means that hes gonna beat the shit out of you.
ah probably. i only know the spoken arabic from nothern western africa. i have no clue about litteral arabic and spoken arabic of other countries.
Originally posted by sol83
No they are not. Love for example is not romantic. It's the strongest emotion on earth. It's way to serious and significant to be called romantic. The true expression of love that is... Not telling every girl you want to fuck that you love 'em. That's pathetic and shows how just shows how weak you are. If you wanna have sex with a girl (or a boy :grin: ) just tell them that. Don't use the word love. I really treasure that word. I've never told it to another woman apart from my mum and I don't think I will in the near future either... Hope you get me point.

Oh fuck, I'm starting to get emotional again... Sorry... :cry:

baaah you dont know what you are missing. romance is great. i really prefer it to many other things. you just have to meet the right people, thats all.
Originally posted by Falconspirit
its practicly the same..except for the accent..and a few words...

well. when i watch egyptian tv or tv from the gulf countries i dont get a single word, even tho i speak algerian spoken arabic fluently.
yeah I get your point..but you see the difference is that each arab country has its own accent, unlike for example U.S and England who can still understand each other, in Egypt they change the words' prononciation and the accent differs..even I have difficulties understanding them..
Originally posted by Don Corleone
baaah you dont know what you are missing. romance is great. i really prefer it to many other things. you just have to meet the right people, thats all.

I don't think you get my point. And I cannot quite understand what you mean by "romance"... :confused: :(
Well I live 20 miles away from Wales, and I can't understand the, wether they speak Welsh or english. Sorry I've had a few too many.