Doom Metal?

Life Sucks said:
Yeah, the only thing that drone doom has going for it is that it is innovative in that it is truly different. But, it doesn't sound good. Actually, it hardly sounds like music at all.

Yes, Drone Doom is very shitty. I also find bands in the vein of Xasthur (and of course Xasthur) to be very shitty as well.
Life Sucks said:
One kind of doom I don't like is drone doom. Take Sun O))) for instance. The music is so damn slow that it doesn't even sound like they are playing riffs.

I'm not a huge fan of straight drone, but I find it very interesting when some sludge and melodic influences are present along with it.


God fucking damnit, can you people please start spelling it right?
So guys, I just ordered some Doom Metal and would like to hear people's opinions on it. I know some of you like these bands a LOT (Erik, Doomcifer, J.) but hey, here we go:

Reverend Bizarre - In The Rectory.../Return to the Rectory DCD
Isole - Forevermore (taking a chance though i wasn't blown away by the song I heard)
Pantheist - Amartia (sp?)
Witchcraft - Firewood (probably not 100% doom, I think they be closer to the 70s rock end of the scale)