Stoner/Doom Metal

BurningWitch said:
Dopesmoker by Sleep and Dopethrone by Electric Wizard are fucking awesome.

Check out Bongripper - The Great Barrier Reefer. Even longer than Dopesmoker :kickass:
Blue_Jay said:
Wow if it sounds like In Flames I'm gonna love stoner doom metal.

haha actually stoner shit is shit like Sleep and The Melvins. if you like fuzzed out guitars playing at a crawl's pace, then you'll like stoner doom.
I dont think Swans are stoner, but their early releases sound pretty doomy to me. The Swans kick ass though.
dill_the_devil said:
Fair enough - always thought the too were faaaaiiiirrrlly interchangeable for the most part though. :)

they are indeed different, but share a similar aesthetic.

both are slow and dirgey, but usual stoner metal is more upbeat, both soundwise and lyrically.
They're about as unique as taking the Mona Lisa and touching it up a bit with your own little flourishes.
Without listing a shit load of bands I like in this genre. Check out labels like:

The Music Cartel

These labels specialize in this music!
Todd Jaymz said:
Without listing a shit load of bands I like in this genre. Check out labels like:

The Music Cartel

These labels specialize in this music!

don't forget Southern Lord!!
Todd Jaymz said:
Without listing a shit load of bands I like in this genre. Check out labels like:

The Music Cartel

These labels specialize in this music!


Swans are not in any way a metal band (so they aren't "stoner" or "doom" either). Just... no. Not even remotely close. They started out as noise/industrial and later went into dark experimental rock/folk or whatever you want to categorize it as.

And they're just called Swans and not "The Swans".

(unless you guys were just talking about a completely different band but I cannot find any that would fit that description)