Doom Metal?

Life Sucks said:
I must disagree with this. How are Mourning Beloveth, Arcane Sun, Evoken, Disembowelment, etc. slow, shitty black metal? I understand how you can say that about a band like Nortt (though I wouldn't call them shitty), but not these bands.

Note the LOLZ HI 5.
So by brutal black metal bands you don't mean Dork Funeral and Marfuck and Kult Ov Assazel?

Well call me charlie (it's not my name).
Décadent said:
Just shitstirring. But Beherit-type bands are what I mean when I say "brutal black", just in case you had some other notion.


eh, that doesn't really check in with me. I find their first album to just be filthy BM with Bathory tendencies, then their second album to be atmospheric...but not brutal...
As a finn I must promote a finnish band called Amorphis. I've always tried to avoid gategories, but according to metal-archives, amorphis is considered doom metal.
Amorphis has never written a song which I'd consider doom. They're a good band, but whoever called them doom metal must be fucking stupid.
Life Sucks said:
One kind of doom I don't like is drone doom. Take Sun O))) for instance. The music is so damn slow that it doesn't even sound like they are playing riffs.

I agree, same with khanate,etc... no actual riffs and songs, it's pretty ridiculous imo.
Life Sucks said:
One kind of doom I don't like is drone doom. Take Sun O))) for instance. The music is so damn slow that it doesn't even sound like they are playing riffs.

That's because they aren't. It isn't even music. I would be surprised if Billy Anderson himself even considers it music. If he does, it is an insult to all the musicians who do make actual music.

I enjoy Khanate because of the sheer oppressiveness of it. SunnO))) on the other hand is gawdawful except for one song on White1.

It's more of a novelty than anything, imho.
Jean-Pierre said:
Not to mention, the fans are DUMB. Summon shows have to attract the most lunkheaded drooling simians on the planet, of the "DON'T LIKE PANTERA? WELL CHECK OUT THESE MUSCLES!" variety.

You have made reference to Pantera and big muscles a few times, you sound like a fucking fag. You must be some queer that gets pushed around alot. I have a 44 inch chest and 18-20 inch biceps and listen to pantera, so you are offending me.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
You have made reference to Pantera and big muscles a few times, you sound like a fucking fag. You must be some queer that gets pushed around alot. I have a 44 inch chest and 18-20 inch biceps and listen to pantera, so you are offending me.
