Doom Metal?

Thergothon is easily the best doom metal band. Skepticism, Esoteric, Morgion and Evoken are also very good
Gallantry over Docility said:
I recall thinking Cultus Sanguine sounded like Anathema, or am I thinking of someone else?

I'm somehow unable to focus on Evoken for an extended period of time, despite finding them fairly tasteful. They just seem to bore me.
Cultus Sanguine don't really sound like Anathema. They have a unique sound. If I were to compare them to any band, it would be Bethlehem.
Arcane Sun
Solitude Aeturnus
My Dying Bride
Eyes of Ligeia

and Nortt, actually. Much better doom than black.
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus is one of the best albums ever. Nightfall, Ancient Dreams and Tales Of Creation are also good. Don't touch any of the other stuff.
Dodens Grav said:
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus is one of the best albums ever. Nightfall, Ancient Dreams and Tales Of Creation are also good. Also get all of the other stuff.

EDIT: seriously how can you with a straight face listen to stuff like "the dying illusion", "where the runes still speak", "dustflow" or "elephant star" and say hey this sucks?
I think my favorite Candlemass is "Ancient Dreams", with "Nightfall" and "Epicus Doomicus Metallicus" right behind. Haven't properly heard "Tales of Creation" and "Chapter IV" yet, but I will...
Erik said:

EDIT: seriously how can you with a straight face listen to stuff like "the dying illusion", "where the runes still speak", "dustflow" or "elephant star" and say hey this sucks?

Because it sucks.
Yeah, fair enough, you think what you want, I just kind of wanted to make sure you had HEARD it before hating it, because far too many people dismiss the later albums on their poor reputation alone. I like them all, especially Chapter VI, which really isn't as different from Messiah's stuff as people think. It also IMO contains one of Candlemass' three finest songs ever, "Where the Runes Still Speak." O what I'd give to see that live, but I asked Leif about it and he said NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL basically in those exact words :(

I wrote a review on Metal-Archs to try and give Chapter VI a better reputation but I don't think it's working much :(
Chapter VI is definitely the best album without Messiah (besides the debut), but I really don't find that to be saying much. dactylis Glomerata has a couple of decent songs, but most just plod along with boring ideas. I actually still own that one...
The Greys said:
Cathedral is a great band. Not all their stuff is doom either but still has remaining elements. The stuff after 'Forest of Equilibrium' is more upbeat and stonerish. The band is not even hard to listen to either. They rock very hard unlike 'black metal' bands'.

I hate people with ADD. Black Metal is going to warp your perception on music.

Cathedral is one of the most easy listening doom,sludge,stoner bands on earth. They are very enjoyable and fun to listen too.

Some of the doom in this thread is like the animal below. You might aswell not even give the genre a chance.

I hope you die a horrible death.

Edgecrusher said:
Esoteric... is that the same band as THE Esoteric? which I believe has members of Today Is The Day.

No they are different bands. Esoteric is from the UK.
I love Electric Wizard and Sleep. Have not investigated the genre further. Both are really slow-paced probably not your cup of tea.
Décadent said:
I've heard Flood described as post-rock. I'm eager to hear it though.

Yes that's the best one-genre description you can give it, but it gives off impressions of doom etc. as well.
The early generation doom like Black Sabbath,Cathedral,Trouble,Saint Vitus,Candlemass,Sleep,Solitude Aeturnus is what there is not enough of

When the music starts moving into the no blues, ultra feedback, it's not doom to me. It's doom but a different brand. It's hard to find any bands like the ones above, it's always some 'funeral' doom missing the nice riffs and what not. I like when the band has more of an oldschool sound and 70's vibe.

Like Cathedral says 'we know what the real doom is' or something along those lines.

I know people just like early cathedral but 'seventh coming' is very heavy,doomy and expirimental at the sametime..It's probably the heaviest album based on the 70's psychedelic movement. Some of the organs actually sound killer too. The album gets pretty strange and is 'doom'. Great album

Listen to 'Halo of Fire'. The band is showing they can be oldschool but still compete with newer generations of doom bands.

7th Coming+Endocet
