Doom Metal?

I like the heavier, gloomier, depressing doom (Mourning Beloveth, Arcane Sun, Disembowelment, etc.) more than the bluesy, stoner-ish stuff (Trouble, Kyuss, St. Vitus, etc.). I love Ozzie era Black Sabbath, but I can't really get into the Sabbath worship doom bands. To me, doom has to have an element of gloom and sadness, which many of the stoner-ish bands lack.
Actual Doom Metal has heavy roots in Heavy Metal. Stoner is a dumb term and is more of a lifestyle than anything. The artsy-fartsy "Funeral/Extreme Doom" isn't really Doom Metal per se, but for lack of better terms it is appropriated that way. So be it. Genre classifications is a very fickle topic that ends up nowhere but is also necessary to a point. Double-edged sword, I say.

PS - J., I hope you know that I was just busting your balls last week in your Doom thread over at RC. LOL :loco:
Nice to see a REAL doom thread at UM, rather than those bloody fools in the Opeth forum thinking that "anything depressing is Doom!".

I've seen Unholy mentioned only once here guys! What's the deal? Their album "Rapture" is a masterpiece: left of field, wierd and experimental while retaining doom's characteristics.

^Dodens Grav ^: I liked your comments about the "where has the Opeth forum gone" thread, and I say that as an Opeth fan myself! But I just happen to love many other bands/genres of metal/genres of music as well.

PS - what on earth is wrong with Black Metal! BM is great!
The Hubster said:
Nice to see a REAL doom thread at UM, rather than those bloody fools in the Opeth forum thinking that "anything depressing is Doom!".

I've seen Unholy mentioned only once here guys! What's the deal? Their album "Rapture" is a masterpiece: left of field, wierd and experimental while retaining doom's characteristics.

^Dodens Grav ^: I liked your comments about the "where has the Opeth forum gone" thread, and I say that as an Opeth fan myself! But I just happen to love many other bands/genres of metal/genres of music as well.

PS - what on earth is wrong with Black Metal! BM is great!

This guy rules, so far.
LOL - cheers Jean-Pierre...

... Ive been a lover of Metal for a long time, I just try to make sure I can be open towards all the subgenres, I think each one has it's strengths.

Doom was one of the subgenres I fell in love with early on, but to be honest, I'm finding Black Metal to be the strongest and most experimental as well. Doom has depth, but Black Metal has scope (that's how I feel about them anyway... both have their merits!)

To me, Doom seems to be darker (emotionally) though, well, in it's more experimental forms anyway... where as Black Metal seems to hold it's darkness partially through a mixture of mysticism (think Viking era Bathory and early Burzum) aggression (Immortal, earlier Borknagar)....

.. there are some parallels between them though, both can utilise symphonic/operatic feelings/sounds (think My Dying Bride for Doom, Emperor for Black Metal), both genres do it well in their own ways.

I might query people here on something - Forest of Equillibrium is something I don't feel to be the quintessential Cathedral LP, I prefer Carnival Bizarre... I must admit, Dorian's voice is something I've always had trouble with, but Cathedrals ultra heaviness, crunching riffs and pounding drumming is hard to beat. Truly heavy as all f***

The Hubster said:
I've seen Unholy mentioned only once here guys! What's the deal? Their album "Rapture" is a masterpiece: left of field, wierd and experimental while retaining doom's characteristics.
Unholy is a massively underappreciated band, and one of few which actually grew better with time. Yes, "Rapture" is awesome, but I somewhat prefer "Gracefallen". Awesome, awesome stuff. I'm a sucker for good female vocals and Veera Muhli is most admirable, with the thick Finnish accent and all... <3 Also "The Second Ring of Power" and "From the Shadows" are excellent, very strange, drugged-out, genuine death/funeral doom. RAH! Unholy + Skepticism + Thergothon = finnish death/funeral doom SUPREMACY

For once the Finns beat us at something :erk:
Dodens Grav said:
Because it's just slow, shitty Black Metal. LOLZ HI 5
I must disagree with this. How are Mourning Beloveth, Arcane Sun, Evoken, Disembowelment, etc. slow, shitty black metal? I understand how you can say that about a band like Nortt (though I wouldn't call them shitty), but not these bands.
Erik said:
Meh, what do I care, "brutal black metal" is fucking boring

Not to mention, the fans are DUMB. Summon shows have to attract the most lunkheaded drooling simians on the planet, of the "DON'T LIKE PANTERA? WELL CHECK OUT THESE MUSCLES!" variety.