Dorian, you Faggot, Get in Here

this thread is actually for all the soccer haters and anyone else.

who is your preseason pick to go all the way to Superbowl Victory this year! Cause American Football is the cool.:kickass:


YES! my very own "get in here" thread!!

Of course, I'd like to see the Bengals go farther than they did last year and I think they have the talent (to make me feel like dirrrrt) as long as Palmer avoids having his legs broken again.

However, I think the Steelers will win the Bowl.
I don't even know if Palmer is playing. I need to check their website. He broke his leg in what? December? January? it should be healed up by now surely
LETS GO PATS!!!! :kickass:

If Peyton doesn't choke (doubtful), Indy as usual looks amazing. Of course, Seattle is going to run everyone over too.

Dallas will surprise everyone this year. *cringe*
Also wouldnt surprise me if New Orleans has a turnaroud season with Deuce Mcallister/Reggie Bush tandem and now Drew Bress at the helm and Joe Horn to throw to. That offense is gonna killer.
There is no way in hell that the Steelers will repeat, and this is coming from a diehard Steelers fan. No other team in the last decade has been so badly fucked by free agency on a consistent basis than the Steelers, yet they still manage to get to the Conference finals all the fucking time. They don't have the team to do it this year though. As for who will go all the way, I'm thinking that if the Panthers can stay healthy, they may be there at the end of the year, but god their quarterback fucking annoys me.
Necuratul said:
There is no way in hell that the Steelers will repeat, and this is coming from a diehard Steelers fan. No other team in the last decade has been so badly fucked by free agency on a consistent basis than the Steelers, yet they still manage to get to the Conference finals all the fucking time.
true, the Steelers and the Pats just may have the best personnel depts in the NFL
Yeah, the Panthers are pretty fucking amazing but Delhomme is ghey and lying.

The Pats had one of the most injury plagued seasons for any team in history last year and still made it to the 2nd round of the playoffs. They lost some key players this offseason too ie McGinest, Vinateiri, etc so lets see. I have my hopes high for the management crew.
I keep on forgetting what this thread is about and so keep on clicking to see the new posts, only to be dissapointed that's it's actually a thread about this sucky sport.

Doomcifer said:
The Pats had one of the most injury plagued seasons for any team in history last year and still made it to the 2nd round of the playoffs. They lost some key players this offseason too ie McGinest, Vinateiri, etc so lets see. I have my hopes high for the management crew.
don't forget Bruschi even after he came back he wasn't all there yet
I never pay attention to any NFL goings-on during the off season because I get WAY TOO EXCITED to watch an actual game and I don't like to tease myself in such ways.

So I have no fucking clue who looks good this year, all I know is I broke out my Dolphins jersey a few weeks ago in strictly-homo-boner-laden anticipation! :kickass:
Doom said:
I keep on forgetting what this thread is about and so keep on clicking to see the new posts, only to be dissapointed that's it's actually a thread about this sucky sport.

I understand but I'm starting to like football more and more. It gives one something to do on the weekends. Yeah, it's slow and tedious but once you get an appreciation of the strategy involved, it's more fun to watch.
For all-out balls to the wall speed and relentless action, I still have hockey. :kickass:
as the years pass, im less and less excited about football. having the texans to root for might have something to do with it. vince or reggie??? hmmm lets pick some unknown linebacker shall we? still, it's better than soccer

basketball, football, soccer, hockey=going back and forth trying to put object in net. one you kick, one you throw, one you shoot, and one you slap. :zzz:

at least there's always America's Pasttime: the Almighty Baseball