Dream Theater - Octavarium

Ayreon Guardian X said:
Nobody cares about DT, hunh? Then please explain to me how DT - Live at Budokan went Platinum...please! I really want to know how they could sell 1 million copies of a DVD IN THE USA ALONE if nobody cared about them!

You, sir, have been officially, "PWNED"!!


arglebargle= :loco:
Barking Pumpkin said:
As I said somewhere else, I think real progressive is progressing music. If any band that altered their sound was called a progressive band, then there would be many more. And making radio rock sounding songs isn't really something new for Dream Theater anyway.

As I said, the progressive song here is the title track.

I know what progressive is......if you want real progressive, go get the new Ulver album, go get the new Solefald album, go get the new Arcturus album, etc. Those are bands doing new things for music.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Well....since there's no discussion allowed on the Dream Theater boards yet, I'll post a little tiny bit here.

Dream Theater are going downhill fast. Most of this album isn't really PROG at all, and there aren't really any truly amazing songs. A few good ones, but there are some awful moments. Meanwhile, Pain Of Salvation released probably one of the best Prog albums ever last year. If Dream Theater keep going this way with there next album, I'm going to stop buying Dream Theater albums.

Barking Pumpkin said:
Besides those specifics, there's the whole "let's try and add lots of generic modern rock elements to PROG" going on throughout a whole lot of the album that I also don't think should be acceptable material from Dream Theater.

Barking Pumpkin said:
Pain Of Salvation is progressive....but yeah, I know what you mean. Even so, this is bad for a "PROG" release.

Barking Pumpkin said:
So basically, this isn't a great PROG album, and on the other hand it's not a great "metally" album either. So it doesn't even win if you don't call it a PROGGY album, which, by the way, is what they said it was going to be. Octavarium is the high point, and it gets all the way down to "These Walls," which just sounding disgusting when I first heard that opening nu-metal riff.

"Sacrificed Sons" is the next best in terms of "PROG," although it's also pretty generic, but it's the Dream Theater sound.


Barking Pumpkin said:
Ok.......hold on......let me spell it out for you really simply.

John Petrucci plays really blandly whenever he downtunes on the album.

I'm pointing out the anti-PROGiness this represents.....

Barking Pumpkin said:
I compared them to Pain Of Salvation not in their sound, but in what Dream Theater needs to be doing more of. Someone else called the piano issue "playing outside the box." Jordan Rudess isn't playing "outside the box" on this album. Pain Of Salvation are also PROGressive without making eight minute radio rock songs.

I have never seen someone so hung up on genres in my life. Who gives a flying turd what genre of music ANY band or album fits in? The only thing that matters is if it's good music.
Trying to be PROG results in garbage.

ShokaiShimizu said:
Rose: Unfortunately more than what Dream Theater did, but let's not kid ourselves, everyone can blatantly hear it.

and just as I thought there are the typical "holier than thou" and "dream theater is evolving and you're just not getting it", save it. There are so many different attempts people can make to rationalize what's happening to Dream Theater, save it.

and another thing, the whole patented DT formula of "write songs for the sake of length and fans will enjoy because they are long" has gotta go, especially when they decided to release this album, in which it sounds like they spread themselves as thin as a string of drool.

You can't honestly tell me that if you listened to IAW or Awake that it would sound even remotely as predictable or corny as the new stuff, there is absolutely no way. The Dream Theater sound was fresh then, and it has since lost it's soul, it's power, and above all, it's interest.

It's disgraceful how much they take their fans for granted.

Angry much?
Ayreon Guardian X said:
Nobody cares about DT, hunh? Then please explain to me how DT - Live at Budokan went Platinum...please! I really want to know how they could sell 1 million copies of a DVD IN THE USA ALONE if nobody cared about them!

You, sir, have been officially, "PWNED"!!
While it's no less unimpressive, "Platinum" for DVD's is something like 100,000 copies. You did not own anyone, unfortunately.
hahaha even buchkoba is here, this guy is such a DT uddersucker that he tried to accuse people that didn't enjoy the DT Warm-up Show in NYC of all being one person with multiple accounts. This is sure to be classic.
buchkoba you do realize that it makes no difference what you call the genre, the word "prog" is not interchangeable with the adjective "progressive"

but of course you knew that. :Smug:
ok I have heard about 4 and a hlaf songs so I can safely say

Octivarium makes me wanna throw up

this crap sounds like U2 it sucks soooooo bad!!!!

worst prog albums IMO:

every Spock's Beard album
every Yes album between Drama and The Ladder
and Octivarium
dargormudshark said:
ok I have heard about 4 and a hlaf songs so I can safely say

Octivarium makes me wanna throw up

this crap sounds like U2 it sucks soooooo bad!!!!

worst prog albums IMO:

every Spock's Beard album
every Yes album between Drama and The Ladder
and Octivarium

:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

all this DT negativity makes me wanna join MP.com, I for one thought 8vm was awesome.
dargormudshark said:
ok I have heard about 4 and a hlaf songs so I can safely say

Octivarium makes me wanna throw up

this crap sounds like U2 it sucks soooooo bad!!!!

worst prog albums IMO:

every Spock's Beard album
every Yes album between Drama and The Ladder
and Octivarium

yes go ahead and listen to your average generic pagans mind, and resign yourself to the fact that they will sound the same forever and ever.