Barking Pumpkin said:Well....since there's no discussion allowed on the Dream Theater boards yet, I'll post a little tiny bit here.
Dream Theater are going downhill fast. Most of this album isn't really prog at all, and there aren't really any truly amazing songs. A few good ones, but there are some awful moments. Meanwhile, Pain Of Salvation released probably one of the best Prog albums ever last year. If Dream Theater keep going this way with there next album, I'm going to stop buying Dream Theater albums.
Prog = moving forwards, not using complex time signatures all the time. In 1992 that *was* progressive, but now dream theater are progressing by regressing, if that makes sense. They are always ahead of the game...and every album is different to the last.
They have proven on octavarium that they can fit their DT style into songs under 7 minutes...aswell as proving that they can still write catchy songs like the ones on falling into infinity. With the exception of never enough which takes the muse thing slightly too far, I love this album and it is very cohesive with all the segues and stuff. Whilst it's too early to tell I think it will end up as one of my favourite DT albums.