Symphony I'm listening to your argument, but the bottom line is you really don't have one. Your talking about "your personal musical evolution" and really seeing as how no one else in the world relates to that, except for you, it kind of has no merit here. Not because it doesn't mean anything, because to you it does, and that's what matters.
and if you're going to take shots at Symphony X, on this forum, why are you even here?
You've stated that you definitely identify with DT's direction on a personal level, and that is great, for you. But I'm in no need of convincing myself of my dislike for this band or their music, I already do dislike them lol.
I feel sorry for John Myung.
I listened to the whole new record and it just sounds really like there is a lack of coherence, they really need an outside producer, not someone who will screw their sound like Kevin Shirley but someone who can at least guide them.
it is pretty obvious where you stand, and even more obvious that you make less of an argument than I do, considering your extremely biased nature on the subject.
Then again, DT wants to hit the masses, and seeing as how ignorant the masses are when it comes to music, then I guess they're doing a good job.
I do not wish to argue with you anymore, I don't feel like going in circles. Especially with someone coming onto a band's forum, taking shots at them, and stating a whole wad of opinion as fact. Nothing personal.
Have a nice day.