Dream Theater - "Systematic Chaos"


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Finally I got able to download the whole album (three different rippings). And after a quick check I must say that:

  1. I have to swallow part of my words in this thread http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/old-school/302051-dream-theater-new-songs.html
  2. I really don't understand what the band wanted to achieve promoting those songs?
The rest of the album is very good progressive metal with punch, either heavy and/or melodic. But the two songs they used as well as the video in their MySpace site are the "bad" stuff IMO. One sounds like a rejection of a Metallica album circa 1986 and the other have a guy who make a terrible chorus probably to attract the Trivium, Shadow Fall, etc crowd.
On the other hand the rest of the songs are full with great arrangements, intense keyboards, melodic lines, the always good vocals of LaBrie (I know many hate him, but I do love his voice) and potent rhythm section, not to mention guitars.

So now I'm baffled, it's like the follow up to "Octavarium" but promoting the album with the bad stuff from TOT.

Well 2/8 is not that bad, and we're talking only 16 minutes out of the whole when considering that the last two songs accomplished for > 31 mins of the album is not a big loss either. I will go for the special edition with the DVD available by the beginning of June.

I'm relieved I was actually about to go postal on them, but I believe the general work is decent and maybe with a bit of listening I may digest those "fillers" too.

NP: Dream Theater - 'The Ministry of Lost Souls'
I have been burnt out on DT for awhile, but I feel upto getting this album now anyway. Thanks for that review.
I'll have to agree with Wyv. That 1 song that leaked a few weeks back was great, but the rest of the album just doesn't stack up. It was disappointing given that I've spent the last month largely re-listening to Awake, Images and TOT. :zombie:
I'm with the son of evil I'm burned out on them...
Hell I'm burned out on Rush and didn't pick up their new one.
You can only get disappointed so many times with bands. There are so many other bands out there that if you slack off and release mediocre material your audience will disappear...
I'll have to agree with Wyv. That 1 song that leaked a few weeks back was great, but the rest of the album just doesn't stack up. It was disappointing given that I've spent the last month largely re-listening to Awake, Images and TOT. :zombie:

I think my English is definitively bad or maybe didn't explained myself in a proper way. The songs that leaked (like you called them) are the BAD ones of the album. The rest is very good and unlike SOE and Sixxi I'm not burnt out with them and I will definitively pick the album (already put the special edition on wish list). So basically I'm disagreeing with you Brandon :D

Now unlike Rush (and I give that to Sixxi) the new DT album with its fails does coagulate with the rest of the DT material, specially the newer one. Rush on the other hand came with a nice but mediocre album for a band with such career and prestige, and even if it's better than the boredomfest "Vapor Trails" it doens't come closer to even "Counterparts". But since I already bought it I hope it'll grow up on me :saint:

NP: Gary Moore - 'Shape Of Things'
Dream Theater. Well, I stopped listening and buying the records after Scenes from a memory. They got a bit to, er, contemporary and perfect for my tastes. But it may also be their God-like status within the progmetal scene that is sort of tiresome and off-putting after a while.

Ever been to a non-DT progmetal gig and listened to the conversations? 'Lame band, not DT at all'. 'DT would do that so much better.' 'Let's go to the bar, it's not Portnoy and Petrucci up there.'
You bet 97% of them have never heard of Spiral Architect, Power Of Omens, Payne's Gray, Digital Ruin, the mighty WatchTower or checked out current bands such as Polaris, Estrum, Sun Caged, Meyvn, Outworld.
There's such a wealth of AMAZING progmetalbands out there, DT are just one of them.

Aw heck, I should dust off When dream and day unite and post accolades.:)
There's such a wealth of AMAZING progmetalbands out there, DT are just one of them.

Aw heck, I should dust off When dream and day unite and post accolades.:)
Anyway... Fates Warning or Psychotic Waltz > DT and all their clones combined :D

That being said, I still like and respect DT for what they've acheived ("Wait for Sleep" is my mobile phone ringtone ;)), I'm just tired of a part of their hardcore fan base which smells wrong elitism.
Agreed too I love DT but they're NOT the only or the best band. Maybe the most famous, maybe the one that set the prog revival in motion, but are several others much interesting even if their playing is not as "superb" as the guys in DT.

I recommend Spastic Ink, Kurgan's Bane, Beyond The Labyrinth, Ark, Bozzio/Levin/Stevens, Gordian Knot, Karmakanic, Mastermind, Planet X and my favorites these days The Tangent and The Flower Kings.

P.S. And of course Ayreon!
I am eagerly awaiting this release and can't wait to see them in concert in July!
It's another great release from these guys. It's really all over the place and that's how I like it. Can't wait to pick up the 5.1 release with the DVD! :headbang:

Wyv, DT is on Roadrunner now and they are a metal label. Of coarse they are going to promote the heavier stuff first. Try to grab some new fans. I actually love both of those songs myself. I'm sure forsaken will be the second single anyway. Very catchy tune!
Well, listened to it, and I feel its a spectacular release. Strong competition for Symphony X, it could well be the album of the year for me.
After giving James Labrie's solo album a few spins, this album was a lot easier to stomache for me the second time around. I've gotta say it's grown on me and I really like it now. Not album of the year for me but at least in my top 10.
After giving James Labrie's solo album a few spins, this album was a lot easier to stomache for me the second time around. I've gotta say it's grown on me and I really like it now. Not album of the year for me but at least in my top 10.

Last LaBrie's album was unlistenable to me, worst than TOT. I though the whole band lost their mind. "Octavarium" and "Score XX" returned my faith in the band, and I have listend the new one like 6-7 times already and I'm going to buy it but its not the album of the year not even remotely.

NP: Crystal Ball - 'He Came To Change The World'
*BUMP* Official release is almost here... I have not heard a single note off of the new album yet... can't wait to get my hands on it! :)
After several passes through the donwloaded material, I'm definitively going to buy the album with a high probability to skip 1-2 songs out of it. But 'The Ministry of Lost Souls' owns the album by all means, so even in a tightrope they still go for me :D

NP: Freedom Call - 'United Alliance'
OK-got the album Friday... it is a gem! Forsaken almost made me cry, the melody is so gorgeous!

I am really loving this album, except for track #6, it friggin sounds like a disco song :ill: otherwise very happy with this effort. I am surprised not that many people are talking about this fab release.
awesome record....particulary "Repentance".

I couldn't stand this band during the "Awake" - "Change of Seasons" era but I have really grown to love them! I love every record they've released after "Seasons". (and have even learned to 'accept' LaBrie's voice which, admittedly, has gotten much more acceptable over the years).
OK-got the album Friday... it is a gem! Forsaken almost made me cry, the melody is so gorgeous!

I am really loving this album, except for track #6, it friggin sounds like a disco song :ill: otherwise very happy with this effort. I am surprised not that many people are talking about this fab release.

My copy is on the way, but 'Prophets Of War'is not bad especially compared to the horrible 'The Dark Eternal Night' and the Metallica wannabe 'Constant Motion'. So far my fave is 'The Ministry Of Lost Souls'. But again a proper spinning is in order when my copy arrives.

NP: Planet X - 'Snuff'