Dreams of Turisas

what about a mod doing now sth on here, but no, of course nothing happens. yay. lovely ´n´ fair world.
He was only joking. Come on, he didn't mean it in a negative way... ;)

The split second I saw that picture for was enough to set my heart racing and my hands shaking. I don't think he realises just how much they affect me, if he did he there's no way he could NOT have done that in a negative way. The only way I can look at this thread is to open the page, click the scroll bar, close my eyes and shoot it to the bottom of the page. I can't look at them, I can't hear them without having serious panic attacks
I write to you from the floor, because I am lying on it at this very moment.
I ended up on my gray long-fibred carpet, face-down, because I fell of my chair out of pure laughter after reading Cari's latest addition to this fair thread.


@ Katie. Share your story, Olli will read it and understand. And I have to admit I am intrigeud by it all...
*hands katie a restorative chocolate bun*

Lesson #1: Never mention phobias with Olli around...and I certainly won't be after that :lol:
You may have mentioned it at some point.

Did I mention these buns have Nutella in t'middle?

*gets stuck in*

change that nutella for plain chocolate spread (I don't like nuts) and I'll love you forever... oooh I'll also add a microwave to heat them up and some squirty cream for extra epicness

chocolate <3


Chocolate cures most problems... well it does if you're a girl, it seems to be wasted on men... so you can't have any! hehe :p *does childish ner ner ne-ner ner*