Dreams of Turisas

to hide unter the paint XD

lets somewhen give him a pink wig to see if it would suit him XD *hides*
he at least should...or at least hides his fear quite well when he sees us all face to face ^^

or did he look scared when you met him, katie?
Haha when he met me he recognised me off the forum, I apologised to him for going off topic, he said he didn't care because it was dead anyway... then he proceeded to scare the hell out of me and Mika. Come to think about it, carry on with the pink wig stuff, he deserves to be scared!!!
no, not amusing, I have a phobia of circular saws (and I mean actual phobia, not a pathetic 'omg i'm scared of spiders' thing. I seize up, instinctively start to curl up into a ball, can't breathe properly, shake uncontrollably, cry) Olli thought it'd be fun to make the noise of one, and Mika's scared of ketchup so he chased her around the table with a bottle of ketchup