

Feb 28, 2006
Hello (fellow) Novembre fans, I have a serious question for you: if I have Dreams..., is the debut unnecessary to get? I have heard that it is practically the same material just better producted and re-released so that more people would hear it. So, is it unessential in my Novembre collection?

All "for"'s and "against"'s welcome!
I have both, and would recommend getting 'wish'. there's certain qualities it possesses that "dreams" does not. Sure the production and vocals are better on "dreams", but for some reason i like 'wish' more. Its got a different "feel" to it, can't really describe it, i guess you'd just have to hear it to know. I'm sure plenty of other people on here could explain it better than i can. Now the hard part is finding a copy of the "wish" they pop on ebay from time to time. Just keep checkin back on it, and you'll get one eventually.

once you get 'wish' you can be cool and underground like me cause i listen to novembre and everyone else likes opeth :lol: hehe j/k... just poking fun at someone else :loco:
wish seems more fresh, dreams is not bad, but still prefer the debut... i got the "wish i could dream it again" mp3 when they were released free through the website along with arte novecento
In my opinion, Wish is far better because it's more spontaneous, it keeps the out-of-tune parts and the special feeling of the band moving from Catacomb's sound to Novembre one, while Dreams sounds more like Materia maybe, and though it's obviously good it lacks a little the link with the spirit of the original album... anyway I should listen again both, it's been a long time I don't hear them :D
I prefer the atmosphere from Wish and the warm production, it's so inspiring...the remake was only released for those who couldn't get into it when it was released as Wish and, in my view, they only made it to piss off century media; I prefer a lot better Wish, but I agree with Pierrot, it's not very pleasurable at times.. I still can enjoy it...
The original version of 'Wish I...' is a MUST HAVE RECORD. I have it since many years and prefer it to the more recent 'Dreams D'Azur' I strongly recommend everyone to get it, if you may find it.
As for 'Chrystal', perhaps I prefer the latest version.
But 'Wish I...' is great, though the artwork is poorer than 'Dreams...' and in some songs Carmelo is completely out of tune and also makes mistakes with the English pronunciation :) Still nowadays, when I meet some friends, we're used to sing some songs from 'Wish I...' with his completely out of tune singing :D It's his style by now and I just love it so much.
I had 'Wish' downloaded as well when it was the only way to get that album and 'Arte Novocento', but it was on my friend's computer and we moved apart many years ago. I can't really remember what it was like, but I do enjoy 'Dreams D'Azur', but probably a little less than 'Classica' and certainly not as good as 'Novembrine Waltz' which is a miracle album.
I have the original 'Wish...' and I have to say that the out-of-tune vocals render it almost unlistenable. It has however many good moments and overall it's a nice addon to otherwise great discograpy. On Arte Novecento Carmelo, thank god, sings much better and it's a darn good album if you ask me. :)
samoniac said:
I have the original 'Wish...' and I have to say that the out-of-tune vocals render it almost unlistenable. It has however many good moments and overall it's a nice addon to otherwise great discograpy. On Arte Novecento Carmelo, thank god, sings much better and it's a darn good album if you ask me. :)

Totally agree, It's my fave album!!! You gotta get your hands on the Live in Caserta bootleg, Carmelo sings Homecoming in such a way that's way better than on the album!:)
Malaclypse said:
got my hands on arte novecento on the gig this weekend :D

Same here! Or actually it was on the gig in Finland couple of weeks ago. I was like WTF there's Arte Novecento, the album I've been desperate to find for years, lying on the desk, only waiting for me to buy it. I could almost hear it chanting me. :D

The gig was wonderful! As was Katatonia, whom Novembre was warming up.
So there are copies of Art Novecento floating around at gigs etc? Too bad there's no where to buy it anymore online.
like in many other things...is wrong to try to classify things as better or not then others...
To me it is important to understand the different nature of events and feelings, that brings life to be as it is...

TO ME we love Novembre for the emotions that born from the Natural Melanconic Sea Spirit of Carmelo...

when I start Crying cause of Will's notes is beacause every sound sounds someway familiar and Mine...

I think that this comes from the authenticity of the emotions that Carmelo writes...

"Wish I" was composed when they were young, when heart was uncontrolled by the mind , when the emotions were new and Violent and Pure and Painfull...
And all their music was like "permeate" from this Pain...

the pain that every adolescent live...that aid him to grow up.

"Wish I" is filled with these emotions ... is an album very "true" and spontaneous , so for all the people that hear their songs with an open heart there is the occasion to find something in common with our lives...
and that's were we start loving them...cause of their nearing feelings with ours...

"Dream D'Azur" is an album from the second novembre generation as Classica and Novembrine Waltz where they keep on eye the necessity to became more "international" doing everything on english language ... being present in the international world...Cleaning their sounds...becaming the novembre we were used to know till they arrived with this "third generation" album that is Materia...
Where they seem's to be more relaxed...
the interior calm that cames from the knowledge and the acceptation of their own feelings ... an acquired serenity ... as the path of life proceed ...