Drudkh - Blood In Our Wells

Holy shit.... that keyboard part around the 3:22 mark... sort of sounds like "Mourning Palace"!

EDIT: I'm getting chills listening to this
Since I've ordered the album, I'm not going to listen to the sample but I hope you guys realize how much you're hyping this....I'm feeling a stirring in my loins.

"Drudkh's Christmas Album" -- haha, I can only imagine the song titles: Silent White, Jingle Jews, 12 Days of Holocaust, etc.
I was about to order this from FMP but Paypal doesn't seem to want to put the $37.56 in my Paypal account towards the $36 purchase. Any idea why?
JayKeeley said:
Since I've ordered the album, I'm not going to listen to the sample but I hope you guys realize how much you're hyping this....I'm feeling a stirring in my loins.

"Drudkh's Christmas Album" -- haha, I can only imagine the song titles: Silent White, Jingle Jews, 12 Days of Holocaust, etc.

Supernal is pretty much the cheapest UK distro at what equals basically $17.50 a CD. Fucking ridiculous how much cheaper other countries are.

And Supernal are awful, in my experience.
dill_the_devil said:
LOL - cheers Erik - I've ordered a grand total of 1 (one) CD online in my entire life (Agalloch - Pale Folklore, in case anyone cares), and that was from Supernal. So, yeah, I'm a tit.

So what, you get everything from shops? Doesn't that cost you an arm and a leg?